Ronny Purwadi
Ronny Purwadi
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Kinetic study of detoxification of dilute-acid hydrolyzates by Ca (OH) 2
R Purwadi, C Niklasson, MJ Taherzadeh
Journal of biotechnology 114 (1-2), 187-198, 2004
Supercritical water gasification of sewage sludge for power generation–thermodynamic study on auto-thermal operation using Aspen Plus
PM Ruya, R Purwadi, SS Lim
Energy Conversion and Management 206, 112458, 2020
A possible industrial solution to ferment lignocellulosic hydrolyzate to ethanol: continuous cultivation with flocculating yeast
R Purwadi, T Brandberg, MJ Taherzadeh
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 8 (9), 920-932, 2007
Enzyme feeding strategies for better fed-batch enzymatic hydrolysis of empty fruit bunch
YEC Sugiharto, A Harimawan, MTAP Kresnowati, R Purwadi, R Mariyana, ...
Bioresource Technology 207, 175-179, 2016
Apple juice concentration using submerged direct contact membrane distillation (SDCMD)
H Julian, F Yaohanny, A Devina, R Purwadi, IG Wenten
Journal of Food Engineering 272, 109807, 2020
Sustainable hydrogen production from oil palm derived wastes through autothermal operation of supercritical water gasification system
PM Ruya, SS Lim, R Purwadi, M Zunita
Energy 208, 118280, 2020
Continuous ethanol production from dilute-acid hydrolyzates: Detoxification and fermentation strategy
R Purwadi
Göteborg: Chalmers tekniska högskola, 2006
Microbial production of xylitol from oil palm empty fruit bunches hydrolysate: The effect of glucose concentration
E Mardawati, DW WIRA, M Kresnowati, R PURWADI, T SETIADI
Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 94 (8), 769-774, 2015
Large-scale pyrolysis of oil palm frond using two-box chamber pyrolyzer for cleaner biochar production
Y Bindar, S Steven, SW Kresno, P Hernowo, E Restiawaty, R Purwadi, ...
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 14 (5), 6421-6434, 2024
The performance of serial bioreactors in rapid continuous production of ethanol from dilute-acid hydrolyzates using immobilized cells
R Purwadi, MJ Taherzadeh
Bioresource technology 99 (7), 2226-2233, 2008
Harvesting of freshwater microalgae biomass by Scenedesmus sp. as bioflocculant
A Rinanti, R Purwadi
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 106 (1), 012087, 2018
Bioethanol production via syngas fermentation of clostridium ljungdahlii in a hollow fiber membrane supported bioreactor
ID Anggraini, MTAPK Keryanti, R Purwadi, R Noda, T Watanabe, T Setiadi
Chem. Eng 10, 481-490, 2019
Fungal production of xylanase from oil palm empty fruit bunches via solid state cultivation
E Mardawati, M Kresnowati, R Purwadi, Y Bindar, T Setiadi
Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol 8 (6), 2539-2546, 2018
Pengolahan awal lignoselulosa menggunakan amoniak untuk meningkatkan perolehan gula fermentasi
S Octavia, T H Soerawidjaja, R Purwadi, IDG Arsa Putrawan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia “Kejuangan” 2011, 2011
Increasing carbohydrate and lipid productivity in tropical microalgae biomass as a sustainable biofuel feed stock
A Rinanti, R Purwadi
Energy Procedia 158, 1215-1222, 2019
Evaluation of the enzymatic hydrolysis process of oil palm empty fruit bunch using crude fungal xylanase
E Mardawati, R Purwadi, M Kresnowati, T Setiadi
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (18), 5286-5292, 2017
Batik effluent treatment and decolorization—a review
N Zakaria, R Rohani, WHM Wan Mohtar, R Purwadi, GA Sumampouw, ...
Water 15 (7), 1339, 2023
Production of sustainable diesel via decarboxylation of palm stearin basic soaps
M Pratiwi, O Muraza, GF Neonufa, R Purwadi, T Prakoso, ...
Energy & Fuels 33 (11), 11648-11654, 2019
Bioethanol production via syngas fermentation
I Anggraini, MTAP Kresnowati, R Purwadi, T Setiadi
MATEC web of conferences 156, 03025, 2018
Solid state fermentation parameters effect on cellulase production from empty fruit bunch
V Wonoputri, S Subiantoro, MTAP Kresnowati, R Purwadi
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 13 (3), 553-559, 2018
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Articles 1–20