Tutuka Ariadji
Tutuka Ariadji
Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Insitut Teknologi Bandung
Email yang diverifikasi di tm.itb.ac.id
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Effect of vibration on rock and fluid properties: on seeking the vibroseismic technology mechanisms
T Ariadji
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-93112-MS, 2005
Reservoir characterization for site selection in the Gundih CCS project, Indonesia
T Tsuji, T Matsuoka, WGA Kadir, M Hato, T Takahashi, MR Sule, ...
Energy Procedia 63, 6335-6343, 2014
A novel tool for designing well placements by combination of modified genetic algorithm and artificial neural network
T Ariadji, F Haryadi, IT Rau, PA Aziz, R Dasilfa
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 122, 69-82, 2014
The effect of type waves on vibroseismic implementation of changes properties of rock, oil viscosity, oil compound composition, and enhanced oil recovery
SC Louhenapessy, T Ariadji
Petroleum Research 5 (4), 304-314, 2020
Microbial huff and puff project at Mangunjaya field wells: The first in Indonesia towards successful MEOR implementation
T Ariadji, DI Astuti, P Aditiawati, IA Purwasena, GP Persada, ...
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, D021S021R001, 2017
Optimization of vertical well placement for oil field development based on basic reservoir rock properties using a genetic algorithm
T Ariadji, P Sukarno, KA Sidarto, E Soewono, LS Riza, K David
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 44 (2), 106-127, 2012
A New CO2-EOR Methods Screening Model Based on Interdependency Parameters
D Rosiani, AK Permadi, HPS Siregar, AY Gunawan, T Ariadji
Applied Sciences 12 (8), 3937, 2022
A Comprehensive Preparation Study for Microbial Nutrient Injection of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery: Reservoir Screening and Laboratory Analysis–Case Study Bentayan Field
DI Astuti, T Ariadji, P Aditiawati, IA Purwasena, GP Persada, ...
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, D021S021R005, 2017
Formation Evaluation and Contingent Storage Capacity Estimation for Cabrbon Capture Storage and Utilization: A Case Study from East Natuna
JR Cherdasa, K Prabowo, T Ariadji, B Sapiie, Z Syihab
Modern Applied Science 12 (4), 151-170, 2018
Pengembangan Peramalan Kurva IPR Dua Fasa Secara Analitis
P Sukarno, T Ariadji, I Regina
Simposium Nasional IATMI, 2001
Bacterial community dynamics during MEOR biostimulation of an oil reservoir in sumatera Indonesia
DI Astuti, IA Purwasena, N Priharto, T Ariadji, LN Afifah, RB Saputro, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 208, 109558, 2022
Field implementation of nutrient huff and puff in Bentayan field, South Sumatera: towards a low-cost EOR
T Ariadji, DI Astuti, N Priharto, AA Ananggadipa, GP Persada, ...
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, D021S007R004, 2020
The implementation of real options theory for economic evaluation in oil and gas field project: case studies in Indonesia
PA Aziz, T Ariadji, UR Fitra, N Grion
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (24), 15759-15771, 2017
Reservoir Characterization Through Single-Well Numerical Simulation Study Using DST Matching for a Gas-Condensate Reservoir
T Ariadji, H Suryanto, S Mariani
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-93218-MS, 2005
Performance prediction of a well under multiphase flow conditions
T Marhaendrajana, T Ariadji, AK Permadi
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-80534-MS, 2003
A robust method for determining the optimum horizontal well direction and length for a petroleum field development using genetic algorithm
T Ariadji, PA Aziz, E Soewono, AA Syifa, LS Riza, KA Sidarto, P Sukarno
AIP Conference Proceedings 1450 (1), 319-325, 2012
Seeking Effects Of Vibration Stimulation On Coalbed Methane (CBM) Reservoir To Accelerate Gas Production Using Laboratory And Reservoir Stimulation Studies
C Tanuwijaya, T Ariadji
Journal of JTM 16 (4), 199-214, 2009
CO2 EOR potentials in Indonesia: Towards the second life of national oil production
T Ariadji, PA Aziz, AW Bachtiar, I Primasari, B Lubiantara, A Ardjuna, ...
80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018 2018 (1), 1-5, 2018
A cost-effective method to maximize the hydrocarbon recovery by optimizing the vertical well placements through the simulation opportunity index
W Saputra, T Ariadji, TW Patzek
SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, SPE …, 2016
Prediksi Perubahan Sifat Fisik Batuan Reservoir Dengan Studi Laboratorium Stimulasi Vibrasi Terhadap Contoh Batuan Lapangan Pada Berbagai Tekanan Overburden
O Ridaliani, T Ariadji, G Handayani
IATMI Symposium, 2003
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