Theologia in Loco
Theologia in Loco
Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Theologi Jakarta, Indonesia
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Menuju Pelayanan Pastoral Yang Relevan dan Kontekstual
BYT Messakh
Theologia in Loco 1 (1), 22-40, 2018
Analisis Peran Hati Nurani dalam Surat-surat Paulus dan Etika Kristen
B Subandrijo
Theologia in Loco 2 (2), 220-238, 2020
Tata Ruang Dalam Gereja Yang Secara Liturgis Menarasikan Karya Allah.”
R Rachman
Jurnal Theologia in Loco 3, 43-61, 0
Kristosentrisme Pneumatik sebagai Tawaran Teologis bagi Spiritualitas Kaum Muda Gereja
AP Sunjaya
Theologia in Loco 4 (1), 39-64, 2022
Noh Ibrahim Boiliu dan Harun Y. Natonis, Pengantar Pendidikan Agama Kristen (Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia), 2021, 130 hlm.
EN Timo
Theologia in Loco 4 (1), 113-121, 2022
Tema Teologi Publik di Tengah Krisis
BJ Pakpahan
Theologia in Loco 2 (1), 1-7, 2020
Gambar Allah Menurut Kejadian 1: Sebuah Penolakan Terhadap Alienasi Subjek Dan Domistikasi Gambar Allah.”
TW Fangidae
Theologia in Loco 2 (1), 91-117, 2020
Liturgi Yang Sempurna Berpartisipasi Dalam Kehidupan: Tinjauan Kritis atas Praktik Berliturgi di Gereja dari Perspektif Trinitas
HA Gunawan
Theologia in Loco 1 (1), 1-1, 2018
The Kingdom of God as a Foundation for the Relationship between the Church and the World according to the Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg
AS Haward
Theologia in Loco 3 (2), 231-257, 2021
Engaging human sexuality: Creating safe spaces for LGBTIQ+ and straight believers in South Africa
S Palm, L Gaum
Theologia in Loco 3 (2), 205-230, 2021
The Story of Luth and the Crimes of Sodomites: A Cross-Textual of the Qur’an and the Bible
A Kristianto, DK Listijabudi
Theologia in Loco 3 (1), 82-115, 2021
Ketika Awam Membaca Sodom: Intercultural Hermeneutics terhadap Kisah Sodom dalam Kejadian 19
VS Setyono
Theologia in Loco 2 (2), 199-219, 2020
Baker, David L. Kekayaan dan Kemiskinan: Menelusuri Hukum Perjanjian Lama. Jakarta: Penerbit Bina Kasih, 2018, 286 hlm., ISBN: 978-602-1006-47-4.
AP Sitanggang
Theologia in Loco 2 (1), 122-126, 2020
Forgotten Souls: A Feminist Postcolonial Preaching on the Role of Women in Mission within an Indonesian Local Church Contemporary Narratives
MBA Lumintang
Theologia in Loco 4 (1), 91-112, 2022
The Holy Spirit and Good Governance in the Context of Pentecostal-Charismatic Church
MM Pranoto
Theologia in Loco 3 (2), 151-165, 2021
The Animality and Communio Creatorum: Critique and Proposal for Christian Theology
CB Meyok
Theologia in Loco 3 (2), 184-204, 2021
Living in the Eighth Day: The Christian Week and the Paschal Mystery
CSR Paledung
Theologia in Loco 3 (2), 262-271, 2021
Kepekaan Pastoral dalam Liturgi: Menuju Ibadah yang Berwajah Pastoral
BYT Messakh
Theologia in Loco 2 (2), 179-198, 2020
A Theological Reflection on Covid-19: Suffering Christ and the Paradigm of Discipleship in Mark 9:36-37
D Kristanto
Theologia in Loco 2 (2), 125-140, 2020
Theological or Political? The Search for Meaning of the Historical Struggle in the Nicene Constantinople Creed
RA Jonar
Theologia in Loco 2 (1), 49-72, 2020
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Articles 1–20