Moh. Irma Sukarelawan
Moh. Irma Sukarelawan
Nama lainnyaM. I. Sukarelawan
Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Email yang diverifikasi di pfis.uad.ac.id - Beranda
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Dikutip oleh
N-gain vs stacking : analisis perubahan abilitas peserta didik dalam desain one group pretest-posttest
MI Sukarelawan, TK Indratno, SM Ayu
ISBN: 978-623-99729-4-3 1, 62, 2024
The Effects of TPACK and Facility Condition on Preservice Teachers' Acceptance of Virtual Reality in Science Education Course.
MA Thohir, E Ahdhianto, S Mas' ula, F April Yanti, MI Sukarelawan
Contemporary Educational Technology 15 (2), 2023
The Development of Scientific Learning Model Based on Local Wisdom of" Piil Pesenggiri" to Improve Process Skills and Character Values of Elementary School Students
FA Yanti, MI Sukarelawan, MA Thohir, R Perdana
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA 8 (2), 499-506, 2022
The effects of instructional design based web course on pre-service teachers’ competencies
MA Thohir, MI Sukarelawan, J Jumadi, W Warsono, A Citrasukmawati
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) 10 (1), 2021
An analysis of graduate students’ conceptual understanding in heat and temperature (H&T) using three-tier diagnostic test
MI Sukarelawan, J Jumadi, NA Rahman
Indonesian Review of Physics 2 (1), 9-14, 2019
An investigation of item bias in the four-tier diagnostic test using Rasch model
J Jumadi, MI Sukarelawan, H Kuswanto
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) 12 (2 …, 2023
Heat and Temperature Metacognition Awareness Inventory: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis
MI Sukarelawan, D Sulisworo, J Jumadi, H Kuswanto, SA Rofiqah
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 10 (2), 389-395, 2021
Rasch Analysis to Evaluate the Psychometric Properties of Junior Metacognitive Awareness Inventory in the Indonesian Context
MI Sukarelawan, J Jumadi, H Kuswanto, S Soeharto, FN Hikmah
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 10 (4), 486-495, 2021
Four-Tier Heat and Temperature Diagnostic Test (4T-HTDT) to Identify Student Misconceptions
MI Sukarelawan, S Sriyanto, AD Puspitasari, D Sulisworo, UN Hikmah
JIPFRI (Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika dan Riset Ilmiah) 5 (1), 1-8, 2021
Physical and psychological violence victimization scale in adolescents dating: Confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch model
SM Ayu, E Gustina, L Sofiana, Y Wardani, MI Sukarelawan
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) 12 (1 …, 2023
Pengaruh Waktu Deposisi pada Tebal Lapisan, Struktur Mikro, Resistivitas Keping Lapisan Tipis Cu/Ni Hasil Deposisi dengan Teknik Elektroplating,”
M Toifur, A Nuramalia, Okimustava, MI Sukarelawan
J. Mater. dan Energi Indones 7 (2), 33-43, 2017
Socioscientific Issues (SSI) Strategy Adjacent to Ethnoscience: A Critical Analysis of Science Reconstruction
A Khoiri, MI Sukarelawan, MF Sedon, CNC Ahmad, S Sukarmin, ...
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA 8 (5), 2380-2386, 2022
Junior high school student perception of online learning in pandemic Covid-19: Gender, social media ownership, and internet access duration perspective
M Ramdhan, MI Sukarelawan, MA Thohir, F Arifiyanti
Int. J. Educ. Learn 4 (1), 28-40, 2022
Penelitian Alternatif di Masa Pandemi Bagi Guru Fisika: Implementasi Model Rasch dalam Penelitian Survei
MI Sukarelawan, E Gustina
Dinamika Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Masa Pandemi 1, 189-195, 2021
The Indonesian Version of the Physics Metacognition Inventory: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Rasch Model
MI Sukarelawan, Jumadi, H Kuswanto, MA Thohir
European Journal of Educational Research 10 (4), 2133-2144, 2021
Elaboration of high school student’s metacognition awareness on heat and temperature material: Wright map in Rasch model
FN Hikmah, MI Sukarelawan, T Nurjannah, J Djumati
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 4 (2), 172-182, 2021
Mapping of profile students’ metacognitive awareness in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Sriyanto, MI Sukarelawan
Jurnal Riset dan Kajian Pendidikan Fisika (JRKPF) 6 (2), 56-62, 2019
A Shift in the Conceptual Understanding of Physics Students Through the Wright Map
MI Sukarelawan, AD Puspitasari, D Sulisworo, H Kuswanto, J Jumadi
Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran 55 (1), 127–141, 2022
Implementation of Rasch Model for Mapping Students’ Metacognitive Awareness
MI Sukarelawan, J Jumadi, H Kuswanto, T Nurjannah, FN Hikmah, ...
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 17 (2), 86-93, 2021
Peningkatan keaktifan belajar fisika rangkaian listrik tertutup sederhana berbantuan powerpoint pada siswa SMA
A Suwondo, MI Sukarelawan, S Sriyanto
Berkala Fisika Indonesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika, Pembelajaran dan …, 2021
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Artikel 1–20