Firmansyah Dlis
Firmansyah Dlis
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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Defense warm-up exercise material for 13-age athlete using video technology in covid-19 era
A Okilanda, F Dlis, H Humaid, DD Putra, A Arisman, M Muslimin
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9 (4), 629-634, 2021
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Atletik Nomor Lari Berbasis Permainan Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar
AS Hidayat, F Dlis, S Hanief
Penerbit CV. Sarnu Untung, 2021
Improved VO2Max: the effectiveness of basic soccer training at a young age
R Bahtra, M Asmawi, F Dlis
Int. J. Hum. Mov. Sports Sci 8, 97-102, 2020
Effect of circuit and interval training on VO2max in futsal players
MS Taufik, Y Setiakarnawijaya, F Dlis
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 21, 2283-2288, 2021
Development of SMASH skills training model on volleyball based on interactive multimedia
M Suhairi, M Asmawi, J Tangkudung, A Hanif, F Dlis
International Association of Online Engineering, 2020
Cooperative Learning Vs Direct Teaching in Basketball: Effects on Junior High School Students Basic Techniques
F Faozi, F Dlis, S Samsudin, S Hambali, DN Riyadi
International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 7 (Special …, 2024
Perbedaan pengaruh metode latihan dan motivasi berlatih terhadap teknik dasar sepakbola sekolah sepakbola beji timur U-13
A Okilanda, F Dlis, H Humaid, DD Putra
Jurnal Educatio Fkip Unma 6 (1), 80-89, 2020
Interactive multimedia development in futsal basic techniques
MI Iqbal, MA Asmawi, JT Tangkudung, FD Dlis, SA Saputra
Journal of Education, Health and Sport 9 (10), 121-131, 2019
Perspektif Olahraga Indonesia Menuju Olimpiade 2032
F Dlis, K Kuswahyudi, M Bisa, B Bachtiar, AT Lestari, B Acha, CA Motto, ...
CV. NAKOMU, 2021
Variation of volleyball basic technique through games approach
SA Risma, F Dlis, S Samsudin
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation 9 (2 …, 2020
Sosiologi olahraga
F Dlis
Malang: Wineka Media, 2015
Physical education survey during the COVID-19 pandemic in Eastern Indonesia
R Nurulfa, CA Motto, F Dlis, J Tangkudung, J Lubis, J Junaidi
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9 (4), 668-675, 2021
The effect at muscle power arm, hand-eye coordination, flexibility and self confidence upon badminton smash skill
M Akbari, F Dlis, W Widiastuti
Jipes-journal of indonesian physical education and sport 4 (1), 57-64, 2018
Trends in scientific publication of traditional game learning models in physical education and sports in Indonesia: A bibliometric analysis
J Alpen, F Dlis, L Apriani, E Kurniawan, D Sofyan
Journal Sport Area 7 (2), 214-226, 2022
Games-Based Needs Analysis of Futsal Skill Exercise for Junior High School Student
M Asshagab, F Dlis, W Widiastuti
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation 9 (2), 91-95, 2020
Sosialisasi budaya hidup sehat dan senam kebugaran untuk warga Kepulauan Seribu
F Dlis, A Halim, A Haqiyah, N Hidayah, DN Riyadi
MADDANA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 1 (1), 8-12, 2020
Application of sport science on development of exercise model strokes badminton based on footwork
F Dlis, A Haqiyah, N Hidayah, D Riyadi
Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning 4 (2), 251-256, 2019
The Smash Ability in Volleyball Games: The experimental study of teaching style and motor ability
A Halim, J Tangkudung, F Dlis
Journal of Education, Health and Sport 9 (12), 87-100, 2019
Sahabuddin.(2022). Smash Training Model in Badminton Game in College Students of the Faculty of Sports Science, Makassar State University
M Ishak, M Asmawi, J Tangkudung, F Dlis
International Journal of Science and Society 4 (2), 209-221, 0
A Study of Learning Physical Fitness Activities Based on Traditional Balinese Sports Games for Students’ Physical Fitness
I Kusuma, M Asmawi, H Hernawan, F Dlis, W Widiastuti, IN Kanca
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9 (5), 1029-1039, 2021
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Articles 1–20