Ali Sadiyoko
Ali Sadiyoko
Mechatronics Engineering, Parahyangan University
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Industry 4.0 ancaman, tantangan atau kesempatan
A Sadiyoko
Oratio Dies XXIV FTI Unpar, 1-36, 2017
Penggunaan Technology Acceptance Model Sebagai Dasar Usulan Perbaikan Fasilitas Pada Layanan Mobile Internet
A Sadiyoko, C Tesavrita, I Suhandi
The design of a maze solving system for a micromouse by using a potential value algorithm
B Arthaya, A Sadiyoko, A Hadiwidjaja
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 5 (3), 509, 2006
Mamdani Based Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Wheeled Mobile Robot with Obstacle Avoidance Capability
A Najmurrokhman, U Komarudin, A Sadiyoko, TY Iskanto
2019 International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Systems …, 2019
Industry 4.0: Ancaman, tantangan atau kesempatan? Sebuah introspeksi menyambut kemajuan teknologi saat ini
A Sadiyoko
Fakultas Teknologi Industri-UNPAR, 2017
The Propagation of Psychological Variables in Crowd: Simulation Results
A Sadiyoko, TB Riyanto, K Mutijarsa
2012 Sixth Asia Modelling Symposium, 59-64, 2012
Energy-based modeling and swing up control synthesis of an inverted pendulum system
J Chandra, TA Tamba, A Sadiyoko
2019 International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Systems …, 2019
Industry 4.0: Pengaruhnya terhadap Rencana Strategis Pengembangan Jangka Panjang Teknik Mekatronika UNPAR
A Sadiyoko, CF Naa
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol Dan Instrumentasi 10 (2), 485860, 2018
Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan Respon Institusi Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
CF Naa, A Sadiyoko
Jurnal Pendidikan Penabur 17 (31), 59-71, 2018
Consensus Algorithm for Obstacle Avoidance and Formation Control
A Sadiyoko, B Riyanto T, K Mutijarsa, W Adiprawita
10th Asian Control Conference 2015, 830-835, 2015
Pendampingan Program Technocreator dan Perancangan Kurikulum Ekstrakurikuler Robotik untuk SMAK 1 BPK Penabur Bandung: Technocreator Program Support and Robotic Extracuricular …
L Halim, CF Naa, B Arthaya, N Saputro, A Sadiyoko
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 9 (3), 523-529, 2024
Application of Pigeon Inspired Optimization for Multi-dimensional Knapsack Problem
F Setiawan, A Sadiyoko, C Setiardjo
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2 …, 2020
Obstacle Avoidance Method for a Group of Humanoids Inspired by Social Force Model
A Sadiyoko, BR Trilaksono, K Mutijarsa, W Adiprawita
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 6 (2), 67-74, 2015
Identifikasi Karakteristik Wirausaha Muda UNPAR
CB Nawangpalupi, A Sadiyoko, N Setyamichelle, F Soedjito
Research Report-Engineering Science 2, 2015
The Implementation of Consensus Algorithm on a Group of Humanoid Robots with Varying Network Topologies
A Sadiyoko, H Septanto, O Sudjana, BT Riyanto
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 6 (4), 755, 2014
Experimental Study of Concensus Algorithm on a Group of Humanoid Robots
A Sadiyoko
Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 8, 2012
Dinamika Kerumunan Manusia Menggunakan Model Gaya Sosial (Sebuah Tinjauan Pustaka)
A Sadiyoko, BR Trilaksono, K Mutijarsa
Seminar Nasional & Workshop Pemodelan & Perancangan Sistem, 1-6, 2011
Increasing the Acceptance and On-Line Transaction of an E-Commerce Site Using Technology Acceptance Model
A Sadiyoko, C Tesavrita, R Kurniawan
Proceedings of National Seminar on Applied Technology, Science, and Arts, 2009
Design of AMR prototype and motion algorithm for mapping an unknown maze
B Arthaya, A Sadiyoko, R Wijaya K
Engineering and Architecture Division Instituto Technologico y de Estudios …, 2006
Switching stabilizing controller design for an inverted pendulum system platform
J Chandra, TA Tamba, A Sadiyoko
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 22 (4 …, 2024
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Articles 1–20