Acing Habibie Mude
Acing Habibie Mude
Lecturer in Department of Prosthodontic, Faculty of Dentistry Hasanuddin University
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Cited by
Relationship between severity of periodontitis and masseter muscle activity during waking and sleeping hours
S Kato, D Ekuni, S Kawakami, AH Mude, M Morita, S Minagi
Archives of oral biology 90, 13-18, 2018
Properties of tonic episodes of masseter muscle activity during waking hours and sleep in subjects with and without history of orofacial pain
AH Mude, S Kawakami, S Kato, S Minagi
Journal of prosthodontic research 62 (2), 234-238, 2018
The Mucosal Lesions on Removable Denture Wearers: A Systematic Review.
MD Utama, AH Mude, M Ikbal, V Launardo, A Dachri
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (9), 2020
Window impression technique for a single denture with maxillary anterior flabby ridge
M Ikbal, I Dammar, AH Mude, AA Mir
J Case Rep Dent Med 1 (2), 40-2, 2019
Prevalence and Severity of the Temporomandibular Disorder among Senior High School Students in Indonesia
AH Mude, M Ikbal, I Dammar, MI Rasul, M Febriany
Braz Dental J 18 (2), 163-7, 2020
Locator or Ball Attachment Systems for Mandibular Implant Overdentures: A Systematic Review
M Ikbal, AH Mude, I Dammar, V Launardo, IA Sudarman
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (9), 15-19, 2020
Effect of addition of white glutinous rice starch (Oryza sativa L Var. Glutinosa) in alginate impression materials to dimensional stability
M Ikbal, AH Mude, SB Gadisha, AP Pradana
Makassar Dental Journal 8 (2), 112-7, 2019
Compressive and tensile strength measurement of irreversible hydrocolloid impression material made of brown algae Padina sp
N Hamrun, R Hasyim, AH Mude, M Ikbal, T Nabilah, M Safitri, FH Akbar
Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science 6 (1), 51-53, 2021
Platelet-rich plasma improves initial bone remodeling
E Machmud, B Thalib, M Dharmautama, AH Mude, I Dammar, M Ikbal
Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science 5 (3), 158-161, 2020
Relationship between the Chewing Ability and Cognitive Function in Elderly: A Systematic Review.
B Thalib, I Dammar, M Ikbal, AH Mude, IW Sam, AM Thalib
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (11), 2020
Management of myofascial pain: a systematic review
AH Mude, I Irsal
J Dentomaxillofac Sci 5, 1-7, 2020
Pengaruh penambahan pati beras ketan putih (Oryza sativa L Var. Glutinosa) pada bahan cetak alginat terhadap stabilitas dimensi
M Ikbal, AH Mude, SB Gadisha, AP Pradana
Makassar Dental Journal 8 (2), 2019
Pengaruh Perendaman Dalam Granul Effervescent Kulit Buah Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) 6, 5% Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Plat Resin Akrilik Polimerisasi Panas
A Pertiwisari, MD Utama, E Machmud, B Thalib, ID Habar, AH Mude
Sinnun Maxillofacial Journal 4 (02), 67-76, 2022
The Prevalence of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders in Young Violin Players in Two Orchestras in Indonesia
ID Habar, MIR Andi Adytha, MD Utama, B Thalib, AH Mude, M Ikbal, ...
trauma 7, 8, 2020
Immediate anterior tooth replacement by using an esthetic fixed bridge: A case report
M Ikbal, AH Mude, I Dammar, N Ekayani
Medicina Clínica Práctica 3, 100109, 2020
The effectiveness of using stabilization appliance in patients with temporomandibular joint disorder (case report)
M Ikbal, AH Mude, I Dammar, EH Jubhari
Makassar Dental Journal 8 (3), 2019
Passive periodontal sensation threshold of upper molars in patients with myofascial pain
A Hirata, S Kato, AH Mude, K Oki, T Matsunaga, S Minagi
The Open Dentistry Journal 12 (1), 2018
The Recurrence Rate of Oral Benign Lesions which Treated with Dredging and Obturator
A Tajrin, M Ruslin, A Fauzi, MI Rasul, E Machmud, AH Mude, M Ikbal, ...
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (10), 2020
Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Patient with Ocular DefectsusingConventional Technique: A Systematic Review.
V Launardo, R Nurrahma, RW Syamsuddin, AH Mude, BI Sari
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (9), 2020
The correlation between the value of tooth color and skin color in Torajans
EH Jubhari, B Thalib, AH Mude
Medicina Clínica Práctica 3, 100103, 2020
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Articles 1–20