Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem
Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Harvard Kennedy School
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Cited by
Seducing for truth and justice: Civil society initiatives for the 1965 mass violence in Indonesia
SL Wahyuningroem
Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 32 (3), 115-142, 2013
Towards post-transitional justice: the failures of transitional justice and the roles of civil society in Indonesia
SL Wahyuningroem
JSEAHR 3, 124, 2019
Peran Perempuan dan Era Baru di Nangroe Aceh Darussalam
SL Wahyuningroem
Antropologi Indonesia, 2014
Youth political participation and digital movement in Indonesia: the case of# ReformasiDikorupsi and# TolakOmnibusLaw
SL Wahyuningroem, R Sirait, U Uljanatunnisa, D Heryadi
F1000Research 12, 543, 2024
Working from the margins: Initiatives for truth and reconciliation for victims of the 1965 mass violence in Solo and Palu
SL Wahyuningroem
The Indonesian Genocide of 1965: Causes, Dynamics and Legacies, 335-356, 2018
Sosialisasi Mekanisme Pemilu Dan Menghindari Hoaks Kepada Pemilih Pemula Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Partisipasi Pemilih Pada Pemilu 2024 Di Sma Negeri 66 Jakarta
AJ Kusuma, SL Wahyuningroem, MCA Setiawan
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2 (2), 40-45, 2022
Civil society in the Global South
P Kamruzzaman
Routledge, 2018
From State to Society: Democratisation and the Failure of Transitional Justice in Indonesia
SL Wahyuningroem
PhD diss., Australian National University, 2018
Masalah-Masalah Partai Politik Indonesia
SL Wahyuningroem
PARAPOLITIKA: Journal of Politics and Democracy Studies 2 (1), 102-139, 2021
Transitional Justice from state to civil society: Democratization in Indonesia
SL Wahyuningroem
Routledge, 2019
Justice denied?
SL Wahyuningroem
Inside Indonesia 125, 18, 2016
Breaking the promise: Transitional justice between tactical concession and legacies of authoritarian regime in Indonesia
SL Wahyuningroem
International Journal of Transitional Justice 16 (3), 406-421, 2022
Gerakan Perempuan di Aceh Pasca Tsunami: Sejauhmana Tantangan dan Peluang
S Kamaruzzaman
Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem and others 2008, 139-151, 2008
Masyarakat Politik, Agregasi Kepentingan dan Penguatan Demokrasi di Indonesia: Studi Kasus Bali dan Maluku
SL Wahyuningroem
Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik 12 (2), 236-251, 2021
Keluar dari ekstremisme: delapan kisah" hijrah" dari kekerasan menuju binadamai
I Ali-Fauzi, DA Kartika
PUSAD Paramadina, 2018
Young Citizens' Political Participation and Digital Society in Challenging Democracies: A Case Study from Indonesia's Movements
SL Wahyuningroem, D Heryadi, R Sirait
KnE Social Sciences, 154–163-154–163, 2022
Taking Policy Seriously: What Should the Indonesian Government Do to Strengthen the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission?
HP Wiratraman, SL Wahyunungroem, MK Wardaya, DP Simatupang
PETITA 5, 14, 2020
Penerapan Syari’at Islam dan Kehidupan Perempuan di Aceh’
N Ismail
Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem and others 2008, 23-34, 2008
Perempuan Aceh Bicara
SL Wahyuningroem, Z Djohar, S Fortuna
UNIFEM, Bangkok, 2008
The KKR Aceh and transitional justice in Aceh
J Melvin, I Fernida, SL Wahyuningroem, A Pohlman
ANU Press, 2023
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Articles 1–20