Hendri Murfi
Hendri Murfi
Advanced Data Analytics Group, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Indonesia
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Cited by
The performance of BERT as data representation of text clustering
A Subakti, H Murfi, N Hariadi
Journal of big Data 9 (1), 15, 2022
The accuracy of XGBoost for insurance claim prediction
MA Fauzan, H Murfi
Int. J. Adv. Soft Comput. Appl 10 (2), 159-171, 2018
XGBoost in handling missing values for life insurance risk prediction
DA Rusdah, H Murfi
SN Applied Sciences 2 (8), 1336, 2020
Theme mapping and bibliometrics analysis of one decade of big data research in the scopus database
A Parlina, K Ramli, H Murfi
Information 11 (2), 69, 2020
Noninvasive Classification of Blood Pressure Based on Photoplethysmography Signals Using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory and Time-Frequency Analysis
H Tjahjadi, K Ramli, H Murfi
IEEE Access 8, 20735-20748, 2020
Combination of singular value decomposition and K-means clustering methods for topic detection on Twitter
K Nur'aini, I Najahaty, L Hidayati, H Murfi, S Nurrohmah
The 7th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and …, 2015
Non-invasive classification of blood glucose level for early detection diabetes based on photoplethysmography signal
E Susana, K Ramli, H Murfi, NH Apriantoro
Information 13 (2), 59, 2022
The K-means with mini batch algorithm for topics detection on online news
SR Fitriyani, H Murfi
The 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2016
Exposing emerging trends in smart sustainable city research using deep autoencoders-based fuzzy c-means
A Parlina, K Ramli, H Murfi
Sustainability 13 (5), 2876, 2021
Analysis Accuracy of XGBoost Model for Multiclass Classification - A Case Study of Applicant Level Risk Prediction for Life Insurance
WF Mustika, H Murfi, Y Widyaningsih
2019 5th International Conference on Science in Information Technology …, 2019
BERT-based combination of convolutional and recurrent neural network for Indonesian sentiment analysis
H Murfi, Syamsyuriani, T Gowandi, G Ardaneswari, S Nurrohmah
Applied Soft Computing 151, 111112, 2024
Implementation and analysis of combined machine learning method for intrusion detection system
B Wahyudi, K Ramli, H Murfi
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 10 …, 2018
Eigenspace-based fuzzy c-means for sensing trending topics in Twitter
T Muliawati, H Murfi
AIP Conference Proceedings 1862 (1), 2017
A two-level learning hierarchy of concept based keyword extraction for tag recommendations
H Murfi, K Obermayer
The ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge, Bled, Slovenia, 2009, 2009
Analysis Accuracy of Random Forest Model for Big Data - A Case Study of Claim Severity Prediction in Car Insurance
KC Dewi, H Murfi, S Abdullah
2019 5th International Conference on Science in Information Technology …, 2019
Smart city research in Indonesia: A bibliometric analysis
A Parlina, H Murfi, K Ramli
2019 16th International Conference on Quality in Research (QIR …, 2019
Topic features for machine learning-based sentiment analysis in Indonesian tweets
H Murfi, FL Siagian, Y Satria
International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics 12 (1), 70-81, 2019
Deep autoencoder-based fuzzy c-means for topic detection
H Murfi, N Rosaline, N Hariadi
Array 13 (2), 100124, 2022
Sensing Trending Topics in Twitter for Greater Jakarta Area
AP Sitorus, H Murfi, S Nurrohmah, A Akbar
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 7 (1), 2017
Studi Perbandingan Pemilihan Fitur untuk Support Vector Machine pada Klasifikasi Penilaian Risiko Kredit
DK Silalahi, H Murfi, Y Satria
EduMatSains: Jurnal Pendidikan, Matematika dan Sains 1 (2), 119-136, 2017
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Articles 1–20