Riesta Devi Kumalasari
Riesta Devi Kumalasari
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Technopreneur publication: a bibliometric analysis (2000–2019)
A Purnomo, A Septianto, DU Sutiksno, MI Hikmawan, RD Kumalasari
2020 international conference on information management and technology …, 2020
A Bibliometric Publication Mapping Overview of Business Model Canvas
A Purnomo, N Asitah, RD Kumalasari, RDD Wiradimadja, HF Thousani
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2021
External factors motivating successful women entrepreneurs: a study of women entrepreneurs community in A rural area
RD Kumalasari, K Lukiyanto, A Purnomo
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 18 (1), 518-526, 2021
The effect of fundamental variables and macro variables on the probability of companies to suffer financial distress a study on textile companies registered in BEI
RD Kumalasari, D Hadiwidjojo, NK Indrawati
European Journal of Business and Management 6 (34), 275-285, 2014
Patron-client relationship in microenterprise development as a cultural heritage in modern era
K Lukiyanto, A Widita, RD Kumalasari
PERTANIKA: Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 26, 155-162, 2018
Multimedia of number recognition for early childhood using image object
J Simarmata, T Limbong, ARS Tambunan, MP Simanjuntak, R Limbong, ...
Int. J. Eng. Technol 7 (3.2), 796-798, 2018
Faktor pendorong keberhasilan wanita pedesaan dalam berwirausaha
RD Kumalasari
J-MKLI (Jurnal Manajemen dan Kearifan Lokal Indonesia) 1 (2), 106-115, 2018
Hedges, politeness strategies, and power: A case study of women community leaders in Malang Regency
A Zunaidah, YKP Sari, RD Kumalasari
Jurnal riset komunikasi 3 (1), 87-95, 2020
How Tourists Reacted to Ecotourism during COVID-19: Insights on Its Sustainability from a Multivariate Analysis Based on the Case of Banyuwangi
SF Persada, YT Prasetyo, IGAP Maharani, B Apriyansyah, AKS Ong, ...
Sustainability 15 (2), 1440, 2023
Small Medium Enterprises in Indonesia: A Retrospective of the Research Journey
RD Kumalasari
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2021
Indikasi Financial Distress Berdasarkan Analisis Z-Score Altman pada Perusahaan Tekstil yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama Tahun 2008-2010
RD Kumalasari
Skripsi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya Malang, 2012
Implementation of digital marketing in micro, small, and medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic
M Purnamasari, AM Herdina, RD Kumalasari, PA Purnama, NJ Siregar
2023 International Conference On Cyber Management And Engineering (CyMaEn …, 2023
Analisis pengaruh penetapan harga, kualitas, dan citra merek produk terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen fashion pakaian big size
RD Kumalasari
AKUNTABEL: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan 20 (3), 350-357, 2023
Investigating The Role Of Taste, Price, And Marketing Methods On Consumer Purchasing Decisions On Flavored Ice Cube Products
RD Kumalasari
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Tourism 1 (1), 27-32, 2023
Kumalasari., Djumilah, Hadiwidjojo., dan Nur, Khusniyah, Indrawati.(2014). The Effect of Fundamental Variables and Macro Variables on the Probability of Companies to Suffer …
D Riesta
European Journal of Business and Management 6 (34), 275-285, 0
How Social Media Reacting to Bakso Malang as Culinary Business on Post Covid 19: A Sentiment Analysis
SF Persada, RD Kumalasari, M Shanti, K Lukiyanto, GS Putri, ...
Procedia Computer Science 234, 463-469, 2024
EVA as an indicator of financial performance in companies during the Covid-19 pandemic
RD Kumalasari, AM Herdina, Murniati, PA Purnama, YT Prasetyo
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis 22 (2), 11-24, 2023
How the Scholars Concerns When COVID-19 Pandemic Struck the Ecotourism: A Scientometric Analysis
HHK Putri, YT Prasetyo, MN Young, SF Persada, M Shanti, ...
Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Management Science …, 2023
Local wisdom as a sustainable strategic innovation for the business community
AM Herdina, RD Kumalasari, PA Purnama, M Octavia
AIP Conference Proceedings 2594 (1), 2023
Kewirausahaan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Sebagai Strategi Model Bisnis Ritel
AM Herdina, RD Kumalasari, PA Purnama, M Octavia
J-MKLI (Jurnal Manajemen dan Kearifan Lokal Indonesia) 5 (1), 14-30, 2021
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Articles 1–20