Utjok WR Siagian
Utjok WR Siagian
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Cited by
Membrane-based carbon capture technologies: Membrane gas separation vs. membrane contactor
UWR Siagian, A Raksajati, NF Himma, K Khoiruddin, IG Wenten
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 67, 172-195, 2019
Membrane fouling and fouling mitigation in oil–water separation: A review
PD Sutrisna, KA Kurnia, UWR Siagian, S Ismadji, IG Wenten
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (3), 107532, 2022
A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategies
H Waisman, C Bataille, H Winkler, F Jotzo, P Shukla, M Colombier, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (4), 261-268, 2019
Pedoman penyelenggaraan inventarisasi gas rumah kaca nasional
KL Hidup
Buku II 1, 2012
Low-carbon energy development in Indonesia in alignment with Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) by 2030
UWR Siagian, BB Yuwono, S Fujimori, T Masui
Energies 10 (1), 52, 2017
High-performance ultrafiltration membrane: Recent progress and its application for wastewater treatment
UWR Siagian, K Khoiruddin, AK Wardani, PTP Aryanti, IN Widiasa, G Qiu, ...
Current Pollution Reports, 1-15, 2021
The extraction of hydrocarbons from crude oil by high pressure CO2
UWR Siagian, RB Grigg
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, SPE-39684-MS, 1998
Good practice policies to bridge the emissions gap in key countries
LB Baptista, R Schaeffer, HL van Soest, P Fragkos, PRR Rochedo, ...
Global Environmental Change 73, 102472, 2022
Oilfield produced water reuse and reinjection with membrane
UWR Siagian, S Widodo, AK Wardani, IG Wenten
MATEC web of conferences 156, 08005, 2018
Equitable, affordable, and deep decarbonization pathways for low-latitude developing cities by rooftop photovoltaics integrated with electric vehicles
RG Dewi, UWR Siagian, B Asmara, SD Anggraini, J Ichihara, T Kobashi
Applied Energy 332, 120507, 2023
Post-2020 Climate Action
S Fujimori, T Hasegawa, T Masui, M Kainuma
Springer Singapore, 2017
Understanding and Exploiting Four-Phase Flow in Low-Temperature CO2 Floods
RB Grigg, UWR Siagian
SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, SPE-39790-MS, 1998
The potential of biomass residues as energy sources in Indonesia
S Dewi, U Siagian
Jakarta: LIPI, 1992
Pathways to deep decarbonizing agriculture, forest and other land uses sector in Indonesia
R Boer, UWR Siagian, RG Dewi, GE Ginting, I Hendrawan, BB Yuwono
Paris, France, 2016
A novel approach of H2S Corrosion Modeling in Oil/Gas production Pipeline
UW R. Siagian, HPS Siregar, RK Santoso, DD Salam, S Sumarli
International Petroleum Technology Conference, IPTC-18148-MS, 2014
From waste to resource: Membrane technology for effective treatment and recovery of valuable elements from oilfield produced water
UWR Siagian, L Lustiyani, K Khoiruddin, S Ismadji, IG Wenten, ...
Environmental Pollution 340, 122717, 2024
The impacts of CO2 flooding on crude oil stability and recovery performance
KF Hartono, AK Permadi, UWR Siagian, ALL Hakim, S Paryoto, AH Resha, ...
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 14 (1), 107-123, 2024
Pathways to deep decarbonization in Indonesia
UWR Siagian, RG Dewi, R Boer, I Hendrawana, BB Yuwono, GE Ginting
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Institute for …, 2015
Advances in membrane bioreactor: High performance and antifouling configurations
UWR Siagian, K Khoiruddin, YP Ting, R Boopathy, IG Wenten
Current Pollution Reports 8 (2), 98-112, 2022
Indonesia Second Biennial Update Report Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
R Boer, RG Dewi, M Ardiansyah, UW Siagian, A Gunawan, AY Masri, ...
Indonesia, 2018
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Articles 1–20