Hendro Prasetyono
Hendro Prasetyono
Doktor Manajemen Pendidikan
Email yang diverifikasi di unindra.ac.id
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Academic supervision toward teacher’s performance through motivation as intervening variable
H Prasetyono, A Abdillah, D Fitria
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) 12 (2), 188-197, 2018
Improvement of Teacher's Professional Competency in Strengthening Learning Methods to Maximize Curriculum Implementation.
H Prasetyono, A Abdillah, T Djuhartono, IP Ramdayana, L Desnaranti
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 10 (2), 720-727, 2021
Pengaruh servant leadership, komitmen organisasi dan lingkungan fisik terhadap kinerja guru
H Prasetyono, IP Ramdayana
Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan 8 (2), 108-123, 2020
Peningkatan kinerja guru SMK melalui lingkungan kerja dengan mengoptimalkan efektifitas kepemimpinan dan komitmen tugas
H Prasetyono, IP Ramdayana, W Estiningsih
Jurnal Manajemen Dan Supervisi Pendidikan 4 (3), 255-266, 2020
Manajemen Perubahan Di Era Digital: Tantangan Dan Peluang Bagi Adaptasi Organisasi
A Rizal, SN Kahfi, H Prasetyono
BULLET: Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu 2 (4), 933-941, 2023
Character-based economic learning implementation and teacher’s reinforcement on student’s affective competence in minimizing hoax
H Prasetyono, A Abdillah, T Widiarto, H Sriyono
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan 37 (3), 2018
Pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi terhadap organizational citizenship behavior karyawan
RR Ismaillah, H Prasetyono
Sosio E-Kons 13 (2), 129-137, 2021
Graduate Program Evaluation in the Area Leading Educational, Outlying and Backward.
H Prasetyono
Journal of Education and Practice 7 (36), 109-116, 2016
Identification of the decline in learning outcomes in statistics courses using the chi-squared automatic interaction detection method
H Prasetyono, A Abdillah, T Anita, A Nurfarkhana, A Sefudin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1490 (1), 012072, 2020
Evaluation of the implementation of Batik-skills training program
H Prasetyono, D Kurniasari, L Desnaranti
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education) 5 (2), 130-143, 2019
The Difference of Enterprises Taxpayers Compliance after Tax Amnesty
D Fitria, A Abdillah, H Prasetyono, ID Cahyo, B Burhanudin
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan 12 (1), 86-99, 2019
Penguatan komite pembelajaran program sekolah penggerak
H Prasetyono, A Nurfahana, IP Ramdayana, T Anita, N Hikmah
Jurnal PkM (Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat) 5 (2), 155-164, 2022
Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMKN 1 Depok dan SMKS YAPAN Indonesia
A Nurfarhana, A Abdillah, H Prasetyono
Research and development journal of education 4 (1), 2017
Peningkatan konsep diri terhadap prestasi belajar siswa (Studi kasus di SMK Walisongo Jakarta)
H Prasetyono
Research and Development Journal of Education 1 (1), 49-59, 2020
Meningkatkan innovative work behaviour guru di sekolah penggerak melalui work engagement dan servant leadership
H Prasetyono, R Vhalery, IP Ramdayana, S Salmin, WP Anggraini
Research and Development Journal of Education 8 (2), 791-800, 2022
Innovative Work Behavior Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
IP Ramdayana, H Prasetyono
JUPEIS: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial 1 (1), 60-69, 2022
The Effect of Scientific Approach to the Activity of Learning Students in SMPN 25 Tangerang City
S Saputra, H Prasetyono
Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran) 4 (1), 20-30, 2020
Implementasi Balanced Scorecard di Koperasi Karyawan dan Dosen Universitas Indraprasta PGRI (UNINDRA)
A Sefudin, H Prasetyono, A Sasmoko
JABE (Journal of Applied Business and Economic) 1 (1), 31-46, 2017
Pengaruh Sosialisasi Dan Penerapan E-System Perpajakan Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Pada KPP Pratama Jagakarsa
A Adawiyah, H Prasetyono
JABE (Journal of Applied Business and Economic) 8 (1), 42-55, 2021
Pengaruh Reinforcement Guru Terhadap Kompetensi Afektif Siswa Sma Jakarta Timur Dalam Meminimalisir Berita Hoax
A Abdillah, H Prasetyono
Research and Development Journal of Education 5 (1), 03-10, 2019
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