Prof. Dr. H. Agus Pahrudin, M.Pd
Prof. Dr. H. Agus Pahrudin, M.Pd
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
Email yang diverifikasi di radenintan.ac.id - Beranda
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Pendekatan Saintifik Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kualitas Proses dan Hasil pembelajaran
A Pahrudin
Pustaka Ali Imron 1 (1), 2019
The analysis of pre-service physics teachers in scientific literacy: Focus on the competence and knowledge aspects
MP Pahrudin
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 8 (1), 52-62, 2019
Problem-based learning for critical thinking skills in mathematics
NR Aini, S Syafril, N Netriwati, A Pahrudin, T Rahayu, V Puspasari
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1155 (1), 012026, 2019
Strategi Belajar Mengajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Madrasah (Pendekatan Teoritis dan Praktis)
A Pahrudin
Fakta Press Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Raden Intan, Lampung, 2013
The effects of the ECIRR learning model on mathematical reasoning ability in the curriculum perspective 2013: Integration on student learning motivation
P Agus, A Nur, H Syamsul, A Nita
European Journal of Educational Research 9 (2), 675-684, 2020
Buku: Strategi Belajar Mengajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Madrasah
A Pahrudin
Pusaka Media, 2017
Spirit of mathematics critical thinking skills (CTS)
S Syafril, NR Aini, A Pahrudin, NE Yaumas
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1467 (1), 012069, 2020
Pengembangan e-modul android berbasis metakognisi sebagai media pembelajaran biologi kelas XII SMA/MA
NB Haka, E Majid, A Pahrudin
Edu Sains: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Dan Matematika 9 (1), 71-83, 2021
Four ways of fine motor skills development in early childhood
S Syafril, R Susanti, R El Fiah, T Rahayu, A Pahrudin, NE Yaumas, ...
INA-Rxiv, 2018
Pengembangan Model Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Multikultural
A Pahrudin
Samudra Biru, 2021
The Effectiveness of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Inquiry Learning for 15-16 Years Old Students Based on K-13 Indonesian Curriculum: The Impact on the …
A Pahrudin, G Alisia, A Saregar, A Asyhari, A Anugrah, NE Susilowati
European Journal of Educational Research 10 (2), 681-692, 2021
The Implementation of Cooperative Learning to Developed Management of Language Learning System
B Purwanto, A Jatmiko, A Pahrudin, M Munifah, S Wardhani, S Purnama, ...
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8 (1), 379-392, 2020
Development of Islamic Value-based Picture in Biology Learning with the ISI-ARE Model
A Pahrudin
Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah 4 (2), 237-248, 2019
Budaya Lampung dan Penyelesaian Konflik Sosial Keagamaan
A Pahrudin
Pustaka Ali Imron 1 (1), 2007
Spirit of Mathematics Critical Thinking Skills (CTS). JPhCS, 1467 (1), 012069
S Syafril, NR Aini, N Netriwati, A Pahrudin, NE Yaumas, E Engkizar
Mini review: Improving teachers’ quality in STEM-based science teaching-learning in secondary school
S Syafril, T Rahayu, SF Al-Munawwarah, I Satar, LB Halim, NE Yaumas, ...
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series 1796 (1), 012072, 2021
Strategic management roadmap: formulation, implementation, and evaluation to develop islamic higher education institution
J Junaidah, S Basyar, A Pahrudin, A Fauzan
Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan Dan Ilmu Tarbiyah 5 (2), 335-347, 2020
Pengaruh model pembelajaran master terhadap literasi matematis ditinjau dari perbedaan gender
AS Martinah, OH Kharisma, SP Nasution, A Pahrudin
Journal of Mathematics Education and Science 2 (2), 75-81, 2019
Use of Frog Vle in Science Learning
A Pahrudin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1155 (1), 1-5, 2019
Problem-Based Learning for Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics
A Pahrudin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1155 (1), 1-7, 2019
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