Nur Fadli
Nur Fadli
Lecturer of Marine Science Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
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Social–environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene
ES Darling, TR McClanahan, J Maina, GG Gurney, NAJ Graham, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (9), 1341-1350, 2019
Growth performance and feed utilization of keureling () fingerlings fed a formulated diet with different doses of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)
ZA Muchlisin, AA Arisa, AA Muhammadar, N Fadli, II Arisa, MN Siti-Azizah
Fisheries & Aquatic Life 24 (1), 47-52, 2016
Acehnese reefs in the wake of the Asian tsunami
AH Baird, SJ Campbell, AW Anggoro, RL Ardiwijaya, N Fadli, Y Herdiana, ...
Current biology 15 (21), 1926-1930, 2005
The effectiveness of experimental diet with varying levels of papain on the growth performance, survival rate and feed utilization of keureling fish (Tor tambra)
ZA Muchlisin, F Afrido, T Murda, N Fadli, AA Muhammadar, Z Jalil, ...
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education 8 (2), 172-177, 2016
An enhanced target-enrichment bait set for Hexacorallia provides phylogenomic resolution of the staghorn corals (Acroporidae) and close relatives
PF Cowman, AM Quattrini, TCL Bridge, GJ Watkins-Colwell, N Fadli, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 153, 106944, 2020
Depth-dependent mortality of reef corals following a severe bleaching event: implications for thermal refuges and population recovery
TCL Bridge, AS Hoey, SJ Campbell, E Muttaqin, E Rudi, N Fadli, AH Baird
F1000Research 2, 187, 2014
Feeding habit and length weight relationship of keureling fish, Tor tambra Valenciennes, 1842 (Cyprinidae) from the western region of Aceh Province, Indonesia
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 16 (1), 2015
DNA barcoding of freshwater fishes from lake Laut Tawar, Aceh Province, Indonesia
ZA Muchlisin, Z Thomy, N Fadli, MA Sarong, MN Siti-Azizah
Acta ichthyologica et Piscatoria 43, 21-29, 2013
Exploration of natural cryoprotectants for cryopreservation of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1822 (Pisces: Clariidae) spermatozoa.
ZA Muchlisin, WN Nadiah, N Nadiya, N Fadli, A Hendri, M Khalil, ...
Ichthyofauna of Tripa peat swamp forest, Aceh province, Indonesia
Z Muchlisin, Q Akyun, A Halim, S Rizka, S Sugianto, N Fadli, M Siti-Azizah
Check list 11 (2), 1-9, 2015
An Indo-Pacific coral spawning database
AH Baird, JR Guest, AJ Edwards, AG Bauman, J Bouwmeester, H Mera, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 35, 2021
Synchronous behavioural shifts in reef fishes linked to mass coral bleaching
SA Keith, AH Baird, JPA Hobbs, ES Woolsey, AS Hoey, N Fadli, ...
Nature Climate Change 8 (11), 986-991, 2018
The role of habitat creation in coral reef conservation: a case study from Aceh, Indonesia
N Fadli, SJ Campbell, K Ferguson, J Keyse, E Rudi, A Riedel, AH Baird
Oryx 46 (4), 501-507, 2012
Prevalence of ectoparasites on mahseer fish (Tor tambra Valenciennes, 1842) from aquaculture ponds and wild population of Nagan Raya District, Indonesia
ZA Muchlisin, AM Munazir, Z Fuady, W Winaruddin, S Sugianto, M Adlim, ...
Human and Veterinary Medicine 6 (3), 148-152, 2014
Cadmium, lead and zinc contamination on the oyster Crassostrea gigas muscle harvested from the estuary of Lamnyong River, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia
MA Sarong, C Jihan, ZA Muchlisin, N Fadli, S Sugianto
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 8 (1), 1-6, 2015
Fecundity and spawning frequency of Rasbora tawarensis (Pisces: Cyprinidae) an endemic species from Lake Laut Tawar, Aceh, Indonesia
ZA Muchlisin, M Musman, N Fadli, MN Siti-Azizah
Disturbance to coral reefs in Aceh, Northern Sumatra: impacts of the Sumatra-Andaman tsunami and pre-tsunami degradation
SJ Campbell, MS Pratchett, AW Anggoro, RL Ardiwijaya, N Fadli, ...
Atoll Research Bulletin 544, 55-78, 2007
Protein fishmeal replacement in aquaculture: A systematic review and implications on growth and adoption viability
ED Macusi, MA Cayacay, EQ Borazon, AC Sales, A Habib, N Fadli, ...
Sustainability 15 (16), 12500, 2023
Keragaman makrozoobenthos di perairan kuala gigieng Kabupaten Aceh Besar
N Fadli, I Setiawan, N Fadhilah
Depik 1 (1), 2012
DNA barcoding of commercially important reef fishes in Weh Island, Aceh, Indonesia
N Fadli, SAM Nor, AS Othman, H Sofyan, ZA Muchlisin
PeerJ 8, e9641, 2020
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