Transparent and antimicrobial cellulose film from ginger nanofiber H Abral, J Ariksa, M Mahardika, D Handayani, I Aminah, N Sandrawati, ... Food Hydrocolloids 98, 105266, 2020 | 291 | 2020 |
Four New Bioactive Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers of the Sponge Dysidea herbacea from West Sumatra, Indonesia D Handayani, RA Edrada, P Proksch, V Wray, L Witte, RWM Van Soest, ... Journal of Natural Products 60 (12), 1313-1316, 1997 | 196 | 1997 |
Effect of ultrasonication duration of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) gel on characterizations of PVA film H Abral, A Atmajaya, M Mahardika, F Hafizulhaq, D Handayani, ... Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (2), 2477-2486, 2020 | 191 | 2020 |
Standarisasi ekstrak etanol daun Eugenia cumini Merr H Arifin, N Anggraini, D Handayani, R Rasyid J. Sains Tek. Far 11 (2), 88-93, 2006 | 186 | 2006 |
Highly transparent and antimicrobial PVA based bionanocomposites reinforced by ginger nanofiber H Abral, J Ariksa, M Mahardika, D Handayani, I Aminah, N Sandrawati, ... Polymer Testing 81, 106186, 2020 | 181 | 2020 |
Preparation of nano-sized particles from bacterial cellulose using ultrasonication and their characterization H Abral, V Lawrensius, D Handayani, E Sugiarti Carbohydrate Polymers 191, 161-167, 2018 | 126 | 2018 |
Antimicrobial edible film prepared from bacterial cellulose nanofibers/starch/chitosan for a food packaging alternative H Abral, AB Pratama, D Handayani, M Mahardika, I Aminah, ... International Journal of Polymer Science 2021 (1), 6641284, 2021 | 108 | 2021 |
New Oxygenated Sesquiterpenes from the Indonesian Soft Coral Nephthea chabrolii D Handayani, RA Edrada, P Proksch, V Wray, L Witte, L van Ofwegen, ... Journal of Natural Products 60 (7), 716-718, 1997 | 92 | 1997 |
Characterization of PVA/cassava starch biocomposites fabricated with and without sonication using bacterial cellulose fiber loadings H Abral, A Hartono, F Hafizulhaq, D Handayani, E Sugiarti, O Pradipta Carbohydrate Polymers 206, 593-601, 2019 | 90 | 2019 |
Characterization of compressed bacterial cellulose nanopaper film after exposure to dry and humid conditions H Abral, MK Chairani, MD Rizki, M Mahardika, D Handayani, E Sugiarti, ... journal of materials research and technology 11, 896-904, 2021 | 68 | 2021 |
Effect of nanofibers fraction on properties of the starch based biocomposite prepared in various ultrasonic powers H Abral, AS Anugrah, F Hafizulhaq, D Handayani, E Sugiarti, AN Muslimin International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 116, 1214-1221, 2018 | 54 | 2018 |
Characterization of disintegrated bacterial cellulose nanofibers/PVA bionanocomposites prepared via ultrasonication H Abral, M Mahardika, D Handayani, E Sugiarti, AN Muslimin International journal of biological macromolecules 135, 591-599, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of endophytic fungi isolated from mangrove plant Sonneratia alba Sm D Handayani, H Rivai, R Mulyana, N Suharti, R Rasyid, T Hertiani Journal of applied pharmaceutical Science 8 (2), 049-053, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Effect of heat treatment on thermal resistance, transparency and antimicrobial activity of sonicated ginger cellulose film H Abral, J Ariksa, M Mahardika, D Handayani, I Aminah, N Sandrawati, ... Carbohydrate polymers 240, 116287, 2020 | 44 | 2020 |
Comparative Study of the Physical and Tensile Properties of Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) Starch Film Prepared Using Three Different Methods H Abral, R Soni Satria, M Mahardika, F Hafizulhaq, J Affi, M Asrofi, ... Starch‐Stärke 71 (5-6), 1800224, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |
Antimicrobial activity screening of endophytic fungi extracts isolated from brown algae Padina sp. D Handayani, N Ananda, MA Artasasta, R Ruslan, O Fadriyanti, TE Tallei Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 9 (3), 009-013, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |
Antibacterial activity of endophytic fungi isolated from mangrove plant Sonneratia griffithii Kurz D Handayani, H Rivai, M Hutabarat, R Rasyid Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 7, 209-212, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Improving impact, tensile and thermal properties of thermoset unsaturated polyester via mixing with thermoset vinyl ester and methyl methacrylate H Abral, R Fajrul, M Mahardika, D Handayani, E Sugiarti, AN Muslimin, ... Polymer Testing 81, 106193, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Uji imunomodulator beberapa subfraksi ekstrak etil asetat Meniran (phyllanthus niruri [l]) pada mencit putih jantan dengan Metoda carbon clearance Y Aldi, N Ogiana, D Handayani B-Dent: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Baiturrahmah 1 (1), 70-82, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Anti-UV, antibacterial, strong, and high thermal resistant polyvinyl alcohol/Uncaria gambir extract biocomposite film H Abral, M Ikhsan, D Rahmadiawan, D Handayani, N Sandrawati, ... Journal of Materials Research and Technology 17, 2193-2202, 2022 | 30 | 2022 |