setyo sarwanto moersidik
setyo sarwanto moersidik
senior lecturer, environmental engineering Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
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Cited by
The role of transit oriented development in constructing urban environment sustainability, the case of Jabodetabek, Indonesia
HS Hasibuan, TP Soemardi, R Koestoer, S Moersidik
Procedia Environmental Sciences 20, 622-631, 2014
Nutrient removal by high rate pond system in a Mediterranean climate (France)
B Picot, H El Halouani, C Casellas, S Moersidik, J Bontoux
Water Science and Technology 23 (7-9), 1535-1541, 1991
Comparison of the purifying efficiency of high rate algal pond with stabilization pond
B Picot, A Bahlaoui, S Moersidik, B Baleux, J Bontoux
Water Science and Technology 25 (12), 197-206, 1992
Biogas production in the anaerobic digestion of paper sludge
C Priadi, D Wulandari, I Rahmatika, SS Moersidik
APCBEE procedia 9, 65-69, 2014
Pengaruh limbah organik dan rasio n/p terhadap kelimpahan fitoplankton di kawasan budidaya kerang hijau Cilincing
M Makmur, H Kusnoputranto, SS Moersidik, DS Wisnubroto
Jurnal Teknologi Pengelolaan Limbah 15 (2), 2013
Experimental study on the effects of feedstock on the properties of biodiesel using multiple linear regressions
AQ Mairizal, S Awad, CR Priadi, DM Hartono, SS Moersidik, M Tazerout, ...
Renewable Energy 145, 375-381, 2020
Using diurnal variations in a high rate algal pond for management pattern
B Picot, S Moersidik, C Casellas, J Bontoux
Water Science and Technology 28 (10), 169-175, 1993
Optimization and reaction kinetics on the removal of Nickel and COD from wastewater from electroplating industry using Electrocoagulation and Advanced Oxidation Processes
SS Moersidik, R Nugroho, M Handayani, MA Pratama
Heliyon 6 (2), 2020
Effect of size variation on microbubble mass transfer coefficient in flotation and aeration processes
N Suwartha, D Syamzida, CR Priadi, SS Moersidik, F Ali
Heliyon 6 (4), 2020
Pollution Load Allocation on Water Pollution Control in the Citarum River.
MR Djuwita, DM Hartono, SS Mursidik, TEB Soesilo
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 53 (1), 2021
Dampak Pertambangan Batubara Terhadap Kesehatan Masyarakat Sekitar Pertambangan Batubara (Kajian Jasa Lingkungan Sebagai Penyerap Karbon)
R Juniah, R Dalimi, M Suparmoko, SS Moersidik
Indonesian Journal of Health Ecology 12 (2), 80463, 2013
Environmental value losses as impacts of natural resources utilization of in coal open mining
R Juniah, R Dalimi, M Suparmoko, SS Moersidik, H Waristian
MATEC Web of Conferences 101, 04013, 2017
Citizen engagement to sustaining community-based rural water supply in Indonesia
RY Kasri, P Wirutomo, H Kusnoputranto, SS Moersidik
International Journal of Development Issues 16 (3), 276-288, 2017
Characterization of sludge generated from acid mine drainage treatment plants
N Amanda, SS Moersidik
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1351 (1), 012113, 2019
Leachate characterization and performance evaluation of leachate treatment plant in Cipayung landfill, Indonesia
E Noerfitriyani, DM Hartono, SS Moersidik, I Gusniani
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 106 (1), 012086, 2018
Dynamic project interdependencies (PI) in optimizing project portfolio management (PPM)
RS Arifin, SS Moersidik, ETB Soesilo, DM Hartono, Y Latief
International Journal of Technology 6 (5), 828-837, 2015
Evaluation of centralized WWTP and the need of communal WWTP in supporting community-based sanitation in Indonesia
D Hendrawan, S Widarnako, SS Moersidik, RW Triweko
European Scientific Journal 9 (17), 2013
Phytoremediation potential of Pistia stratiotes to reduce high concentration of copper (Cu) in acid mine drainage
VZ Novita, SS Moersidik, CR Priadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 355 (1), 012063, 2019
Adsorpsi logam seng dan timbal pada limbah cair industri keramik oleh limbah tanah liat
CR Priadi, SPN Anita, SS Moersidik
Reaktor 15, 10-19, 2014
Analysis of recent erosion hazard levels and conservation policy recommendations for Lesti Subwatershed, Upper Brantas Watershed
AS Pambudi, SS Moersidik, M Karuniasa
Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan: the Indonesian Journal of Development …, 2021
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Articles 1–20