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Cited by
Improvisation of Project Based Learning With Combination of Collaborative Learning as Rapid Response to Pandemic Learning
SR Wicaksono, MSA Lubis, E Suprapto, K Khasanah, A Ulimaz
Jurnal Iqra': Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan 6 (2), 215-224, 2021
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Supervisor Terbaik Pada Bagian Perencanaan Pt. Pln (Persero) Area Medan Menerapkan Preference Selection Index
M Mesran, N Huda, SN Hutagalung, K Khasanah, A Iskandar
KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer) 2 (1), 2018
Digitalisasi sebagai pengembangan model pembelajaran
E Sukmawati, S ST, M Keb, H Fitriadi, Y Pradana, MP Dumiyati, SP Arifin, ...
Cendikia Mulia Mandiri, 2022
Expert system application for identifying formalin and borax in foods using the certainty factor method
D Sudrajat, GSA Daengs, E Satria, N Nurmawati, A Iskandar, K Khasanah, ...
Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry 13 (6), 321-325, 2018
Penerapan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Ban Sepeda Motor Honda Dengan Metode Multi Objective Optimization on The Basic of Ratio Analysis (MOORA)
A Andini, GA Lestari, I Mawaddah, K Khasanah
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) 5 (1), 29-35, 2018
What linguistics advice on teaching English as a foreign language learning using blended learning system
HI Sholihah, AW Hidayat, W Srinawati, AW Syakhrani, K Khasanah
Linguistics and Culture Review 5 (1), 342-351, 2021
The effect of lecturer professionalism and teaching motivation on lecturers strengthening the nation's competitiveness (Survey on XYZ college lecturers in central Jakarta city)
K Khasanah
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation 2 (1), 66-71, 2020
Implementation of Computer Based Systems for Effective Deci-sions in Acceptance of Vikar
SD Hardi, H Hutabarat, B Rumahorbo, M Mesran
Int. J. Eng. Technol 7 (3), 101-104, 2018
Student’s Understanding of Islamic Religion Course Material With a Basic Semiotics Approach to Improve Reading Skills
R Arbie, R Puspitasari, S Telaumbanua, BA Bangkara, K Khasanah
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education 4 (2), 224-240, 2023
Implementasi Business Intelligence Pada Aplikasi E-Tilang Dengan Menggunakan Tableau Server
D Subuh, D Harsono, R Sulistiyowati, K Khasanah
Seminar Nasional GEOTIK 2019, 2019
†œSistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Supervisor Terbaik Pada Bagian Perencanaan Pt
M Mesran, N Huda, SN Hutagalung, K Khasanah, A Iskandar
Pln (Persero) Area Medan Menerapkan Preference Selection Index, †KOMIK …, 2018
Understanding why teachers entrust technology in innovating the learning outcomes
S Tampubolon, L Susanty, K Khasanah, W Wisman, A Riyanto
Jurnal Konseling Dan Pendidikan 9 (4), 372-379, 2021
Budaya Tionghoa Pada Ragam Gambar Motif Batik Jawa-Madura
S Yongkie Angkawijaya, IA Agustina
Jurnal Teknologi Dan Terapan Bisnis 2 (1), 130-133, 2019
Online school future: challenges and expectations of modern education in Indonesia
Z Trinova
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 5 (1), 2022
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Geografis Seni Budaya Indonesia Berbasis Web
ET Khasanah, D Harsono, RS Ismail
IJCIT (Indonesian Journal on Computer and Information Technology) 5 (1), 36-46, 2020
Understanding Blended Learning Strategy in Increasing Students Motivation After Reopening Schools
NP Tarigan, BS Nugroho, L Susanty, K Khasanah, F Surfaifel
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 4 (3), 685-699, 2021
Implementasi Metode Vikor Dalam Penerimaan Jurnalis Pada Koran Waspada Medan
SR Hayati, M Mesran, T Zebua, H Nurdiyanto, K Khasanah
KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer) 2 (1), 2018
Responding to Trends in Digital-Based Classroom Learning: Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Indonesian Millennial Students at Bengkulu University
B Baryanto, D Sembiring, BA Bangkara, K Khasanah, A Aunurrahman
Jurnal Iqra': Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan 8 (1), 24-36, 2023
Konsep Dasar Etika Bisnis
SU Andayani, S Sos, S Eliza, H Fachrurazi, EZ Solikahan, MM SE, ...
Cendikia Mulia Mandiri, 2022
Relevancy education regulation and the implementation in Indonesia (analysis of educational reform)
Z Trinova, K Khasanah, A Heryani
International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences 8 (5 …, 2021
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