Sistem Cerdas Dinus
Sistem Cerdas Dinus
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Pemodelan perilaku musuh menggunakan Finite State Machine (FSM) pada game pengenalan unsur kimia
T Bimantoro, H Haryanto
Journal of Applied Intelligent System 1 (3), 210-219, 2016
A virtual reality teaching simulation for exercise during pregnancy
A Setiawan, F Agiwahyuanto, P Arsiwi
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Online) 14 (1), 34, 2019
Implementasi Metode Item-Based Collaborative Filtering dalam Pemberian Rekomendasi Calon Pembeli Aksesoris Smartphone
B Prasetyo, H Haryanto, S Astuti, EZ Astuti, Y Rahayu
Jurnal Eksplora Informatika 9 (1), 17-27, 2019
Logika Fuzzy menggunakan metode Tsukamoto untuk prediksi perilaku konsumen di toko bangunan
AA Caraka, H Haryanto, DP Kusumaningrum, S Astuti
Techno. Com 14 (4), 255-265, 2015
Penerapan Metode Prototype Pada Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penggajian Karyawan (Persis Gawan) Berbasis Web. Paradigma-Jurnal Komputer Dan Informatika, 23 (2), 151–157
EW Fridayanthie, H Haryanto, T Tsabitah
An improved secure image hiding technique using PN-sequence based on DCT-OTP
MNM Najih, EH Rachmawanto, CA Sari, S Astuti
2017 1st International conference on informatics and computational sciences …, 2017
Penerapan Konsep Gamifikasi Appreciative pada E-Marketplace UMKM
A Kardianawati, H Haryanto, U Rosyidah
Techno. Com 15 (4), 343-351, 2016
Multicultural Approach in Developing Instructional Learning Material at Indonesian Senior High School
M Basri
Prediksi Jumlah Produksi Jenang di PT Menara Jenang Kudus Menggunakan Metode Logika Fuzzy Tsukamoto
TU Azmi, H Haryanto, T Sutojo
Sisfotenika 8 (1), 23-34, 2018
Implementasi Metode Association Rule Mining Dengan Algoritma Apriori Untuk Rekomendasi Promo Barang
AAC Putra, H Haryanto, E Dolphina
CSRID Journal 10 (2), 93, 2018
Sistem berbasis aturan menggunakan logika fuzzy tsukamoto untuk prediksi jumlah produksi roti pada cv. gendis bakery
RY Wiguna, H Haryanto
Progr. Stud. Tek. Inform. Fak. Ilmu Komputer, Univ. Dian Nuswantoro, 2015
Prediksi tingkat kerawanan kebakaran di daerah Kudus menggunakan Fuzzy Tsukamoto
C Ardianto, H Haryanto, E Mulyanto
Creative Information Technology Journal 4 (3), 186-194, 2018
Reward Dinamis dalam Skenario Adaptif Menggunakan Metode Finite State Machine pada Game Edukasi
H Haryanto
J. Appl. Intell. Syst 1 (2), 144-153, 2016
Preservation of Gobak Sodor traditional games using augmented reality computer game simulation
A Setiawan, E Kartikadarma, H Haryanto
2013 International Conference of Information and Communication Technology …, 2013
Perancangan Gamifikasi Berbasis Appreciative Inquiry Untuk Peningkatan Daya Saing E-Marketplace UMKM
A Kardianawati, S Fahmi, H Haryanto, U Rosyidah
Techno. Com 14 (3), 173-180, 2015
Usability evaluation using GOMS model for education game “Play and Learn English”
U Rosyidah, H Haryanto, A Kardianawati
2019 International seminar on application for technology of information and …, 2019
Prediksi Jumlah Produksi Tas Pada Home Industri Body Star Kudus Menggunakan Fuzzy Tsukamoto
M Afif, H Haryanto, Y Rahayu, E Mulyanto
Sisfotenika 7 (2), 119-130, 2017
Game Edukasi †œEvakuator†Bergenre Puzzle dengan Gameplay Berbasis Klasifikasi sebagai Sarana Pendidikan dalam Mitigasi Bencana
H Haryanto, R Lakoro
Techno. Com 11 (1), 47-54, 2012
Immersive activities in educational role-playing game based on appreciative learning and artificial intelligence
H Haryanto, U Rosyidah, A Kardianawati
2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 1-6, 2019
A Realistic Visual Speech Synthesis for Indonesian Using a Combination of Morphing Viseme and Syllable Concatenation Approach to Support Pronunciation Learning.
H Haryanto, S Sumpeno
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 13 (8), 2018
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Articles 1–20