Achmad Roesyadi
Achmad Roesyadi
Professor of Chemical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
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Degradation of chitosan by sonication in very-low-concentration acetic acid
E Savitri, SR Juliastuti, A Handaratri, A Roesyadi
Polymer Degradation and Stability 110, 344-352, 2014
Effects of ultrasound on the morphology, particle size, crystallinity, and crystallite size of cellulose
S Sumari, A Roesyadi, S Sumarno
Scientific Study & Research. Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology …, 2013
Palm oil transesterification in sub-and supercritical methanol with heterogeneous base catalyst
NP Asri, S Machmudah, K Budikarjono, A Roesyadi, M Goto
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 72, 63-67, 2013
Hydrocracking of Calophyllum inophyllum oil with non-sulfide CoMo catalysts
R Rasyid
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 10 (1), 61-69, 2015
Studi kinetika pembentukan karaginan dari rumput laut
D Fathmawati, MRP Abidin, A Roesyadi
Jurnal Teknik ITS 3 (1), F27-F32, 2014
Hydrocracking of Cerbera manghas oil with Co-Ni/HZSM-5 as double promoted catalyst
L Marlinda, M Al-Muttaqii, I Gunardi, A Roesyadi, DH Prajitno
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 12 (2), 167-184, 2017
Bio-kerosene and bio-gasoil from coconut oils via hydrocracking process over Ni-Fe/HZSM-5 catalyst
M Al-Muttaqii, F Kurniawansyah, DH Prajitno, A Roesyadi
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 14 (2), 309-319, 2019
Multi-Feedstock Biodiesel Production from Esterification of Calophyllum inophyllum Oil, Castor Oil, Palm Oil, and Waste Cooking Oil.
H Hadiyanto, AP Aini, W Widayat, K Kusmiyati, A Budiman, A Rosyadi
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 9 (1), 2020
HZSM-5 catalyst for cracking palm oil to gasoline: A comparative study with and without impregnation
A Roesyadi, D Hariprajitno, N Nurjannah, SD Savitri
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 7 (3), 185-190, 2013
Non catalytic transesterification of vegetables oil to biodiesel in sub-and supercritical methanol: A kinetic’s study
NP Asri, S Machmudah, W Wahyudiono, S Suprapto, K Budikarjono, ...
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 7 (3), 215-223, 2023
Biodiesel Production from Reutealis Trisperma Oil Using KOH Impregnated Eggshell as a Heterogeneous Catalyst
K Kusmiyati, D Prasetyoko, S Murwani, M Nur Fadhilah, TP Oetami, ...
Energies 12 (19), 3714, 2019
Effect of calcination at synthesis of Mg-Al hydrotalcite using co-precipitation method
NK Julianti, TK Wardani, I Gunardi, A Roesyadi
The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research 6 (1), 7, 2017
Zn-Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst for gasoil range hydrocarbon production by catalytic hydrocracking of ceiba pentandra oil
YW Mirzayanti, F Kurniawansyah, DH Prayitno, A Roesyadi
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 13 (1), 136, 2018
Hzsm-5 catalyst for cracking palm oil to biodiesel: A comparative study with and without pt and pd impregnation
A Budianto, DH Prajitno, A Roesyadi, K Budhikarjono
Scientific Study & Research. Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology …, 2014
Triglycerides hydrocracking reaction of nyamplung oil with non-sulfided CoMo/γ-Al2O3 Catalysts
R Rasyid
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 13 (3), 196-203, 2018
Catalytic hydrocracking of Kapuk seed oil (Ceiba pentandra) to produce biofuel using Zn-Mo supported HZSM-5 catalyst
YW Mirzayanti, DH Prajitno, A Roesyadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 67 (1), 012023, 2017
Pembuatan Biofuel dari Minyak Kelapa Sawit melalui Proses Hydrocracking dengan Katalis Ni-Mg/γ-Al2O3
APP Nugroho, D Fitriyanto, A Roesyadi
Jurnal Teknik ITS 3 (2), F117-F121, 2014
Pembuatan Biodiesel Dari Minyak Kelapa Sawit Dengan Katalis Padat Berpromotor Ganda Dalam Reaktor Fixed Bed
MI Anshary, O Damayanti, A Roesyadi
Jurnal Teknik Pomits, I (1), 1-4, 2012
Co-Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst for hydrocracking of Sunan candlenut oil (Reutealis trisperma (Blanco) airy shaw) for production of biofuel
M Al Muttaqii, L Marlinda, A Roesyadi, DH Prajitno
The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research 6 (2), 84, 2017
Hydrocracking of coconut oil over Ni-Fe/HZSM-5 catalyst to produce hydrocarbon biofuel
M Al-Muttaqii, F Kurniawansyah, DH Prajitno, A Roesyadi
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 19 (2), 319-327, 2019
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