Totok Suhardijanto
Totok Suhardijanto
Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia
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Karya Tulis Ilmiah Sosial: Menyiapkan, Menulis, dan Mencermatinya
YY Winarto, T Suhardijanto, MC Ezra
Tata bahasa acuan bahasa Indonesia untuk penutur asing
D Kentjono, FA Datang, T Suhardiyanto, A Candrayani
Jakarta: Wedatama Widya Sastra, 2004
UniMorph 4.0: universal morphology
K Batsuren, O Goldman, S Khalifa, N Habash, W Kieraś, G Bella, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.03608, 2022
Sigmorphon 2021 shared task on morphological reinflection: Generalization across languages
T Pimentel, M Ryskina, SJ Mielke, S Wu, E Chodroff, B Leonard, G Nicolai, ...
SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and …, 2021
A term-based cross-cultural computing system for multilingual analysis with phonological-semantic vector spaces
T Suhardijanto, AR Barakbah, Y Kiyoki
Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXIII, 20-38, 2012
Indonesian lexical bundles in research articles: Frequency, structure, and function.
A Budiwiyanto, T Suhardijanto
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 10 (2), 2020
Kamus Ungkapan Bahasa Indonesia
MS Mahayana, T Suhardijanto, Nuradji
Kamus Ungkapan Bahasa Indonesia 1, 1997
A Corpus-based Analysis of the Terminology of the Social Sciences and Humanities
S Yuliawati, T Suhardijanto, RS Hidayat
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 175 (1), 012109, 2018
Korpus beranotasi: Ke arah pengembangan korpus bahasa-bahasa di Indonesia
T Suhardijanto, A Dinakaramani
Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, 2018
Corpus-based Analysis of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Representations in Republika.
SR Yanita, T Suhardijanto
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 28 (1), 2020
Frequency and structure of Indonesian lexical bundles on academic prose in legal studies: A driven-corpus approach
A Budiwiyanto, T Suhardijanto
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Recent …, 2020
Corpus Linguistics and Corpus-Based Research and Its Implication in Applied Linguistics: A Systematic Review
AMS Al-Hamzi, A Gougui, YS Amalia, T Suhardijanto
Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education 10 (2), 176-181, 2020
Building a Collaborative Workspace for Lexicography Works in Indonesia
T Suhardijanto, A Dinakaramani
Electronic Lexicography 5, 2017
Future directions of context modelling and cross-cultural communication
A Heimbûrger, Y Kiyoki, H Jaakkola, T Suhardijanto
Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXIII, 399-411, 2012
Jalan Bahasa pelajaran Praktis Tata Bahasa Indonesia
D Puspitorini, T Suhardiyanto, U Yuwono
Jakarta: Wedatama Widya Sastra, 2005
Agramatisme pada afasia: kajian singkat terhadap empat penderita afasia Broca
T Suhardiyanto
Linguistik Indonesia 21, 309-320, 2003
The Framework of Multiword Expression in Indonesian Language
T Suhardijanto, R Mahendra, Z Nuriah, A Budiwiyanto
Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation 34 (ACL …, 2021
Tantangan dan Peluang Pengembangan BIPA di Masa Mendatang: Penguatan Dimensi-Dimensi BIPA
T Suhardijanto
Prosiding SEMAR BIPA 2016, 10-17, 2016
Jalan Bahasa: Pelajaran Praktis Tata Bahasa Bahasa Indonesia
D Puspitorini, T Suhardijanto, U Yuwono
Penaku, 2014
A culture-dependent metadata creation method for color-based impression extraction with cultural color spaces
T Suhardijanto, K Yasushi, AR Barakbah
Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXII, 333-343, 2011
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Articles 1–20