Ginting Jalu Kusuma
Ginting Jalu Kusuma
Other namesG.J. Kusuma
Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Cited by
Effects of pH-induced changes in soil physical characteristics on the development of soil water erosion
S Matsumoto, S Ogata, H Shimada, T Sasaoka, A Hamanaka, GJ Kusuma
Geosciences 8 (4), 134, 2018
Application of coal ash to postmine land for prevention of soil erosion in coal mine in Indonesia: utilization of fly ash and bottom ash
S Matsumoto, S Ogata, H Shimada, T Sasaoka, GJ Kusuma, RS Gautama
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2016 (1), 8386598, 2016
Characterization of mine waste and acid mine drainage prediction by simple testing methods in terms of the effects of sulfate-sulfur and carbonate minerals
S Matsumoto, H Ishimatsu, H Shimada, T Sasaoka, GJ Kusuma
Minerals 8 (9), 403, 2018
Effects of acid soils on plant growth and successful revegetation in the case of mine site
S Matsumoto, H Shimada, T Sasaoka, I Miyajima, GJ Kusuma, ...
Soil pH for nutrient availability and crop performance, 9-27, 2017
Development of a new covering strategy in Indonesian coal mines to control acid mine drainage generation: a laboratory-scale result
H Shimada, GJ Kusuma, K Hiroto, T Sasaoka, K Matsui, ...
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 26 (1), 74-89, 2012
Physical and geochemical characteristics of coal mine overburden dump related to acid mine drainage generation
GJ Kusuma, H Shimada, T Sasaoka, K Matsui, C Nugraha, RS Gautama, ...
九州大学大学院工学研究院 72 (2), 23-38, 2012
Water balance of pit lake development in the equatorial region
EJ Tuheteru, RS Gautama, GJ Kusuma, AA Kuntoro, K Pranoto, ...
Water 13 (21), 3106, 2021
An evaluation on the physical and chemical composition of coal combustion ash and its co-placement with coal-mine waste rock
JK Ginting, S Hideki, S Takashi, M Kikuo, N Candra, SG Rudy, S Budi
Journal of Environmental Protection 2012, 2012
Analisis Kandungan Fly Ash Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Penetral Dalam Penanggulangan Air Asam Tambang
MS Said, SR Nurhawaisyah, MI Juradi, N Asmiani, GJ Kusuma
Jurnal Geomine 7 (03), 163-170, 2019
Weathering behaviour of overburden-coal ash blending in relation to overburden management for acid mine drainage prevention in coal surface mine
RS Gautama, GJ Kusuma, I Lestari, RP Anggana
Proceedings of the 2010 International Mine Water Association symposium: mine …, 2010
Pengelolaan Air Asam Tambang (Aat) Dari Dinding Bekas Penambangan Sebagai Alternatif Penanggulangan Pencemaran Lingkungan: Studi Kasus Tambang Batu Hijau, Nusa Tenggara Barat
M Suryadi, GJ Kusuma
Jurnal sosioteknologi 18 (3), 433-448, 2019
Study on Co-placement of coal combustion ash-coal waste rock for minimizing acid mine drainage generation: a preliminary result of field column test experiment
GJ Kusuma, H Shimada, C Nugraha, A Hamanaka, T Sasaoka, K Matsui, ...
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 6, 251-261, 2013
Application of fly ash and organic material as dry cover system in prevention of acid mine drainage generation
TS Win, S Dwiki, S Mastumoto, GJ Kusuma
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 8 (5), 56-64, 2020
Construction of dry cover system for prevention of acid mine drainage at mine waste dump in open cast coal mines, Indonesia
S Matsumoto, H Shimada, T Sasaoka, GJ Kusuma, RS Gautama
Journal of Environmental Protection 7 (02), 160, 2016
Prevention of acid mine drainage (AMD) by using sulfur-bearing rocks for a cover layer in a dry cover system in view of the form of sulfur
S Matsumoto, H Ishimatsu, H Shimada, T Sasaoka, K Matsui, GJ Kusuma
Inżynieria Mineralna 16 (2), 29--35, 2015
Evaluation of geochemical tests in predicting acid mine drainage potential in coal surface mine
RS Gautama, GJ Kusuma
Mine Water and the Environment 2008, 271-274, 2008
Pit lake sebagai alternatif kegiatan pascatambang (Hasil Review Pustaka)
EJ Tuheteru, RS Gautama, GJ Kusuma, K Pranoto
Prosiding Temu Profesi Tahunan PERHAPI 1 (1), 19-34, 2018
Penelitian dan pengembangan sistem pengelolaan air asam tambang di Lati Mine Operation
F Gunawan, RS Gautama, MS Abfertiawan, GJ Kusuma
Bandung: Seminar Air Asam Tambang Ke-5 dan Pascatambang di Indonesia, 2014
Hydrology model establishment of pit lake: Extreme event rainfall data analysis
MA Danasla, GJ Kusuma, EJ Tuheteru, RS Gautama
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 882 (1), 012048, 2021
Placement of waste rocks in waste dump for prevention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by cover system in open cast coal mine: Effects of water quality on AMD
S Matsumoto, H Ishimatsu, H Shimada, T Sasaoka, GJ Kusuma, ...
Inżynieria Mineralna 18 (1), 97-102, 2017
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Articles 1–20