Irfan Bahiuddin
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Constitutive models of magnetorheological fluids having temperature-dependent prediction parameter
I Bahiuddin, SA Mazlan, I Shapiai, F Imaduddin, SB Choi
Smart Materials and Structures 27 (9), 095001, 2018
Material characterizations of gr-based magnetorheological elastomer for possible sensor applications: Rheological and resistivity properties
MK Shabdin, MA Abdul Rahman, SA Mazlan, Ubaidillah, NM Hapipi, ...
Materials 12 (3), 391, 2019
Characterization and modeling of a new magnetorheological damper with meandering type valve using neuro-fuzzy
F Imaduddin, SA Mazlan, MH Idris, I Bahiuddin
Journal of King Saud University-Science 29 (4), 468-477, 2017
Material Characterization of a Magnetorheological Fluid Subjected to Long-Term Operation in Damper
D Utami, Ubaidillah, SA Mazlan, F Imaduddin, NA Nordin, I Bahiuddin, ...
Materials 11 (11), 2018
A review on the control of the mechanical properties of ankle foot orthosis for gait assistance
D Adiputra, N Nazmi, I Bahiuddin, U Ubaidillah, F Imaduddin, ...
Actuators 8 (1), 10, 2019
A new constitutive model of a magneto-rheological fluid actuator using an extreme learning machine method
I Bahiuddin, SA Mazlan, MI Shapiai, SB Choi, F Imaduddin, MAA Rahman, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 281, 209-221, 2018
Accurate and fast estimation for field-dependent nonlinear damping force of meandering valve-based magnetorheological damper using extreme learning machine method
I Bahiuddin, F Imaduddin, SA Mazlan, MHM Ariff, KB Mohmad, SB Choi
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 318, 112479, 2021
Prediction of field-dependent rheological properties of magnetorheological grease using extreme learning machine method
I Bahiuddin, NAA Wahab, MI Shapiai, SA Mazlan, N Mohamad, ...
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 30 (11), 1727-1742, 2019
A new control-oriented transient model of variable geometry turbocharger
I Bahiuddin, SA Mazlan, F Imaduddin
Energy 125, 297-312, 2017
A new platform for the prediction of field-dependent yield stress and plastic viscosity of magnetorheological fluids using particle swarm optimization
I Bahiuddin, SA Mazlan, MI Shapiai, F Imaduddin, SB Choi
Applied Soft Computing 76, 615-628, 2019
Constitutive models for predicting field-dependent viscoelastic behavior of magnetorheological elastomer using machine learning
KD Saharuddin, MHM Ariff, I Bahiuddin, SA Mazlan, SAA Aziz, N Nazmi, ...
Smart Materials and Structures 29 (8), 087001, 2020
Study of extreme learning machine activation functions for magnetorheological fluid modelling in medical devices application
I Bahiuddin, SA Mazlan, MI Shapiai, F Imaduddin
2017 international conference on robotics, automation and sciences (ICORAS), 1-5, 2017
The rheological studies on poly (vinyl) alcohol-based hydrogel magnetorheological plastomer
NM Hapipi, SA Mazlan, U Ubaidillah, K Homma, SAA Aziz, NA Nordin, ...
Polymers 12 (10), 2332, 2020
Failure analysis of double-row tapered roller bearing outer ring used in Coal Wagon Wheelset
S Darmo, I Bahiuddin, P Handoko, HR Priatomo, M Kuncoro, ...
Engineering Failure Analysis 135, 106153, 2022
Tunable low range Gr induced magnetorheological elastomer with magnetically conductive feedback
MK Shabdin, AA Zainudin, SA Mazlan, MAA Rahman, SAA Aziz, ...
Smart Materials and Structures 29 (5), 057001, 2020
Non-parametric multiple inputs prediction model for magnetic field dependent complex modulus of magnetorheological elastomer
KD Saharuddin, MHM Ariff, I Bahiuddin, U Ubaidillah, SA Mazlan, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 2657, 2022
Rancang bangun alat pengering produk pertanian tipe tray berputar
S Johanes, S Siswantoro, I Bahiuddin
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin 15 (2), 89-98, 2020
Magnetorheological valve based actuator for improvement of passively controlled turbocharger system
I Bahiuddin, SA Mazlan, F Imaduddin, U Ubaidillah, B Ichwan
AIP Conference Proceedings 1717 (1), 2016
A model of magnetorheological grease using machine learning method
I Bahiuddin, SA Mazlan, MI Shapiai, N Mohamad, F Imaduddin
Key Engineering Materials 775, 191-197, 2018
Magnetostriction Enhancement in Midrange Modulus Magnetorheological Elastomers for Sensor Applications
MA Tasin, SAA Aziz, SA Mazlan, MAF Johari, NA Nordin, SYM Yusuf, ...
Micromachines 14 (4), 767, 2023
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Articles 1–20