Dwi Setyawan
Dwi Setyawan
A/Prof of Soil Science, Sriwijaya University
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Cited by
Nutrient cycling index in relation to organic matter and soil respiration of rehabilitated mine sites in Kelian, East Kalimantan
D Setyawan, R Gilkes, D Tongway
Journal of Tropical Soils 16 (3), 2011
Burnscar analysis using normalized burning ratio (NBR) index during 2015 forest fire at Merang-Kepahyang peat forest, South Sumatra, Indonesia
AD Saputra, D Setiabudidaya, D Setyawan, M Khakim, I Iskandar
AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 2017
Validasi Areal Terbakar dengan Metode Normalized Burning Ratio Menggunkan UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle): Studi Kasus
AD Saputra, D Setiabudidaya, D Setyawan, I Iskandar
Jurnal Penelitian Sains 19 (2), 66-72, 2019
Mainstreaming Adaptation Climate Change into Strategic Environmental Assesment Case Study Banyuasin District, South Sumatra Province
Y Hamdani, D Setyawan, B Setiawan, AK Affandi
Journal of Sustainable Development 7 (6), 8-17, 2014
Soil development, plant colonization and landscape function analysis for disturbed lands under natural and assisted rehabilitation
D Setyawan
University of Western Australia, 2004
Pendugaan cadangan karbon gambut pada agroekosistem kelapa sawit
MB Prayitno, S Sabaruddin, D Setyawan, Y Yakup
Jurnal Agrista 17 (3), 86-92, 2013
Flood Hazard Analysis as Impact of Climate Change on Slum Areas in Palembang, South Sumatera
A heryana, D Setyawan, B Setiawan, DH Purnama
Journal of Sustainable Development 8 (1), 218-225, 2015
Respirasi Tanah sebagai Indikator Kepulihan Lahan Pascatambang Batubara di Sumatera Selatan
D Setyawan, H Hanum
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands 3 (1), 2014
Selection of sumatra elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus Temminck, 1847) toward habitat types and resources in wildlife sanctuary of padang sugihan, south sumatra province
R Rizwar, Z Dahlan, D Setyawan, I Yustian
Advances in Environmental Biology 8 (21), 403-411, 2014
Komposisi mineral Tanah-tanah yang telah lama disawahkan di daerah Tugumulyo, Sumatera Selatan
D Setyawan, Warsito
Jurnal Tanah Tropika 4 (8), 131-138, 1999
Perubahan beberapa sifat kimia tanah lahan pasang surut akibat budidaya tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.)
JV Auditha, D Budianta, D Setyawan
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal, 101-110, 2019
Landscape indicators and soil properties in a naturally rehabilitated mine waste dump, Western Australia.
D Setyawan, RJ Gilkes, DA Jasper
Acid Mine Drainage Prevention through the Dry Coating Method Using Fly Ash and Bottom Ash
HA Nugraha, D Setyawan, E Saleh
Ecological Engineering and Environmental Technology 25 (2), 102-111, 2024
Analisis Deskriptif Terhadap Curah Hujan Harian Kota Palembang
H Hanum, D Setyawan
Seminar Nasional Hari Air Sedunia 2 (1), 52-58, 2019
Urea application to enhance sugarcane trash decomposition: A field test in PTPN VII of Cinta Manis District in South Sumatera
KM Putri, D Setyawan, SJ Priatna
Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 35 (2), 180-190, 2020
Metode Klasifikasi Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Berbasis Citra Landsat 8 untuk Identifikasi Sebaran Kondisi Kesehatan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit di PT. Andira Agro …
RB Yurianda, D Setyawan, W Warsito
Jurnal Pedontropika: Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Sumber Daya Lahan 8 (2), 15-24, 2022
Pembinaan Tes Potensi Akademik Bagi Guru Dan Siswa Sma Inderalaya
H Hanum
Jurnal Pengabdian Sriwijaya 8 (1), 965-970, 2020
Emisi Karbon Lahan Gambut pada Agroekosistem Kelapa Sawit
MB Prayitno, S Sabaruddin, D Setyawan, Y Yakup
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands 3 (1), 2014
Prosedur Analisis Fungsi Lansekap untuk Menilai Tingkat Kepulihan Kondisi Lahan Revegetasi Pasca Tambang Batubara di Bukit Asam (Tanjung Enim)
D Setyawan, D Tambas, D Hanum
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan 8 (1), 1-7, 2008
Properties of some acidic soils from South Sumatra in relation to lime requirement, phosphate sorption and rock phosphate dissolution
D Setyawan
University of Western Australia, 1995
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Articles 1–20