Akhiruddin Maddu
Akhiruddin Maddu
Biophysics Division, Department of Physics, Bogor Agricultural University
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A comparison study of kernel functions in the support vector machine and its application for termite detection
M Achirul Nanda, K Boro Seminar, D Nandika, A Maddu
Information 9 (1), 5, 2018
Faktor rasio C/N awal dan laju aerasi pada proses co-composting bagasse dan blotong
A Ismayana, NS Indrasti, AM Suprihatin, AF Tip
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 22 (3), 2012
Penggunaan ekstrak antosianin kol merah sebagai Fotosensitizer pada sel surya TiO2 Nanokristal Tersensitisasi Dye
A Maddu, M Zuhri, I Irmansyah
Makara Journal of Technology 11 (2), 150092, 2010
Physical, thermal, and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites filled with rattan nanoparticles
S Nikmatin, A Syafiuddin, AB Hong Kueh, A Maddu
Journal of applied research and technology 15 (4), 386-395, 2017
Acoustical properties of particleboards made from Betung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) as building construction material.
L Karlinasari, D Hermawan, A Maddu, B Martianto, IK Lucky, N Nugroho, ...
BioResources 7 (4), 2012
Characterization of Lignocellulosic Biomass as Raw Material for the Production of Porous Carbon-based Materials.
S Darmawan, NJ Wistara, G Pari, A Maddu, W Syafii
BioResources 11 (2), 2016
Discriminant analysis as a tool for detecting the acoustic signals of termites Coptotermes curvignathus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
MA Nanda, KB Seminar, D Nandika, A Maddu
Int. J. Technol 9 (4), 840-851, 2018
Production of cellulose acetate from oil palm empty fruit bunches cellulose
NA Bahmid, K Syamsu, A Maddu
Chemical and Process Engineering Research 17 (21), 12-20, 2013
Pemanfaatan Alat Deteksi Bunyi untuk Menduga Kadar Air dan Viabilitas Benih Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merrill)
NR Dewi, MR Suhartanto, A Maddu
Buletin Agrohorti 1 (4), 45-50, 2013
Synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles from iron ore
S Husain, M Irfansyah, NH Haryanti, S Suryajaya, S Arjo, A Maddu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1242 (1), 012021, 2019
Development of particleboard from tropical fast-growing species for acoustic panel
L Karlinasari, D Hermawan, A Maddu, B Martiandi, YS Hadi
Journal of tropical forest science, 64-69, 2012
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Nanoserat Polianilin
A Maddu, ST Wahyudi, M Kurniati
Jurnal Nanosains & Nanoteknologi 1 (2), 74-78, 2009
Enhancing Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue Using ZnO/Carbon Dots Nanocomposite Derived From Coffee Grounds.
A Maddu, R Meliafatmah, E Rustami
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 30 (1), 2021
Mikrostruktur Arang Aktif Batok Kelapa Untuk Pemurnian Minyak Goreng Habis Pakai
R Paputungan, S Nikmatin, A Maddu, G Pari
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian 6 (1), 69-74, 2018
Nanosilica synthesis from betung bamboo sticks and leaves by ultrasonication
FC Dirna, I Rahayu, A Maddu, W Darmawan, D Nandika, E Prihatini
Nanotechnology, Science and Applications, 131-136, 2020
Pengaruh ketebalan terhadap sifat optik lapisan semikonduktor Cu2O yang dideposisikan dengan metode chemical bath deposition (CBD)
GE Trimuda, A Maddu
Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi TELAAH 28, 1-5, 2010
Development of termite detection system based on acoustic and temperature signals
MA Nanda, KB Seminar, D Nandika, A Maddu
Measurement 147, 106902, 2019
A molecular interaction analysis reveals the possible roles of graphene oxide in a glucose biosensor
T Sumaryada, M Sandy Gunawan, S Perdana, S Arjo, A Maddu
biosensors 9 (1), 18, 2019
Optimasi ekstraksi flavonoid total daun gedi (Abelmoschus manihot L.) dan uji aktivitas antioksidan
D Pranowo, E Noor, L Haditjaroko, A Maddu
Bul. Littro 27 (1), 37-46, 2016
Spectroscopic study on the film of polyvinyl alcohol and carboxymethyl cellulose as polymer electrolyte materials
PA Putro, N Yudasari, A Maddu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1491 (1), 012033, 2020
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