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Keanekaragaman Spesies Tumbuhan pada Kawasan Mangrove Nipah (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) di Kec. Pulau Rimau Kab. Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan DP Indriani, H Marisa, Z Zakaria Jurnal Penelitian Sains 12 (3), 2009 | 32 | 2009 |
Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Pinus (Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese) terhadap Perkecambahan dan Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) H Marisa Post Graduate Thesis. Institute Technology of Bandung. Indonesia, 1990 | 15 | 1990 |
Red wood (Pterocarpus indicus wild) and bread fruit (Artocarpus communis) bark sap as attractant of stingless bee (Trigona spp) H Marisa, S Salni Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 8 (2), 2012 | 8 | 2012 |
Evaluation on antibacterial activity of Karamunting leaf extract (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait) Hassk) with various solvents to Shigella dysenteriae and Salmonella typhi S Salni, H Marisa Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 15 (5), 671-674, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
STUDI TERHADAP Bellucia pentamera NAUDIN; PERUBAHAN STATUS INVASIF MENJADI BERMANFAAT LARVASIDA H Marisa, S Salni, F Salfamas, Y Oktariansyah Prosiding SEMNASTAN, 44-52, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Pengaruh ekstrak daun pinus (Pinus merkusii) terhadap Perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) H Marisa Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1990 | 6 | 1990 |
Pengaruh Peningkatan Suhu Udara Terhadap Laju Transpirasi Bibit Lansium domesticum Corr A Sugiarto Skripsi. Indralaya: Universitas Sriwijaya, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Influence of the rubber seed type and altitude on characteristic of seed, oil and biodiesel S Salni, PL Hariani, MH Hanifa International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 6 (2), 157, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Eksplorasi Biolarvisida Dari Tumbuhan Untuk Pengendalian Larva Nyamuk Aedesaegypti Di Sumatera Selatan E Nofyan, H Marisa, M Kamal Prosiding SEMIRATA 2013 1 (1), 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Pemodelan pengaruh peningkatan suhu udara terhadap laju transpirasi bibit Lansium domesticum Corr menggunakan metode potometer yang dimodifikasi A Sugiarto, H Marisa, S Sarno Sriwijaya Bioscientia 1 (1), 31-34, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Struktur dan komposisi mangrove di arboretum Taman Nasional Berbak dan Sembilang Kabupaten Banyuasin Provinsi Sumatera Selatan S Sarnubi, S Sarno, H Marisa Sriwijaya Bioscientia 1 (1), 21-30, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Activity tests of bioactive material of salung leaf (psychotria viridiflora reinw. ex. blume) against salmonella thypi bacteria in vitro and in vivo S Salni, H MARISA, H HARMIDA Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 14 (1), 13-18, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Application of Point-Centered Quarter Method for Measurement the Beach Crab (Ocypode spp) Density H Marisa BIOVALENTIA: Biological Research Journal 1 (1), 1-6, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oil from Rosemytle Leaves (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk) S Salni, H Marisa Molekul 15 (3), 158-165, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Fraksi Dan Senyawa Aktif Daun Seburo (Garcinia forbesii King.) terhadap Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 dan Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 F Larasati Undergraduate Thesis, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
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Inventarisasi Kupu-kupu (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) di Jalur 21 Kawasan Pusat Latihan Gajah Resor XV Suaka Margasatwa Padang Sugihan D Setiawan, Z Hanafiah, H Marisa, E Patriono, A Arwinsyah, ... Sriwijaya Bioscientia 3 (3), 99-104, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Struktur Kandelia candel (L.) Druce di Pulau Payung Sungsang, Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan S Sarno, H Marisa, FS Army MAKILA 14 (1), 36-46, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Pengaruh Sampah, Buah Dan Sayur Terhadap Kandungan Protein Maggot Tentara Hitam (Hermetia illucens) NVL Viergina Indralaya, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |