Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO
Sudarmanto Budi NUGROHO
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Demand-side solutions to climate change mitigation consistent with high levels of well-being
F Creutzig, L Niamir, X Bai, M Callaghan, J Cullen, J Díaz-José, ...
Nature Climate Change 12 (1), 36-46, 2022
Summary for policymakers
AR Shukla, J Skea, A Reisinger, R Slade, R Fradera, M Pathak, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Transport (Chapter 10)
P Jaramillo, S Kahn Ribeiro, P Newman, S Dhar, OE Diemuodeke, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2022
The influence of BRT on the ambient PM10 concentration at roadside sites of Trans Jakarta Corridors
SB Nugroho, A Fujiwara, J Zhang
Procedia Environmental Sciences 2, 914-924, 2010
Determinants of energy savings in Indonesia: The case of LED lighting in Bogor
R Nakano, E Zusman, S Nugroho, RL Kaswanto, N Arifin, A Munandar, ...
Sustainable Cities and Society 42, 184-193, 2018
An empirical analysis of the impact of a bus rapid transit system on the concentration of secondary pollutants in the roadside areas of the TransJakarta corridors: A structural …
SB Nugroho, A Fujiwara, J Zhang
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 25, 655-669, 2011
Transport. In IPCC, 2022: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on …
P Jaramillo, SK Ribeiro, P Newman, S Dhar, O Diemuodeke, T Kajino, ...
Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, 2022
Analysis of paratransit drivers' stated job choice behavior under various policy interventions incorporating the influence of captivity: A case study in Jabodetabek …
G Li, J Zhang, SB Nugroho, TN Linh, A Fujiwara
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Vol. 8 …, 2011
Explaining the spread of online taxi services in Semarang, Bogor and Bandung, Indonesia; a discrete choice analysis
SB Nugroho, E Zusman, R Nakano
Travel Behaviour and Society 20, 358-369, 2020
The effect of prepaid electricity system on household energy consumption–the Case of Bogor, Indonesia
SB Nugroho, E Zusman, R Nakano, K Takahashi, K Koakutsu, ...
Procedia engineering 198, 642-653, 2017
Governing sustainable low‐carbon transport in I ndonesia: An assessment of provincial transport plans
A Jaeger, SB Nugroho, E Zusman, R Nakano, R Daggy
Natural Resources Forum 39 (1), 27-40, 2015
de la Rue du Can S, Saheb Y, Some S, Steg L, Steinberger J, Ürge-Vorsatz D (2021b) Demand-side solutions to climate change mitigation consistent with high levels of Well-being …
F Creutzig, L Niamir, X Bai, M Callaghan, J Cullen, J Díaz-José, ...
Exploring influential factors on transition process of vehicle ownership in developing Asian city, A case study in Bogor city Indonesia
SB Nugroho, E Zusman, R Nakano, K Takahashi, RL Kaswanto, HS Arifin, ...
2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2017
Global Environment Outlook-GEO-6: Summary for Policymakers
P Ekins, J Gupta, P Boileau
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Circulating and ecological economy—regional and local CES: an IGES proposal
K Takeuchi
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, 2019
Low carbon paratransit in Jakarta, Indonesia: Using econometric models to improve the enabling environment
SB Nugroho, E Zusman
Case studies on transport policy 6 (3), 342-347, 2018
Low carbon governance in Indonesia and India: A comparative analysis with recommendations
R Nakano, E Zusman, SB Nugroho, A Jaeger, N Janardhanan, M Muchtar, ...
Procedia engineering 198, 570-588, 2017
Exploring variation of trip fares by taxi-like paratransits services in Jakarta city: A multilevel analysis
SB Nugroho, M Chikaraishi, A Fujiwara, J Zhang, G Li
Proceeding of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board …, 2012
Bivariate probit model of on-road emission measurement of passenger cars in Jakarta City
SB Nugroho, A Fujiwara, J Zhang, M Senbil
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Vol. 6 …, 2007
A deep reinforced learning spatiotemporal energy demand estimation system using deep learning and electricity demand monitoring data
S Maki, M Fujii, T Fujita, Y Shiraishi, S Ashina, K Gomi, L Sun, ...
Applied Energy 324, 119652, 2022
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Articles 1–20