agoes soehardjono
agoes soehardjono
Professor of Steel and Concrete Structures, Brawijaya University
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Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keterlambatan proyek konstruksi pembangunan gedung di kota lamongan
A Bakhtiyar, A Soehardjono, MH Hasyim
Rekayasa Sipil 6 (1), 55-66, 2012
Stress‐Strain Behavior of Steel Fiber‐Reinforced Concrete Cylinders Spirally Confined with Steel Bars
B Sabariman, A Soehardjono, W Wisnumurti, A Wibowo, T Tavio
Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 (1), 6940532, 2018
Standar Pelayanan Minimal Terminal Bus Tipe A
A Sedayu, H Sulitio, A Soehardjono, A Wicaksono
Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2014
The Comparison Between Pull-Out Test And Beam Bending Test To The Bond Strength Of Bamboo Reinforcement In Light Weight Concrete
SMD Nindyawati, A Soehardjono
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 1497, 1500-3, 2013
Pengaruh Penggunaan Bottom Ash Sebagai Pengganti Semen Terhadap Nilai Kuat Tekan dan Kemampuan Resapan Air Struktur Paving
A Soehardjono, P Prastumi, T Hidayat, GS Prawito
Rekayasa Sipil 7 (1), 74-80, 2013
Optimalisasi penggunaan komposisi campuran mortar terhadap kuat tekan dinding pasangan bata merah
W Wisnumurti, A Soehardjono, KA Palupi
Rekayasa Sipil 1 (1), 25-32, 2012
Attributes of a Minimum Services Standard of Public Transport Terminal Infrastructure in Indonesia
A Sedayu, H Sulistio, A Soehardjono, A Wicaksono
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2 (12), 12626-12632, 2012
Stress-strain model for confined fiber-reinforced concrete under axial compression
B Sabariman, A Soehardjono, --- Wisnumurti, A Wibowo, --- Tavio
Archives of Civil Engineering 66 (2), 119-133, 2020
Improvement Priorities and Targets in Quality of Services of Public Transport Terminal: A Case Study in Purabaya Terminal Surabaya Indonesia
A Sedayu, H Sulistio, A Soehardjono, A Wicaksono
Journal of Applied Sciences Research 4 (9), 2610-2619, 2013
Pengaruh Penggunaan Bottom Ash Sebagai Pengganti Semen Pada campuran Batako Terhadap Kuat Tekan Batako
R Ristinah, A Zacoeb, A Soehardjono, D Setyowulan
Rekayasa Sipil 6 (3), 264-271, 2012
Performance of lightweight concrete one-way slabs using medium-K basaltic andesite pumice and scoria
H Suseno, A Soehardjono, ING Wardana, A Rachmansyah
Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 19, 473-485, 2018
Analysis of the effect of slab thickness on crack width in rigid pavement slabs
A Soehardjono, C Aditya
EUREKA: Physics and Engineering,(2), 42-51, 2021
Bearing capacity on slope modeling with composite bamboo pile reinforcement
A Munawir, SM Dewi, Y Zaika, A Soehardjono
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) 2 (5 …, 2013
The effect of vibropressing compaction process on the compressive strength based concrete paving blocks
E Widayanto, A Soehardjono, W Wisnumurti, A Zacoeb
AIMS Materials Science 7 (3), 203-216, 2020
Suitability of medium-K basaltic andesite pumice and scoria as coarse aggregates on structural lightweight concrete
H Suseno, A Soehardjono, I Wardana, A Rachmansyah
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 9 (4), 3318-3329, 2017
Pemanfaatan Limbah Serbuk Marmer pada Beton sebagai Bahan Pengganti Sebagian Semen dengan Variasi Penggunaan Silica Fume
AF Handayani, A Soehardjono, A Zacoeb
Teknologi dan Kejuruan 37 (2), 2015
Design of minimum services standard of public transport terminal infrastructure in Indonesia
A Sedayu, H Sulistio, A Wicaksono, A Soehardjono
The Strength of Axially Loaded Square Hollow-Section Column Made of Laminated Asian Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper Becker)
SM Dewi, A Soehardjono
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 15 (9), 337-343, 2018
Bagasse ash (BA) and additive materials treated expansive soil
Y Zaika, A Soeharjono
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 21, 7085-94, 2016
Safety factor on slope modeling with composite bamboo pile reinforcement
A Munawir, S Murni Dewi, A Soehardjono, Y Zaika
Int J Eng Res Appl (IJERA) 3, 150-154, 2013
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