Zaki Baridwan
Zaki Baridwan
Doctorate in Accounting Information System, University of Brawijaya
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Intermediate accounting
Z Baridwan
AA YKPN, 1992
Perilaku kecurangan akademik mahasiswa akuntansi: Dimensi Fraud Triangle
A Fitriana, Z Baridwan
Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma 3 (2), 242-254, 2012
The role of taxpayer’ s perception of the government and society to improve tax compliance
TW Damayanti, T Sutrisno, I Subekti, Z Baridwan
Accounting and Finance Research 4 (1), 180-180, 2015
Trust and uncertainty orientation: An efforts to create tax compliance in social psychology framework
TW Damayanti, I Subekti, Z Baridwan
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 211, 938-944, 2015
Pengaruh kepercayaan, persepsi kegunaan, persepsi kemudahan, dan persepsi kenyamanan terhadap minat penggunaan sistem internet banking
SSA Tjini, SE Zaki Baridwan
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB 1 (2), 2012
Determinants of behavior intention of accounting information systems based information technology acceptance
IWB Diatmika, G Irianto, Z Baridwan
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2 (8), 125-138, 2016
The effect of working experience, integrity, competence, and organizational commitment on audit quality (Survey state owned companies in Libya)
MS Bouhawia, G Irianto, Z Baridwan
IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) 6 (4), 60-67, 2015
An empirical study on organizational acceptance accounting information systems in Sharia banking
MS Khairi, Z Baridwan
The international journal of accounting and business society 23 (1), 97-122, 2015
Determinan perencanaan pajak dan perilaku kepatuhan wajib pajak badan
MA Syakura, Z Baridwan
Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma 5 (2), 185-201, 2014
Audit quality: does time pressure influence independence and audit procedure compliance of auditor?
FA Amalia, S Sutrisno, Z Baridwan
Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, 2019
The effect of audit competence, independence, and professional skeptism on audit quality with auditor’s ethics as moderation variables
A Puspitasari, Z Baridwan, AF Rahman
International Journal of Business, Economics and Law 18 (5), 135-144, 2019
The influence of perceived usefulness, ease of use, attitude, self-efficacy, and subjective norms toward intention to use online shopping
S Ramadania, Z Braridwan
Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Lampung, 2019
Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Likuiditas, Leverage, dan Corpo-Rate Governance Terhadap Kecurangan Laporan Keuangan, Serta Financial Distress Sebagai Variabel Intervening
AA Nugroho, Z Baridwan, E Mardiati
Media Trend 13 (2), 219-240, 2018
Penerimaan sistem e-commerce: pengaruh kepercayaan, persepsi manfaat dan persepsi risiko
P Saraswati, SE Zaki Baridwan
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB 1 (2), 2012
Minat individu terhadap penggunaan internet banking: Pendekatan modified theory of planned behavior
RG Panggalih
Universitas Brawijaya, 2013
Analisis Determinan Sistem Informasi E-Ticketing: Pendekatan Extended Theory Of Planned Behaviour
F Kinanti, Z Baridwan
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB 1 (1), 2012
Effect of fairness and knowledge on tax compliance for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
AR Pertiwi, S Iqbal, Z Baridwan
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478 …, 2020
Analisis keperilakuan individu terhadap implementasi sistem informasi akuntansi: model penerimaan dan kesuksesan sistem informasi berbasis teknologi
Z Baridwan
Universitas Brawijaya, 2012
Pengaruh pengetahuan, modernisasi strategi direktoral jenderal pajak, sanksi perpajakan dan religiusitas yang dipersepsikan terhadap kepatuhan perpajakan
S Rahmawaty
Universitas Brawijaya, 2014
Effect of Competence, Independence, Time Pressure and Professionalism on Audit Quality (Inspeção Geral Do Estado in Timor Leste)
M Pinto, R Rosidi, Z Baridwan
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 7 (8 …, 2020
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Articles 1–20