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Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu
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Determinan kesediaan masyarakat menerima vaksinasi Covid-19 di Sulawesi Tengah
DS Ichsan, F Hafid, K Ramadhan, T Taqwin
Poltekita: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 15 (1), 1-11, 2021
Specific interventions to prevent stunting in children under 2 years after the natural disaster
F Hafid, T Taqwin, L Linda, N Nasrul, K Ramadhan, B Bohari
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (E), 64-69, 2021
Determinan Kesediaan Masyarakat menerima Vaksinasi Covid-19 di Sulawesi Tengah. Poltekita: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 15 (1), 1–11
DS Ichsan, F Hafid, K Ramadhan, T Taqwin
Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif (Nanda Saputra, Ed.)
K Abdullah, M Jannah, U Aiman, S Hasda, Z Fadilla, M Taqwin, ...
Yayasan Penerbit Muhammad Zaini, 2022
Prevalence of Stunting among 10-Year Old Children in Indonesia
FE Taqwin, Kadar Ramadhan, Hadriani, Nasrul, Fahmi Hafid
Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 768-773, 2020
Senam Nifas Sebagai Alternatif Dalam Mempercepat Penurunan Tinggi Fundus Uterus Ibu Pasca Salin
Y Admasari
Jurnal Kesehatan Tambusai 3 (1), 199-204, 2022
Determinants of Community Willingness to Receive Covid-19 Vaccination in Central Sulawesi
DS Ichsan, F Hafid, K Ramadhan, T Taqwin
Poltekita: Journal of Health Sciences 15 (1), 1-11, 2021
Manfaat Media Flipchart dan Spanduk dalam Perilaku Kesehatan 1000 HPK di Sulawesi Tengah
N Nasrul, Z Zainul, F Hafid, T Taqwin
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Universitas Hasanuddin 14 (1), 52-60, 2018
Edukasi Penggunaan Masker dan Pembagian Masker Kain dalam Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 di Kota Palu: Education on the Use of Masks and Distribution of Fabric Masks for the …
F Hafid, E Faisal, S Sumiaty, M Muliani, AV Pont, SA Mangundap, ...
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 3 (1), 7-12, 2022
Peningkatan Minat Ibu Hamil Memberikan ASI Eksklusif melalui Promosi ASI Eksklusif: Increasing Interest of Pregnant Women in Providing Exclusive Breastfeeding through Promotion …
T Taqwin, L Linda, N Ifda
Jurnal Bidan Cerdas 4 (2), 111-119, 2022
Increasing mothers’ knowledge of infant and young child feeding through booklets in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
YSH Melangka, M Masudin, I Iwan, SM Hasan, T Sahe
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (E), 924-930, 2021
The Prevention Against Morbidity and Stunting Through Vitamin A Supplementation In Sigi and Touna Districts
N Nasrul, T Taqwin, F Hafid
Pontianak International Health Conference (PIHC), 317-25, 2017
The Effectiveness of Baby Massage in Stunting Prevention: Study Based on Body Length Gain in Infants aged 0–3 Months
T Taqwin, L Linda, SY Kusika, K Ramadhan, S Radhiah, B Bohari
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (E), 1184-1189, 2022
Specific interventions to prevent stunting in children under 2 years after the natural disaster. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2021; 9: 64-9
F Hafid, T Taqwin, L Linda, N Nasrul, K Ramadhan, B Bohari
Penyuluhan, Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Pasangan Usia Subur Tentang Inpeksi Visual Asam Asetat (IVA) Di Kelurahan Birobuli
K Lasman
Poltekita: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 12 (1), 8-14, 2018
Konseling Pra Konsepsi (Koprasi) pada Kader Kesehatan dalam Upaya Promosi dan Pencegahan Stunting: Preconception Counseling for Health Cadres in Promotion and Prevention of …
T Taqwin, L Linda, L Suryani, N Nasrul
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 3 (1), 36-42, 2022
Uncovering Determinant of Anaemia Among Adolescent Girls
T Taqwin, A Amsal, SH Batjo, S Radhiah, K Ramadhan, DE Kusumawati, ...
Poltekita: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 17 (3), 1125-1135, 2023
Bantuan Kemanusiaan Korban Banjir Bandang di Sulawesi Tengah: Humanitarian Assistance for Flash Flood Victims in Central Sulawesi
F Hafid, N Nasrul, A Aminudin, A Amsal, M Masudin, G Gusman, S Evie, ...
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 3 (2), 139-145, 2022
Program Pendampingan Keluarga Anak Baduta stunting: Implementasi Interprofesional Collaboration (IPC) di Desa Beka, Marawola, Kabupaten Sigi: Family Assistance Program for …
F Hafid, A Adhyanti, YE Cahyani, I Faisal, N Nasrul, K Ramadhan, ...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat: Svasta Harena 3 (2), 44-50, 2024
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anemia in Adolescent Girls in Donggala District, Central Sulawesi
A Amsal, I Subagyo, T Taqwin, DE Kusumawati, S Radhiah, YE Cahyani, ...
Poltekita: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 17 (3), 1107-1116, 2023
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