Universitas Padjajaran
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Korelasi antara tingkat kecukupan gizi dengan indeks massa tubuh siswa sekolah dasar kelas 4, 5, dan 6 Correlation between nutritional adequacy levels with body mass index of …
DA Gurnida, N Nur'aeny, DDL Hakim, FS Susilaningsih, DMD Herawati, ...
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students 4 (1), 43-50, 2020
Case report: severe COVID-19 and dengue in an Indonesian infant
A Alam, S Sudarwati, DDL Hakim, S Mahdiani
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104 (4), 1456, 2021
Infected open depressed skull fracture complicated with tetanus grade I in an unimmunized child: a rare case report with literature review
DDL Hakim, A Faried, A Nurhadiya, EH Laymena, MZ Arifin, A Imron, ...
International Journal of Emergency Medicine 14 (1), 25, 2021
Detection of dengue virus serotype 1 in central nervous system of a child in Bandung, West Java: a case report
DH Alisjahbana, S Nurmawati, DDL Hakim, M Milanti, YP Dewi, E Johar, ...
SAGE Open Medical Case Reports 9, 2050313X211034393, 2021
Relationship between aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index and liver injury in pediatric sepsis
R Godlief, DDL Hakim, D Prasetyo
Paediatrica Indonesiana 61 (3), 149-54, 2021
Gambaran Skor Apgar pada Seksio Sesarea Antara Anestesi Spinal dan Anestesi Umum di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Periode Januari–Juni 2019
MA Pratama, I Fuadi, DDL Hakim
Jurnal Anestesi Perioperatif 8 (1), 24-31, 2020
A screw in the left bronchus aspirated foreign body diagnosed after 4 years: a case report
DD Hakim, FJ Rahadian, D Somasetia, S Peryoga, F Meilyana
International Journal of Pediatrics 8 (2), 10899-10903, 2020
Waist circumference and waist-hip ratio as screening tools for hypertension in children aged 6–11 years
E Istiqomah, DA Gurnida, D Hilmanto, DDL Hakim, PN Fauziah
Paediatrica Indonesiana 59 (5), 265-70, 2019
Optic nerve sheath diameter and severity of central nervous infection
AP Dewi, DDL Hakim, SE Rahayuningsih, NA Risan, R Ghrahani, ...
Paediatrica Indonesiana 63 (5), 411-7, 2023
Korelasi Positif antara Neutrophil Lymphocyte Count Ratio dan C-Reactive Protein pada Pasien Sepsis Anak
A Zamany, DDL Hakim, D Setiabudi
Sari Pediatri 23 (1), 2021
Evaluasi Penyuluhan Nutrisi Seimbang Dan Pengenalan Sariawan Pada Siswa Di Sdn 1 Tempuran Karawang
N Nuraeny, IS Wahyuni, HS Witadiana, IW Panoramawati, DDL Hakim, ...
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2 (3), 2018
Karakteristik dengue berat yang dirawat di Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
DDL Hakim, H Garna, W Winiar
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung 44 (3), 147-151, 2012
The correlation between trauma and poor diet in oral ulceration: an online-based survey
N Nur'aeny, DA Gurnida, DDL Hakim, FS Susilaningsih, DMD Herawati
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia 6 (3), 111-116, 0
Inferior vena cava-aortic ratio measurement as a promising modality in assessing intravascular volume in children with sepsis
DDL Hakim, A Widiasta, CA Sari, MR Martiano
Pediatric Nephrology 39 (11), 3339-3346, 2024
Correlation between Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) and Immature-to-total Neutrophil (I/T) Ratio to Bacterial Infection among Children with Chronic Kidney Disease
G Puratmaja, A Alam, DDL Hakim, SE Rahayuningsih, DA Gurnida, ...
Althea Medical Journal 9 (3), 139-144, 2022
Factors affecting neurocognitive function in children with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review
EA Wijaya, P Solek, DDL Hakim, R Rossanti, A Widiasta, D Hilmanto
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease, 277-288, 2022
Metilasi DNA dan Mukosa Mulut
N Nuraeny, DDL Hakim, FS Susilaningsih, DMD Herawati, DA Gurnida
Sriwijaya Journal of Medicine 2 (2), 99-105, 2019
Response time, decision time, and delivery time in pediatric emergency unit of West Java top referral hospital
AS Oktaviani, DDL Hakim, S Suwarman
Althea Medical Journal 4 (3), 363-368, 2017
Kadar D-Dimer Plasma sebagai Prediktor Kematian Penderita Pneumonia Usia 2–59 Bulan
R Saraswati, DDL Hakim, H Garna
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung 44 (1), 57-62, 2012
Correlation Between the Inferior Vena Cava/Aorta (Ivc/Ao) Ratio and Serum Lactate Levels in Children With Renal Disorder
DDL Hakim, A Widiasta, D Rachmadi, SE Rahayunigsih, PR Apandi, ...
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease, 43-51, 2025
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