Ahmad Sulaeman, A Sulaeman
Ahmad Sulaeman, A Sulaeman
Professor of Food Safety and Nutrition, Community Nutrition, Gizi Masyarakat-FEMA-IPB, Bogor
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Carotenoid content of selected Indonesian fruits
B Setiawan, A Sulaeman, DW Giraud, JA Driskell
Journal of food composition and analysis 14 (2), 169-176, 2001
Carotenoid content and physicochemical and sensory characteristics of carrot chips deep‐fried in different oils at several temperatures
A Sulaeman, L Keeler, DW Giraud, SL Taylor, RL Wehling, JA Driskell
Journal of food science 66 (9), 1257-1264, 2001
Pengolahan Pangan Tingkat Rumah Tangga
SA Marliyati, A Sulaeman, F Anwar
Depdikbud, Ditjen Dikti, PAU Pangan dan Gizi-IPB, 1992
Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of stingless bee propolis from Indonesia
A Sulaeman, SA Marliyati, M Fahrudin
Journal of Apicultural Science 63 (1), 139-147, 2019
Carotenoid content, physicochemical, and sensory qualities of deep-fried carrot chips as affected by dehydration/rehydration, antioxidant, and fermentation
A Sulaeman, L Keeler, SL Taylor, DW Giraud, JA Driskell
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 49 (7), 3253-3261, 2001
Changes in carotenoid, physicochemical and sensory values of deep‐fried carrot chips during storage
A Sulaeman, L Keeler, DW Giraud, SL Taylor, JA Driskell
International journal of food science & technology 38 (5), 603-613, 2003
Kajian bioaktif dan zat gizi propolis Indonesia dan Brasil
E Halim, H Hardinsyah, N Sutandyo, A Sulaeman, M Artika, Y Harahap
Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan 7 (1), 1-7, 2012
Kebiasaan makan sayur dan buah ibu saat kehamilan kaitannya dengan konsumsi sayur dan buah anak usia prasekolah
R Febriana, A Sulaeman
Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan 9 (2), 2014
Pengembangan produk minuman jeli ekstrak daun hantap (Sterculia oblongata R. Brown) sebagai alternatif pangan fungsional
A Pamungkas, A Sulaeman, K Roosita
Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan 9 (3), 2014
Pemanfaatan tepung sukun (Artocarpus altilis sp.) pada pembuatan aneka kudapan sebagai alternatif makanan bergizi untuk PMT-AS
DP Pratiwi, A Sulaeman, L Amalia
Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan 7 (3), 175-180, 2012
Preliminary studies of the immunomodulator effect of the propolis Trigona spp extract in a mouse model.
N Kalsum, A Sulaeman, B Setiawan, IWT Wibawan
IOSR Journal of Agric. And Vet. Sci. 10 (2), 75-80, 2017
Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activities of ethanol extract of stingless bee propolis from Indonesia
AH Mulyati, A Sulaeman, SA Marliyati, M Rafi, AM Fikri
AIP Conference Proceedings 2243 (1), 2020
Carbohydrate-electrolyte characteristics of coconut water from different varieties and its potential as natural isotonic drink
S Intan Kailaku, A Nur Alam Syah, R Risfaheri, B Setiawan, A Sulaeman
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2015
Effects of red dragon fruits (Hylocereus polyrhizus) powder and swimming exercise on inflammation, oxidative stress markers, and physical fitness in male obesity rats (Sprague …
TC Maigoda, A Sulaeman, B Setiawan, IWT Wibawan
IJSBAR 25 (1), 123-41, 2016
Aplikasi serbuk wortel sebagai sumber β-karoten alami pada produk mi instan
SA Marliyati, A Sulaeman, MP Rahayu
Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan 7 (2), 127-134, 2012
Phytochemical profiles of propolis Trigona Spp from three regions in Indonesia using GC-MS.
N Kalsum, A Sulaeman, B Setiawan, IWT Wibawan
J. Biol, Agric. And Health Care 6 (14), 31-37, 2016
Penambahan CPO dan RPO sebagai sumber provitamin A terhadap retensi karoten, sifat fisik, dan penerimaan gula kelapa
H Dwiyanti, H Riyadi, ED Rimbawan, AS TIP
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 24 (1), 2014
Pengembangan formula minuman olahraga berbasis tempe untuk pemulihan kerusakan otot
M Jauhari, A Sulaeman, H Riyadi, I Ekayanti
Agritech 34 (3), 285-290, 2014
Nutritional content and characteristics of pumpkin cream soup with tempeh addition as supplementary food for elderly
B Setiawan, SS Aulia, T Sinaga, A Sulaeman
International Journal of Food Science 2021 (1), 6976357, 2021
Pengembangan bee pollen snack bar untuk anak usia sekolah
Q Aini, A Sulaeman, T Sinaga
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 31 (1), 50-59, 2020
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Articles 1–20