Pierre Oesterle
Cited by
Cited by
Removal of contaminants of emerging concern from multicomponent systems using carbon dioxide activated biochar from lignocellulosic feedstocks
I Kozyatnyk, P Oesterle, C Wurzer, O Mašek, S Jansson
Bioresource technology 340, 125561, 2021
Regeneration of saturated activated carbon by electro-peroxone and ozonation: Fate of micropollutants and their transformation products
M Mustafa, I Kozyatnyk, C Gallampois, P Oesterle, M Östman, M Tysklind
Science of the Total Environment 776, 145723, 2021
Extraction of active pharmaceutical ingredients from simulated spent activated carbonaceous adsorbents
P Oesterle, RH Lindberg, J Fick, S Jansson
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 25572-25581, 2020
Hydrothermal recycling of carbon absorbents loaded with emerging wastewater contaminants
C Wurzer, P Oesterle, S Jansson, O Mašek
Environmental Pollution 316, 120532, 2023
Fate of trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole and caffeine after hydrothermal regeneration of activated carbon
P Oesterle, C Gallampois, S Jansson
Journal of Cleaner Production 429, 139477, 2023
Exploring the fate of emerging contaminants during hydrothermal regeneration of carbonaceous adsorbents
P Oesterle
Umeå University, 2023
Single and competitive adsorption of emerging contaminants using pristine and magnetic activated biochars
P Oesterle, C Wurzer, O Mašek, S Jansson
A parallel optimisation of adsorption and regeneration properties of activated biochars for wastewater treatment
C Wurzer, P Oesterle, S Jansson, O Masek
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 858, 2020
Hydrothermal recycling of activated biochar
C Wurzer, O Maše, P Oesterle, S Jansson
Designing activated mineral biochar composites for the adsorption and degradation of emerging contaminants
C Wurzer, O Mašek, P Oesterle, S Jansson
Uptake and translocation ofcommon antibiotics in plants: Laboratory experiment and real-case study ofKwazulu-Natal, South Africa’s wastewater system
P Oesterle
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Articles 1–11