Universitas Mulawarman, East Kalimantan, Indonesia & ASCEE, Section Indonesia
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Rainfall monthly prediction based on artificial neural network a case study in Tenggarong Station, East Kalimantan-Indonesia
MI Aipassa
Towards paddy rice smart farming: a review on big data, machine learning, and rice production tasks
R Alfred, JH Obit, CPY Chin, H Haviluddin, Y Lim
Ieee Access 9, 50358-50380, 2021
Lecturers’ understanding on indexing databases of SINTA, DOAJ, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, and Web of Science: A study of Indonesians
AS Ahmar, N Kurniasih, DE Irawan, DU Sutiksno, D Napitupulu, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 954 (1), 012026, 2018
Measure distance locating nearest public facilities using Haversine and Euclidean Methods
E Maria, E Budiman, M Taruk
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1450 (1), 012080, 2020
Sistem Informasi Website Fakultas Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Universitas Mulawarman
PP Widagdo, H Haviluddin, HJ Setyadi, M Taruk, HS Pakpahan
Prosiding SAKTI (Seminar Ilmu Komputer Dan Teknologi Informasi) 3 (2), 5-9, 2018
Aplikasi Program PHP dan MySQL
Haviluddin, TH Agus, R Dwi
© 2016. Mulawarman University Press 1, 1-80, 2016
Modeling data containing outliers using ARIMA additive outlier (ARIMA-AO)
AS Ahmar, S Guritno, A Rahman, I Minggi, MA Tiro, MK Aidid, S Annas, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 954 (1), 012010, 2018
Memahami Penggunaan UML (Unified Modelling Language)
Jurnal INFORMATIKA Mulawarman 6 (1), 1-14, 2011
Performance of decision tree C4. 5 algorithm in student academic evaluation
E Budiman, Haviluddin, AH Kridalaksana, M Wati, Purnawansyah
Computational Science and Technology: 4th ICCST 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia …, 2018
Implementasi Metode K-Means Untuk Pengelompokkan Rekomendasi Tugas Akhir
H Haviluddin, SJ Patandianan, GM Putra, N Puspitasari, HS Pakpahan
Informatika Mulawarman: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer 16 (1), 13-18, 2021
Forecasting infant mortality rate for China: a comparison between α-Sutte Indicator, ARIMA, and Holt-winters
N Kurniasih, AS Ahmar, DR Hidayat, H Agustin, E Rizal
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1028 (1), 012195, 2018
A Genetic-Based Backpropagation Neural Network for Forecasting in Time-Series Data
H Haviluddin, R Alfred
2015 International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech …, 2015
An interactive mobile augmented reality for tourism objects at Purbalingga district
I Tahyudin, DIS Saputra, H Haviluddin
TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering 16 (3), 559-564, 2015
Comparison between k-means and fuzzy C-means clustering in network traffic activities
Purnawansyah, Haviluddin, AFO Gafar, I Tahyudin
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Management Science …, 2018
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pembelian Notebook Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy Tahani
Hamdani, H Haviluddin, MS Abdillah
Jurnal Informatika Mulawarman 6 (3), 98-104, 2011
First-order feature extraction methods for image texture and melanoma skin cancer detection
M Wati, N Puspitasari, E Budiman, R Rahim
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1230 (1), 012013, 2019
Comparison of TCP variants in long term evolution (LTE)
M Taruk, E Budiman, HJ Setyadi
2017 5th international conference on electrical, electronics and information …, 2017
Integrated multi criteria decision making for a destitute problem
E Budiman, N Dengen, W Indrawan
2017 3rd International conference on science in information technology …, 2017
A Performance Comparison of Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Learning Time Series Data
H Haviluddin, A Rayner, HO Joe, AH Mohd Hanafi, AI Ag Asri
Advance Science Letters 21 (10), 3037-3041, 2015
Daily Network Traffic Prediction Based on Backpropagation Neural Network
H Haviluddin, R Alfred
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (AJBAS) 8 ((24), Special …, 2014
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