Althea Medical Journal
Althea Medical Journal
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran
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Effect of neem leaves extract (Azadirachta indica) on wound healing
NK Chundran, IR Husen, I Rubianti
Althea Medical Journal 2 (2), 199-203, 2015
Elderly profile of quality of life using whoqol-bref Indonesian version: A community-dwelling
AR Hidayati, S Gondodiputro, L Rahmiati
Althea Medical Journal 5 (2), 105-110, 2018
Exclusive and non-exclusive breastfeeding among stunted and normal 6–9 month-old-children in Jatinangor Subdistrict, Indonesia
VK Rusmil, TO Prahastuti, DE Luftimas, T Hafsah
Althea Medical Journal 6 (1), 35-41, 2019
A Study on knowledge, attitude and practice in preventing transmission of scabies in Pesantren Darul Fatwa, Jatinangor
MBM Yusof, S Fitri, Y Damopolii
Althea Medical Journal 2 (1), 131-137, 2015
Knowledge, attitude and practice of menstrual hygiene among high schools students in Jatinangor
M Balqis, IFD Arya, MNA Ritonga
Althea Medical Journal 3 (2), 230-238, 2016
Effect of Topical Application of Binahong [Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis] Leaf Paste in Wound Healing Process in Mice
G Kaur, NV Utami, HA Usman
Althea Medical Journal 1 (1), 6-11, 2014
Prevalence and predisposing factors of pediculosis capitis on elementary school students at Jatinangor
A Karimah, RMN Hidayah, A Dahlan
Althea Medical Journal 3 (2), 254-258, 2016
Level of activity daily living in post stroke patients
GD Whitiana, V Vitriana, A Cahyani
Althea Medical Journal 4 (2), 261-266, 2017
Prevalence and characteristics of low back pain among productive age population in Jatinangor
DD Novitasari, HA Sadeli, A Soenggono, Y Sofiatin, H Sukandar, ...
Althea Medical Journal 3 (3), 469-476, 2016
Relationship between Menstrual Profile and Psychological Stress with Dysmenorrhea
Maryam, MA Ritonga, Istriati
Althea Medical Journal 3 (3), 382-387, 2016
Role of exclusive breastfeeding in preventing diarrhea
H Rohmah, T Hafsah, LE Rakhmilla
Althea Medical Journal 2 (1), 78-81, 2015
Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Covid-19 Symptom-based Severity at Admission
M Fuad, A Oehadian, D Prihatni, M Marthoenis
Althea Medical Journal 8 (1), 1–6, 2021
Herniated Nucleus Pulposus in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Indonesia
A Ikhsanawati, B Tiksnadi, A Soenggono, NN Hidajat
Althea Medical Journal 2 (2), 179-185, 2015
Correlation between Body Mass Index and Body Fat Percentage
M Ilman, Y Zuhairini, A Siddiq
Althea Medical Journal 2 (4), 568-574, 2015
Correlation between Cognitive Functions and Activity of Daily Living among Post-Stroke Patients
K Prakoso, Vitriana, A Ong
Althea Medical Journal 3 (3), 329-333, 2016
Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis based on World Health Organization (ARIA-WHO) questionnaire among Batch 2010 Students of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran
Fauzi, M Sudiro, BW Lestari
Althea Medical Journal 2 (4), 619-625, 2015
Incidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia based on their characteristics at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Indonesia
NB Nurani, FA Kadi, T Rostini
Althea Medical Journal 4 (3), 431-434, 2017
Gastroprotective effect of carrot (Daucus carota L.) juice in rat models
WH Jiin, EM Hidayat, KA Lukman
Althea Medical Journal 1 (1), 35-39, 2014
Knowledge, attitude, and practices towards the COVID-19 pandemic among undergraduate students
J Limbong, K Kuswinarti, TDR Sitorus
Althea Medical Journal 8 (2), 70-76, 2021
Effect of Health Education Video on Knowledge about Stunting among Women in Childbearing Age
A Nuraini, P Sari, S Astuti, L Gumilang, D Didah
Althea Medical Journal 8 (1), 7–12, 2021
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Articles 1–20