Merdeka belajar: kajian literatur S Sherly, E Dharma, HB Sihombing UrbanGreen Conference Proceeding Library, 183-190, 2021 | 382 | 2021 |
The impact of work discipline and work ethic on the teacher performance of Sultan Agung Pematangsiantar Private Middle School Teachers TA 2018/2019 A Sudirman, D Lie, S Sherly, E Dharma International Journal of Business Studies 3 (3), 125-135, 2019 | 105 | 2019 |
Sosialisasi implementasi program profil pelajar pancasila di smp swasta sultan agung pematangsiantar S Sherly, H Herman, F Halim, E Dharma, R Purba, YK Sinaga, ... Jubaedah: Jurnal Pengabdian Dan Edukasi Sekolah (Indonesian Journal of …, 2021 | 78 | 2021 |
Determinants of teacher performance: Exploring the role of satisfaction and motivation as mediation A Sudirman, S Sherly, V Candra, E Dharma, D Lie Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran 54 (1), 68-79, 2021 | 58 | 2021 |
Etika Bisnis E Sudarmanto, N Heriyani, HDA Batubara, AB Prasetya, F Fajrillah, ... Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2020 | 54 | 2020 |
Measurement of Teacher Performance in Pematangsiantar City Middle School Through Teacher Certification, Motivation, and Job Satisfactio D Lie, S Sherly, E Efendi, E Dharma, A Sudirman | 36 | 2021 |
Komunikasi dan Kepemimpinan Organisasi UT Handiman, A Faridi, AB Prasetya, A Hasibuan, M Ismail, E Dharma, ... Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2022 | 27 | 2022 |
Analysis of the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trust, and cashback promotion on intention to use E-wallet DE Putri, OS Sinaga, A Sudirman, F Augustinah, E Dharma International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research 6 (11 …, 2022 | 26 | 2022 |
Merdeka Belajar: Kajian Literatur E Dharma, HB Sihombing Jurnal Pendidikan 4 (3), 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Predictors Affecting Millennial Generation Work Satisfaction in Pematangsiantar City: a Quantitative Approach A Inrawan, RT Sianipar, HP Silitonga, A Sudirman, E Dharma Applied Quantitative Analysis 1 (2), 1-14, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Meningkatkan niat menggunakan dompet digital pada generasi Z dan milenial dengan cashback promotion sebagai mediator DE Putri, OS Sinaga, E Dharma, J Julyanthry, A Sudirman Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen 10 (4), 1057-1072, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Pengaruh Deskripsi Pekerjaan Dan Koordinasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Pusat Gereja Kristen Protestan Simalungun (Gkps) Pematangsiantar E Dharma, FY Sinaga, LE Nainggolan, S Sisca Maker: Jurnal Manajemen 6 (1), 54-63, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Reflections on teacher job satisfaction: The role of principal supervision, organizational culture, motivation, and compensation D Lie, S Sherly, E Dharma, E Wakhyuni, A Sudirman Jurnal Organisasi dan Manajemen 17 (2), 234-248, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Determinants of Innovative Work Behaviorof MSME Employees during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Pematangsiantar City S Simatupang, E Dharma, MH Ambarita, N Butarbutar, A Sudirman Valid: Jurnal Ilmiah 20 (1), 54-63, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Pengaruh Komunikasi dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kerja Sama Tim Karyawan Non Medis Pada PT Horas Insani Abadi Pematangsiantar C Loist, D Lie, A Inrawan, E Dharma, Y Ranuwisastri Strategic: Journal of Management Sciences 2 (1), 25-31, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Pengantar Bisnis: Etika, Hukum & Bisnis Internasional A Sudarso, E Dharma, F Febrianty, J Julyanthry, L Parinduri, NV Leuwol, ... Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Penguatan Entrepreneurship Insight Guna Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bagi Pelaku UKM Di Kota Pematangsiantar M Butarbutar, S Sofiyan, S Sisca, S Sherly, E Dharma Glow: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 1 (1), 9-16, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Pengaruh Tata Letak Dan Pegawasan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Pt Bank Sumut Cabang Syariah Pematangsiantar DA Daulay, M Silalahi, S Sisca, E Dharma Maker: Jurnal Manajemen 5 (2), 25-35, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Vocational High School Prospective Graduates’ Employability via Dual Vocational Certification (DVC). S Sherly, K Kisno, N Sitanggang, E Dharma, HB Marlina Sihombing Journal of Management & Marketing Review (JMMR) 7 (4), 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Teacher Performance in Terms of The Aspects of Intellectual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence H Sri Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |