Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry
USN Scientific Journal, Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
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Use of glycerol as cryoprotectants in freezing Sentul chicken semen
J Junaedi, RI Arifiantini, C Sumantri, A Gunawan
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 1 (2), 6-13, 2016
Use of old coconut water with various skim concentrations of milk as a diluent for kampong chicken semen
K Khaeruddin, S Srimaharani
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 4 (1), 24-29, 2019
Effect of bulls on birth rate and birth weight by using semi-intensive Bali cattle maintenance
AA Wawo
Chalaza J Anim Husb 3, 24-28, 2018
The Effect of fermentation feed combination with commercial feed on growth of super native chicken
H Husnaeni, J Junaedi, W Ningsi
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 4 (2), 54-58, 2019
The role of diluents in maintaining quality of bull sperm during freezing
H Hastuti, S Suparman
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 1 (2), 58-64, 2016
Analysis of The Carrying Capacity of Food Crop Follow-up As a Source of Ruminant Animal Feed In Kolaka Regency
MA Pagala, D Zulkarnain, MO Kasmin
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 6 (1), 12-20, 2021
Physiological response of reared Bali cattle based on different peat land characteristics
H Hermawansyah, S Salundik, R Priyanto
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 5 (1), 12-21, 2020
The quality of Kampung broiler (KB) chicken frozen semen with DMA concentrations on yolk lactate ringer diluent
J Junaedi, RI Arifiantini, C Sumantri
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 2 (2), 19-24, 2017
Digestibility and nutritional value of fermented straw supplemented with green concentrate as feed ingredients for Holstein Friesian dairy cattle
AH Fattah, K Khaeruddin
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 7 (1), 20-27, 2022
Hatching performance of Indonesian native chicken supplemented by L-Glutamine at different days of incubation
MR Hakim, D Daryatmo, DP Rahardja, W Pakiding
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 4 (1), 1-5, 2019
The effect of the combination of glucose concentration with the type of extenders on the quality of native rooster spermatozoa during storage
K Khaeruddin, M Amir
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 4 (2), 36-43, 2019
The effect of male age on the quality of Bali cattle fresh semen
N Nirwana, S Suparman
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 2 (2), 13-18, 2017
Analysis on different phases cycle in production of laying hens
H Arifin
Chalaza J. Anim. Husband 1 (2), 36-41, 2016
Percentage of carcass and protein content of breast meat of native chicken given apu-apu flour (Pistia stratiotes)
M Basri, M Nur Hidayat, R Rysny
Chalaza J. Anim. Hus 5, 22-28, 2020
Relationship of hatching egg weights with egg weight loss and DOC weights of chickens from bangkok male crossbreeding with pelung chicken broodstock
J Junaedi, H Husnaeni
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 5 (1), 35-39, 2020
Physical Quality Characteristics of Pure and Impure Trigona Bee Honey
N Nuraini, H Hastuti, H Husnaeni
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 6 (1), 27-32, 2021
Total of Escherichia coli excreta broiler given Enterococcus sp. as probiotics candidate of poultry
MN Hidayat, K Kiramang, F Gunawan
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 4 (1), 6-12, 2019
Effect of adding feed fermentation of sago pulp on the palatability of the peranakan Etawa
I Irwansyah, I Junaedi
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 4 (1), 13-17, 2019
The quality of nugget of broiler chicken meat with addition of sago flour (Metroxylon Sp.)
S Nurlela, H Hastuti, S Suparman
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 3 (2), 67-72, 2018
Review the productivity of Kampung chicken with Bangkok chicken on extensive system maintenance
J Junaedi, K Khaeruddin
Chalaza Journal of Animal Husbandry 3 (1), 1-4, 2018
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Articles 1–20