Benito Heru Purwanto
Benito Heru Purwanto
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Impact of intensive agricultural management on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the humid tropics
BH Purwanto, S Alam
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 66 (1), 50-59, 2020
Peran Mikroba Starter Dalam Dekomposisi Kotoran Ternak dan Perbaikan Kualitas Pupuk Kandang (The Role of Microbial Starter in Animal Dung Decomposition and Manure Quality …
C Agus, E Faridah, D Wulandari, BH Purwanto
Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan 21 (2), 179-187, 2014
Pengaruh kualitas bahan organik dan kesuburan tanah terhadap mineralisasi nitrogen dan serapan N oleh tanaman ubikayu di Ultisol
A Wijanarko, BH Purwanto, D Indradewa
Perkebunan dan Lahan Tropika 2 (2), 1-14, 2012
Efektivitas amelioran pada lahan gambut terdegradasi untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan serapan NPK tanaman jagung manis (Zea mays L. var. saccharata)
E Maftu’ah, A Maas, A Syukur, BH Purwanto
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 41 (1), 2013
Kelarutan fosfat dan ferro pada tanah sulfat masam yang diberi bahan organik jerami padi
A Fahmi, B Radjagukguk, BH Purwanto
Journal of Tropical Soils 14 (2), 119-125, 2019
Physiological responses of oil palm seedlings to the drought stress using boron and silicon applications.
ETS Putra, I Issukindarsyah, T Taryono, BH Purwanto
The distribution of soil morphological characteristics for landslide-impacted Sumbing Volcano, Central Java-Indonesia
A Noviyanto, J Sartohadi, BH Purwanto
Geoenvironmental Disasters 7 (1), 25, 2020
Lower concentrations of microelements in leaves of citrus infected with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’
Y Masaoka, A Pustika, S Subandiyah, A Okada, E Hanundin, B Purwanto, ...
Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ 45 (3), 269-275, 2011
Methane and CO2 fluxes from an Indonesian peatland used for sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) cultivation: Effects of fertilizer and groundwater level management
A Watanabe, BH Purwanto, H Ando, K Kakuda, FS Jong
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 134 (1-2), 14-18, 2009
Effects of green manure application and prolonging mid-season drainage on greenhouse gas emission from paddy fields in Ehime, Southwestern Japan
Y Toma, N Nufita Sari, K Akamatsu, S Oomori, O Nagata, S Nishimura, ...
Agriculture 9 (2), 29, 2019
Nutrient availability and response of sago palm (Metroxylon sago Rottb.) to controlled release N fertilizer on coastal lowland peat in the tropics
BH Purwanto, K Kakuda, H Ando, JF Shoon, Y Yamamoto, A Watanabe, ...
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 48 (4), 529-537, 2002
The growth performance of oil palm seedlings in pre-nursery and main nursery stages as a response to the substitution of NPK compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer.
C Adileksana, P Yudono, BH Purwanto, RB Wijoyo
Physiological characters and tomato yield under drought stress
AT Sakya, E Sulistyaningsih, D Indradewa, BH Purwanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 200 (1), 012043, 2018
Interaction of peat soil and sulphidic material substratum: role of peat layer and groundwater level fluctuations on phosphorus concentration
A Fahmi, B Radjagukguk, BH Purwanto
Journal of Tropical Soils 19 (3), 171-179, 2015
Improved Corn Yields When Humic Acid Extracted from Composted Manure Is Applied to Acid Soils with Phosphorus Fertilizer
BH Purwanto, P Wulandari, E Sulistyaningsih, SNH Utami, S Handayani
Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 1-12, 2021
Kinetic Parameters of Gross N Mineralization of Peat Soils as Related to the Composition of Soil Organic Matter
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 1, 109- 115, 2005
Sifat fisik, kimia dan FTIR spektrofotometri gambut hidrofobik Kalimantan Tengah
SNH Utami, A Maas, B Radjagukguk, BH Purwanto
Journal of Tropical Soils 14 (2), 159-166, 2019
Penambatan nitrogen dan penghasilan indol asam asetat oleh isolat-isolat Azotobacter pada pH rendah dan aluminium tinggi
F Isminarni, S Wedhastri, J Widada, BH Purwanto
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan 7 (1), 23-30, 2007
Effect of Plant Spacing and Organic Fertilizer Doses on Methane Emission in Organic Rice Fields.
AM Abduh, E Hanudin, BH Purwanto, SNH Utami
Environment & Natural Resources Journal 18 (1), 2020
N2O-N emissions from organic and conventional paddy fields from Central Java, Indonesia
A Rahmawati, S De Neve, BH Purwanto
Procedia Environmental Sciences 28, 606-612, 2015
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Articles 1–20