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Cited by
Synthesis Octyl P-Methoxycinnamate as Sunblock by Transesterification Reaction with the Starting Material Ethyl P-Methoxycinnamate
S Suzana, N Irawati, T Budiati
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention 2 (2), 217-221, 2011
Synthesis and Brine Shrimp Bioassay of Chalcone and Its Two Methoxy Derivatives
TB Melanny Ika Sulistyowaty, Suzana, Kholis Amalia Nofianti
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and chemical Sciences 2 (2), 719-724, 2013
In Vitro Antimalarial Activity of Chalchone and Its Derivatives
TB Melanny Ika S., Kholis A.N., Suzana
International Journal Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 6 (1), 669-671, 2014
Sintesis, uji aktivitas analgesik dan anti-inflamasi senyawa benzoiltiourea tersubstitusi= Synthesis, analgesic. and anti-inflammatory activities of Substituted benzoylthioureas
T Budiati, SS Suzana
Majalah Farmasi Indonesia 21 (2010), 2010
Penggunaan Obat Tradisional untuk Penanganan Penyakit Diabetes di Kecamatan Kenjeran Surabaya
TP Wiwied Ekasari, Bambang Prayoga, Zamrotul Izza, Herra Studiawan, Suzana ...
Dharmakarya 8 (4), 253-257, 2019
Synthesis the derivatives benzoylthiourea and the CNS depressant activity test on mice
BT Suzana, J Ekowati
Mus musculus, 2004
Sintesis khalkon dan derivatnya menurut reaksi kondensasi Claisen Schmidt dengan iradiasi gelombang mikro
TB Suzana, Kholis Amalia, Melanny Ika S., Juni Ekowati, Marcellino Rudyanto ...
Farmasi dan Ilmu Kefarmasian 1 (No. 1), 20 - 27, 2014
Pengaruh gugus metoksi posisi orto (o) dan para (p) pada benzaldehida terhadap sintesis turunan khalkon dengan metode kondensasi aldol
TB Suzana*, Melanny Ika. S*, Kholis Amalia N*, Juni Ekowati*, Marcellino ...
Berkala Ilmiah Kimia farmasi 2 (No. 1), 22-26, 2013
Pengaruh posisi gugus metoksi para dan meta terhadap hasil sintesis asam para-metoksisinamat dan asam meta-metoksisinamat
TB Juni Ekowati, Suzana
Majalah Farmasi Airlangga (airlangga Journal of Pharmacy) 5 (No. 3), 2005
Synthesis, Molecular Docking And Antimicrobial Of N’-Benzylidene-4-Hydroxybenzohydrazide And N’-(4-Methoxybenzylidene)-4-Hydroxybenzohydrazide.
T Suzana, Isnaeni
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 8 (2 …, 2017
Synthesis analgesic and anti-inflamatory activities of substituted benzoylthioureas
SS Tutuk budiati, Suzana
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 21 (1), 68-76, 2010
Synthesis, docking molecule study and antibacterial activity of N’-(4-Fluorobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide and N’(4-Fluorobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide
Suzana, Isnaeni, MI Sulistyowati, T Budiati
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1146, 1-7, 2019
In silico study, synthesia and biological activity of chalcone derivatives as antibacterial candidates
TB Suzana, Feny Ageng R., Puji Fauziah, Fika Amalia Najati, Isnaeni
Journal of Chemical Health Risks 14 (4), 1931-1937, 2024
Prediction of the Potential of Benzoxazinone, 2-phenyl-4H-benzo[1,3]oxazin-4-one, and 2-[2-(4-methoxyphenyl)vinyl]-3,1-benzoxazin-4-one as New Anti-Tuberculosis
FI Kholis Amalia Nofianti, Luqmanul Hakim, Suzana Suzana
Berkala Ilmiah Kimia Farmasi 11 (1), 26-32, 2024
Effect of montmorillonite K-10 catalyst on the synthesis of (E)-1-phenyl-3-(2-methoxyphenyl)-2-propen-1-one using the microwave irradiation method
TB Suzana, Evieta Rohana
Pharmacy Education 24 (3), 69-74, 2024
Pinostrobin and its derivatives as novel anti-breast canceragnts against human oestrogen receptoralpha: In silico studies of ADMET, docking, andmolecular dynamics
BTP Delis Susilowati, Tri Widiandani, Siswandono Siswodihardjo, Suzana
Pharmacy Education 24 (3), 51-56, 2024
Synthesis of thiourea derivatives and molecular docking as antibacterial agents targeting enzymes involved in biosynthesis of bacterial cell wall
TB Suzana, Nuzul Wahyuning Diyah, Rini Susanti, Fika Amalia Najati, Juni Ekowati
Pharmacy Education 24 (2), 71-77, 2024
Peningkatan kualitas produksi dan keamanan pemasaran minuman kesehatan berbasis bunga telang pada ibu PKK kecamatan Rungkut Surabaya dalam mendukung SDGs3 Good Health and Well …
W Juni Ekowati, Suzana, Neny Purwitasari, M.Yuwono, Bastian, Yulian, Angkasa ...
Pengabdianmu 9 (2), 347-355, 2024
Docking study and molecular dynamic approach to predicting the activity of 4-(4-methoxy)benzoyloxy-3-methoxycinnamic acidagainst COX-1 enzyme
SM Rossa Aulia Tasha, Juni Ekowati, Suzana
Pharmacy Education 23 (4), 173-179, 2023
Synthesis of 2-hydroxybenzohydrazide derivatives with microwave irradiation and activity against Escherichia coli
TB Suzana Suzana, Fika Amalia Najati, Isnaeni
Pharmacy Education 23 (4), 279-283, 2023
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Articles 1–20