Arie Dipareza Syafei
Arie Dipareza Syafei
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Removal of natural organic matter by ultrafiltration with TiO< sub> 2</sub>-coated membrane under UV irradiation
AD Syafei, CF Lin, CH Wu
Journal of colloid and interface science 323 (1), 112-119, 2008
Microplastic pollution in the ambient air of Surabaya, Indonesia
AD Syafei, NR Nurasrin, AF Assomadi, R Boedisantoso
Current World Environment 14 (2), 290-298, 2019
An occupant-based overview of microplastics in indoor environments in the City of Surabaya, Indonesia
I Bahrina, AD Syafei, R Satoto, JJ Jiang, NR Nurasrin, AF Assomadi, ...
Journal of Ecological Engineering 21 (8), 2020
Prediction Model of Air Pollutant Levels Using Linear Model with Component Analysis
AD Syafei, A Fujiwara, J Zhang
The Effect of Ventilation and Cooking Activities Indoor Fine Particulates in Apartments Towards
R Zenissa, AD Syafei, U Surahman, AC Sembiring, AW Pradana, ...
Civil and Environmental Engineering 16 (2), 238-248, 2020
Identification of trace element in ambient air case study: Industrial estate in Waru, Sidoarjo, East Java
GP Humairoh, AD Syafei, M Santoso, R Boedisantoso, AF Assomadi, ...
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 20 (9), 1910-1921, 2020
Factors affecting the indoor air quality of middle-class apartments in major cities in Indonesia: A case study in Surabaya city
AD Syafei, U Surahman, AC Sembiring, AW Pradana, TN Ciptaningayu, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2296 (1), 2020
Spatial and temporal factors of air quality in surabaya city: an analysis based on a multilevel model
AD Syafei, A Fujiwara, J Zhang
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 138, 612-622, 2014
Application of Exponential Smoothing Holt Winter and ARIMA Models for Predicting Air Pollutant Concentrations.
AD Syafei, N Ramadhan, J Hermana, A Slamet, R Boedisantoso, ...
EnvironmentAsia 11 (3), 2018
Effects of ambient temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation on diarrhea incidence in Surabaya
BSS Wibawa, AT Maharani, G Andhikaputra, MSA Putri, AP Iswara, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (3), 2313, 2023
Estimation on the increasing value of CO based on the vehicle growth in Surabaya
SAMP Ofrial, E Ahyudanari, AD Syafei
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 227, 410-416, 2016
Microplastic characterization based on the number of occupants
A Pratiwi, AD Syafei, AF Assomadi, R Boedisantoso, J Hermana
AIP Conference Proceedings 2296 (1), 2020
Pemetaan Tingkat Kebisingan di Rumah Sakit Islam A. Yani Surabaya
MA Savitri, AD Syafei
Jurnal Teknik ITS 7 (1), F192-F195, 2018
Reduction of CO, NOx and SO2 emissions from the transfer of private vehicles to public transportation: a case study of Surabaya
R Boedisantoso, TN Ciptaningayu, AD Syafei, AF Assomadi, A Slamet, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 239 (1), 012041, 2019
Microplastic pollution in the ambient air of Surabaya, Indonesia. Curr. World Environ. 14, 290–298
AD Syafei, NR Nurasrin, AF Assomadi, R Boedisantoso
Strategi Pengendalian Pencemaran Gas CO dari Aktivitas Transportasi di Kota Batu, Jawa Timur
RD Amalia, AD Syafei
Surabaya: Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2017
The influence of environmental conditions (vegetation, temperature, equator, and elevation) on tropospheric nitrogen dioxide in urban areas in Indonesia
AD Syafei, TD Irawandani, R Boedisantoso, AF Assomadi, A Slamet, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 303 (1), 012034, 2019
A comparative study on NO concentration interpolation in Surabaya City
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 9, 2013
Sustainibility Bantalan Jalan Rel Tipe Beton Prategang Mutu K-600 dengan Metode Analisis Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) terhadap Pencemaran Udara
R Hardianto, H Widyastuti, AD Syafei
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil 18 (2), 199-206, 2020
Assessing Factors that affect Selection of Adaptation Strategies for Small-Scale Fishing Communities
AD Syafei, A Wardhani, A Dinesta, T Ciptaningayu, F Assomadi, Abdu, ...
Disaster Advances 11 (8), 11-21, 2018
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Articles 1–20