Dwi H. Widyantoro
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Learning user interest dynamics with a three‐descriptor representation
DH Widyantoro, TR Ioerger, J Yen
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 52 (3 …, 2001
An adaptive algorithm for learning changes in user interests
DH Widyantoro, TR Ioerger, J Yen
Proceedings of the eighth international conference on Information and …, 1999
A fuzzy ontology-based abstract search engine and its user studies
DH Widyantoro, J Yen
10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems.(Cat. No. 01CH37297) 3 …, 2001
An incremental approach to building a cluster hierarchy
DH Widyantoro, TR Ioerger, J Yen
2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2002. Proceedings., 705-708, 2002
Model virtual laboratory fisika modern untuk meningkatkan keterampilan generik sains calon guru
G Gunawan, A Setiawan, DH Widyantoro
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (JPP) 20 (1), 25-32, 2014
Relevant data expansion for learning concept drift from sparsely labeled data
DH Widyantoro, J Yen
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 17 (3), 401-412, 2005
Analisis sentimen dan ekstraksi topik penentu sentimen pada opini terhadap tokoh publik
I Sunni, DH Widyantoro
Jurnal Sarjana ITB bidang Teknik Elektro dan Informatika 1 (2), 2012
Feature expansion using word embedding for tweet topic classification
EB Setiawan, DH Widyantoro, K Surendro
2016 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and …, 2016
Alipes: A swift messenger in cyberspace
DH Widyantoro, J Yin, M El Nasr, L Yang, A Zacchi, J Yen
Proceedings of Spring Symposium Workshop on Intelligent Agents in Cyberspace …, 1999
Using fuzzy ontology for query refinement in a personalized abstract search engine
DH Widyantoro, J Yen
Proceedings Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International …, 2001
A fuzzy similarity approach in text classification task
DH Widyantoro, J Yen
Ninth IEEE international conference on fuzzy systems. FUZZ-IEEE 2000 (Cat …, 2000
Computational model for generating interactions in conversational recommender system based on product functional requirements
ZKA Baizal, DH Widyantoro, NU Maulidevi
Data & Knowledge Engineering 128, 101813, 2020
Aspect extraction in customer reviews using syntactic pattern
W Maharani, DH Widyantoro, ML Khodra
Procedia Computer Science 59, 244-253, 2015
An entropy-based adaptive genetic algorithm for learning classification rules
L Yang, DH Widyantoro, T Ioerger, J Yen
Proceedings of the 2001 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE Cat. No …, 2001
A framework of conversational recommender system based on user functional requirements
DH Widyantoro, ZKA Baizal
2014 2nd international conference on information and communication …, 2014
Traffic lights detection and recognition based on color segmentation and circle hough transform
DH Widyantoro, KI Saputra
2015 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICoDSE), 237-240, 2015
Incorporating fuzzy ontology of term relations in a search engine
D Widyantoro, J Yen
Proceedings of the BISC Int. Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and the Internet, 155-160, 2001
Measuring information credibility in social media using combination of user profile and message content dimensions
EB Setiawan, DH Widyantoro, K Surendro
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 10 (4), 3537, 2020
Design of knowledge for conversational recommender system based on product functional requirements
ZKA Baizal, DH Widyantoro, NU Maulidevi
2016 international conference on data and software engineering (ICoDSE), 1-6, 2016
Factors influencing user’s adoption of conversational recommender system based on product functional requirements
ZKA Baizal, DH Widyantoro, NU Maulidevi
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 14 (4 …, 2016
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