slamet wardoyo
slamet wardoyo
Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
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Active carbon respiratory masks as the adsorbent of toxic gases in ambient air
K Khayan, T Anwar, S Wardoyo, W Lakshmi Puspita
Journal of toxicology 2019 (1), 5283971, 2019
Perbedaan penggunaan komposter an-aerob dan aerob terhadap laju proses pengomposan sampah organik
S Wardoyo, T Anwar
Poltekita: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 15 (3), 251-255, 2021
Education for working mothers uses leaflet and electronic media to increase exclusive breastfeeding
RB Utami, USC Sari, E Yulianti, S Wardoyo
Journal of education and health promotion 8 (1), 229, 2019
Health education to reduce helminthiasis: Deficits in diets in children and achievement of students of elementary schools at Pontianak, West Kalimantan
WL Puspita, K Khayan, D Hariyadi, T Anwar, S Wardoyo, BM Ihsan
Journal of Parasitology Research 2020 (1), 4846102, 2020
Kajian Hubungan Bahan Organik Tanah Terhadap Produktivitas lahan Tanaman Padi Di Desa Kebonagung
YK Nagur, S Wardoyo, MR Afani
Fakultas Pertanian-Universitas Pembangunan Nasioal “Veteran”. Jogjakarta, 2017
Respiratory mask using a combination of spunbond, meltblown, and activated carbon materials for reducing exposure to CO: an in vivo study
K Khayan, T Anwar, S Wardoyo, WL Puspita
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (15), 18989-18994, 2021
Lead exposure and stunting incidents in children aged 3–5 years in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
S Wardoyo, N Nurjazuli, YH Darundiati
Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique 34 (2), 111-116, 2022
Phytoremediation as a barrier to heavy metal distribution in open dumping landfill in peatlands
Marsum, T Anwar, Slamet, Khayan, S Wardoyo
Journal of Ecological Engineering 23 (6), 2022
Z. mauritiana leaves as larvasidal alternatives
N Amaliyah, A Purnomo, K Khayan, S Wardoyo, T Anwar
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 17 (1), 24-30, 2021
Comparative biochemical effects of seeds extract Cerbera manghas and leaves Carica papaya the vector of Aedes aegypti mosquitos
A Aziz, R Sahknan, K Khayan, S Wradoyo
Journal of Entomological Research 45 (3), 453-460, 2021
Plumbum (Pb) in rainwater in West Kalimantan: Impact of plumbum (Pb) in community blood
K Khayan, T Anwar, S Wardoyo
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 8 (4), 1423-1427, 2019
The Potent Novel CDK4/6 Inhibitor TQB3616 in Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer: Preclinical Characterization with in vitro and Human Tumor Xenograft Models
S Wardoyo, MA Fadillah, Hamtini
Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy, 953-954, 2023
Test comparison of seeds and skins extract of duku’s fruit (Lansium domesticum Corr.) against the amount of melanin pigment of skin mencit (Mus musculus) to …
DE Maretha, D Afriansyah, DS Wati, M Masri, AR Dwiyanti, MI Hanif, ...
Advances in Traditional Medicine 22 (4), 875-883, 2022
Integrated water treatment system for peat water treatment
K Khayan, AH Sutomo, A Rasyid, WL Puspita, D Hariyadi, T Anwar, ...
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 50 (2), 2100404, 2022
Antibacterial Activity of Surfactin and Synergistic Effect with Conventional Antibiotics Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Patients …
S Wardoyo, T Anwar
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, 3995-3996, 2023
Effect of Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa. L) Consumption on Total Cholesterol Levels.
S Slamet, E Nurhayati, D Novitasari, TD Irianto, AV Sidiq, S Wardoyo
Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research 7 (6), 2023
Risk factors associated with rabies incidence in rabies endemic areas in West Kalimantan
M Saepudin, RN Pranaka, HH Umboh, S Wardoyo
Germs 12 (4), 472, 2022
Determinant Factors of Low Back Pain in Paving Block Workers
K Khayan, H Hyasinta, T Anwar, WL Puspita, S Wardoyo, MI Hanif
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 16 (3), 439-444, 2021
A Path Model of Factors Associated with Hypertension and Disease: Analysis of Indonesian Basic Health Survey Year 2018.
Medicina Moderna 31 (2), 2024
Toxic effects of bintaro (cerbera manghas) seed extract on aedes aegypti mosquito
A Aziz, B Amin, D Afandi, E Efriyeldi, F Gusfa, K Khayan, M Masnun, ...
Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Research 6 (2), 174-182, 2024
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