Asep Rudi Casmana, S.Pd., MA.
Asep Rudi Casmana, S.Pd., MA.
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Cited by
Global citizenship: preparing the younger generation to possess pro-environment behavior, mutual assistance and tolerance awareness through school engagement
AR Casmana, JA Dewantara, DA Timoera, AP Kusmawati, I Syafrudin
Globalisation, Societies and Education 21 (1), 15-32, 2023
Caring for the environment in an inclusive school: The Adiwiyata Green School program in Indonesia
WH Prasetiyo, NA Ishak, A Basit, JA Dewantara, OT Hidayat, ...
Issues in Educational Research 30 (3), 1040-1057, 2020
Improved learning design for pre-service teacher in a character education course
CAR Sarkadi, Y Rahmawati
Univers J Educ Res 8 (1), 212-224, 2020
The nationality education model: the implementation of a score-a training model for youth across different cultures in Indonesia
K Komarudin, A Alkhudri, U Ubedilah, S Syaifudin, A Casmana
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 10 (2), 308-322, 2019
Implementation of teaching character education, particularly in environmental care value, in labschool Jakarta
A Husen, A Casmana, R Hasan, Y Erfinda
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 13 (4), 225-249, 2022
Cultural values' integration in character development in elementary schools: the sukuraga as learning media
I Nurasiah, MS Sumantri, N Nurhasanah, AR Casmana
Frontiers in Education 7, 849218, 2022
The obstacles hierarchy of school disaster preparedness implementation in Mount Sinabung area, Indonesia
M Muzani, AN Fatimah, MA Imsa, AR Casmana
Frontiers in Education 7, 842990, 2022
Ex migrant workers of international women and social entrepreneurship: study at kenanga village in Indramayu Regency in West Java Province in Indonesia
M Zid, AT Alkhudri, AR Casmana, A Marini, A Wahyudi
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (06), 1855-1861, 2020
Integrating character Education into the RECE learning model through pancasila and citizenship Education subjects
Sarkadi, AR Casmana, CJ Hisyam, I Wardatussa'idah
Frontiers in Education 7, 841037, 2022
A learning model for teaching “population geography” course in higher education through case study of international women's migration
M Zid, A Casmana
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 12 (3), 120-143, 2021
The policy of education based on character values for the best quality of education “an analysis of the zoning system policy imposed by ministry of education and culture in …
S Sarkadi, S Syarifa, AR Casmana
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (8), 3423-3429, 2020
The development of international education towards migration abroad by Indonesian women
M Zid, AR Casmana, SN Hijrawadi
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (5), 1953-1963, 2020
Analysis of Hybrid Learning for Students with Learning Disabilities in Primary Schools Providing Inclusive Education.
N Rachmawati, A Supena, G Yarmi, A RudiCasmana
Qualitative Report 27 (10), 2022
A pattern of tolerance values transformation by parents towards early childhood
T Sumadi, F Abdillah, AR Casmana
Frontiers in Education 6, 626680, 2021
Penyelesaian tawuran pelajar di tingkat sekolah menengah kejuruan
N Delvira, A Husen, AR Casmana
Antropocene: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Humaniora 1 (1), 14-20, 2021
The Importance of Social Competences Transformation towards Early Age Children in Jakarta
T Sumadi, AR Casmana
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (5), 1991-1996, 2020
The Application of Mobile Learning for University Students in the Pancasila Education Modul in Developing Character of Students’ Empathy
S Sarkadi, AR Casmana, U Cahyana, M Paristiowati
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (9), 3825-3833, 2020
Implementation of teaching multicultural values through civic education for elementary school students
L Zakiah, A Marini, S Sarkadi, K Komarudin, A Kusmawati, A Casmana
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 14 (1), 110-142, 2023
Membangun Kesadaran Berkonstitusi melalui Pelatihan Digital Citizenship
M Japar, AD Utami, AR Casmana, D Djunaidi, DN Fadhillah
Jurnal Karya Abdi Masyarakat 6 (1), 46-53, 2022
Pembuatan Gapura Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Di Kampung Adat Banceuy, Subang, Jawa Barat
T Sumadi, AR Casmana
Satwika: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 1 (2), 48-55, 2021
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