Narendra Kurnia Putra
Narendra Kurnia Putra
Assistant Professor at Engineering Physics Dept., Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Cited by
Multiobjective design optimization of stent geometry with wall deformation for triangular and rectangular struts
NK Putra, PS Palar, H Anzai, K Shimoyama, M Ohta
Medical & biological engineering & computing 57 (1), 15-26, 2019
Endothelial cell distributions and migration under conditions of flow shear stress around a stent wire
H Anzai, T Watanabe, X Han, NK Putra, Z Wang, H Kobayashi, M Ohta
Technology and Health Care 28 (4), 345-354, 2020
M Elfani, NK Putra
International Journal of Technology 4 (1), 2013
Structural Design and Numerical Analysis of a Novel Biodegradable Zinc Alloy Stent.
K Peng, A Qiao, M Ohta, NK Putra, X Cui, Y Mu, H Anzai
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 117 (1), 2018
Comparative study between different strut’s cross section shape on minimizing low wall shear stress along stent vicinity via surrogate-based optimization
NK Putra, PS Palar, H Anzai, K Shimoyama, M Ohta
Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization: Proceedings of …, 2018
Reproduction method for dried biomodels composed of poly (vinyl alcohol) hydrogels
Y Shimizu, NK Putra, M Ohta
Scientific reports 8 (1), 5754, 2018
Development of Ultrasound Phantom Made of Transparent Material: Feasibility of Optical Particle Image Velocimetry
MSS Hashuro, S Tupin, NK Putra, K Daibo, K Inoue, T Ishii, ...
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 49 (6), 1385-1394, 2023
Endothelial cell distribution after flow exposure with two stent struts placed in different angles
Z Wang, NK Putra, H Anzai, M Ohta
Frontiers in Physiology 12, 733547, 2022
Dynamic modeling and simulation of the suspended-load backpack to obtain optimal suspension parameters and reducing effect of ground reaction force
NK Putra, Suprijanto, AB Sriwarno
6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2010). August 1-6, 2010 Singapore …, 2010
Quantitative image analysis of periapical dental radiography for dental condition diagnosis
A Ayuningtiyas, NK Putra, E Juliastuti, L Epsilawati
2013 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications …, 2013
Stent design optimization based on Kriging surrogate model under deformed vessel wall: pulsatile inlet flow
NK Putra, PS Palar, H Anzai, K Shimoyama, M Ohta
2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and …, 2017
Image analysis for correlation between dental panoramic and MicroCT to measure bone density
H Prafiadi, NK Putra
2013 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications …, 2013
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis to Predict Endothelial Cells Migration During Flow Exposure Experiment With Placement of Two Stent Wires
NK Putra, Z Wang, H Anzai, M Ohta
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2018
From Design to Performance: 3D Printing-Enabled Optimization of Low-Cost Droplet Microfluidics
I Anshori, FZ Sarwono, MA Fa’iq, NK Putra, J Suwardy, A Purwidyantri, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023
Embedded System for Image Reconstruction in Electrical Resistance Tomography
LF Wiranata, NK Putra, D Kurniadi
2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and …, 2023
Design of Soft Pneumatic Actuator in Hand Rehabilitation Robot with FEM-Based Modeling
T Fidinillah, AG Risangtuni, NK Putra, V Virdyawan, S Suprijanto, SM Putri
2023 8th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and …, 2023
A Fast Virtual Stenting Simulation Framework For Lattice-Based Flow Diverter Stent Design Exploration and Evaluation
B Nainggolan, NK Putra
2021 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation …, 2021
Analisis Interaksi Aliran Darah dan Pembuluh Serta Pengaruh Kebebasan Mesh Pada Simulasi Hemodinamik Berbasis Metode Elemen Hingga
NK Putra, B Nainggolan, J Muliany, S Suprijanto
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 4 (2), 54-60, 2020
Effect of a notch at the distal end of a microcatheter on vein deformation in segmental adrenal venous sampling: a preliminary study using computational fluid dynamics
T Kinoshita, K Seiji, NK Putra, T Watanabe, S Matsumoto, M Ohta, ...
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2019
In search for a better stent: Surrogate based multi-objective optimization of stent design under influence of vessel wall deformation
NK Putra, PS Palar, H Anzai, K Shimoyama, M Ohta
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2017
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Articles 1–20