Ida Rosida
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Woman in Patriarchal Culture: Gender Discrimination and Intersectionality Portrayed in Bob Darling by Carolyn Cooke
I Rosida, L Rejeki
Insaniyat: Journal of Islam and Humanities 1 (2), 129-139, 2017
Tubuh Perempuan dalam Budaya Konsumen: Antara Kesenangan Diri, Status Sosial, dan Nilai Patriarki
I Rosida
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya 20 (1), 85-101, 2018
Self-love and Self-acceptance: Redefining Ideal Beauty through its Representation in Scars to Your Beautiful
I Rosida, D Saputri
LITERA 18 (3), 395-412, 2019
The Manifestation of Internalized Sexism in the Pick Me Girl Trend on TikTok
I Rosida, MM Ghazali, D Dedi, FS Salsabila
Alphabet 5 (1), 8-19, 2022
YouTube as a New Culture in Indonesia: The Construction of Gender Role in the Lens of the Circuit of Culture
I Rosida, M Azwar
International Journal of Media and Information Literacy 6 (1), 182-192, 2021
Gender Relation in Willow Trees Don’t Weep Novel (2014) by Fadia Faqir: A Feminist Literary Criticism
I Rosida, A Soraya
Insaniyat: Journal of Islam and Humanities 2 (1), 13-28, 2017
Hasrat Komoditas di Ruang Urban Jakarta: Sebuah Kajian Budaya
I Rosida
Alturas, 2014
Toxic Masculinity in Michael Rohrbaugh’s American Male
I Rosida, P Merdeka, AN Chaliza, AA Nisa, M Sodikin
LITERA 21 (1), 2022
The Identity Construction of Jordanian Muslim Woman Reflected in Willow Trees Don’t Weep Novel (2014) by Fadia Faqir
I Rosida, M Molalita
Insaniyat: Journal of Islam and Humanities 1 (1), 41-56, 2016
The phenomenon of involuntary celibates (Incels) in internet meme culture: A reflection of masculine domination
MP Aulia, I Rosida
International Journal of Media and Information Literacy 7 (1), 4-17, 2022
Flexing culture in the age of social media: From social recognition to self-satisfaction
I Rosida, FA Zahra, F Tuzzahrah, S Azzahra
Simulacra 6 (2), 193-208, 2023
Women, Gossip, and Film: Social and Cultural Construction on Women's Behavioral Engagement in Gossiping
R Ida, H Tuty
International Journal of Media and Information Literacy 8 (1), 191-203, 2023
Dress Practice in Islamic University: From Regulation to Consumption
I Rosida
2nd Internasional Conference on Culture and Language in Southeast Asia …, 2019
The Representation of Islam Identity on the Commercial TV's Advertisements
I Rosida, S Wulansari
International Conference on Culture and Language in Southeast Asia (ICCLAS …, 2017
Unraveling Milk and Honey: Women's Voice, Patriarchy, and Sexuality
RA Siva, I Rosida, M Azwar
Journal of International Women's Studies 25 (1), 2023
Picturing Homosexual Gesture in Call me by Your Name: Gender Performativity, Sexual Identity, and Sexual Activity
AN Faidah, I Rosida
Anaphora: Journal of Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies 5 (1), 46-61, 2022
Religious Values in Sabyan’s Two Islamic Song Lyric
L Rejeki, Molalita, I Rosida
2nd Internasional Conference on Culture and Language in Southeast Asia …, 2019
Poem As A Political Act; Scannel’s Worldview On Walking Wounded
I Rosida, SW Sari
Wanastra: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra 9 (1), 8-16, 2017
Gender and Power Relation in Aisha Saeed's Amal Unbound
A Fahri, I Rosida
Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2023
Women, Gossip, and Film Why are women considered gossipers?
I Rosida, T Handayani, FB Anugrah, R Kurnia, I Septiasari
KBM Indonesia, 2023
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