Pinta Astuti
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Cited by
Potential development of sacrificial anode cathodic protection applied for severely damaged rc beams aged 44 years
P Astuti, RS Rafdinal, A Mahasiripan, H Hamada, Y Sagawa, ...
Journal of Thailand Concrete Association 6 (2), 24-31, 2018
Effective Use of Sacrificial Zinc Anode as A Suitable Repair Method for Severely Damaged RC Members due to Chloride Attack
P Astuti, R Rafdinal, D Yamamoto, V Andriamisaharimanana, H Hamada
Civil Engineering Journal 8 (7), 2022
Non-destructive investigation of a 44-year-old RC structure exposed to actual marine tidal environments using electrochemical methods
P Astuti, K Kamarulzaman, H Hamada
International Journal of Integrated Engineering 13 (3), 148-157, 2021
Effectiveness of rusted and non-rusted reinforcing bar protected by sacrificial anode cathodic protection in repaired patch concrete
P Astuti, RS Rafdinal, H Hamada, Y Sagawa, D Yamamoto, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 366 (012013), 2019
Pengaruh Penambahan Dinding Geser (Shear Wall) pada Waktu Getar Alami Fundamental Struktur Gedung
P Astuti
Semesta Teknika 18 (2), 140-146, 2015
Study on Utilization of LVL Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) for Three-Hinged Gable Frame Structures
A Awaludin, P Astuti
International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation 6 (2016), 232-241, 2016
Influence of Rust Removal Process on The Effectiveness of Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection in Repair Concrete
P Astuti, K Kamarulzaman, RS Rafdinal, H Hamada, Y Sagawa, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 849, 2020
Application of sacrificial anode cathodic protection for partially repaired RC beams damaged by corrosion
P Astuti, RS Rafdinal, H Hamada, Y Sagawa, D Yamamoto
4th International Symposium on Concrete and Structures for Next Generation …, 2019
Investigation of setting time and flowability of geopolymer mortar using local industry and agriculture waste as precursor in Indonesia
R Afriansya, P Astuti, VS Ratnadewati, J Randisyah, TY Ramadhona, ...
International Journal of GEOMATE 21 (87), 64-69, 2021
Mechanical properties of self-compacting geopolymer concrete utilizing fly ash
P Astuti, R Afriansya, EA Anisa, J Randisyah
AIP Conference Proceedings 2453 (1), 2022
Pendampingan pembuatan site plan kompleks eduwisata muhammadiyah pejawaran banjarnegara
P Astuti, AY Purnama
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 5 (3), 74-81, 2022
Respons Ketidakberaturan Struktur Torsi dan Torsi Berlebih Gedung 16 Lantai Menggunakan Metode Linear Time History Analysis
I Taufik, S Yadi, P Astuti
Konstruksia 12 (2), 2021
Effect of Polypropylene Fiber on Workability and Strength of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Mortar
R Afriansya, E Anabela Anisa, P Astuti, MD Cahyati
The Third International Conference of Construction, Infrastructure, and …, 2023
Corrosion Potential of Coated Steel Bar Embedded in Sea-Water Mixed Mortar
P Astuti, LOAZ Radio, F Salsabila, AK Aulia, RS Rafdinal, AY Purnama
The Third International Conference of Construction, Infrastructure, and …, 2023
Pencegahan Korosi pada Beton dalam Masa Perawatan dengan Cat Anti-korosi berbasis Bituminous
P Astuti, RK Fahma
SIKLUS: Jurnal Teknik Sipil 8 (2), 197-205, 2022
Studi Pemanfaatan Prekursor Fly Ash Lokal pada Self Compacting Geopolymer Concrete (SCGC)
EA Anisa, R Afriansya, J Randisyah, P Astuti
Semesta Teknika 24 (2), 111-119, 2021
Corrosion Rate of Deteriorated Steel Bar Protected by Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection
P Astuti, R Rafdinal, D Yamamoto, H Hamada
The 3rd ICETIR 2021 (International Conference on Engineering, Technology and …, 2021
Pemanfaatan famili zingiberaceae sebagai tumbuhan obat oleh dukun bayi di sepanjang pesisir pantai di kabupaten jember, jawa timur
SOA Puspitasari, IN Asyiah, P Astuti
Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 5 (3), 444-449, 2019
Studi Perbandingan Dinding Geser dan Bracing Tunggal Konsentris sebagai Pengaku pada Gedung Bertingkat Tinggi
P Astuti
Semesta Teknika 19 (2), 176-182, 2016
Pendampingan perencanaan gedung asrama menggunakan building information modelling
P Astuti, AY Purnama
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021
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Articles 1–20