Lenny Christina Nawangsari
Lenny Christina Nawangsari
Universitas Mercu Buana
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Cited by
The effect of work environment on flexible working hours, employee engagement and employee motivation
A Setiyani, D Djumarno, S Riyanto, L Nawangsari
International Review of Management and Marketing 9 (3), 112-116, 2019
Human Resources Management Strategy For Business Sustainability In Msmes
ICCD 5 (1), 514-518, 2023
Effect of Organizational Commitmenton the Sustainability Firm Performance of Indonesian SMEs
N Surip, AH Sutawijaya, LC Nawangsari, J Supono
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION 58 (2), 6978-6991, 2021
Model of Commitment for Sustainability Indonesian SME’s Performance: A Literature Review
J Supono, N Surip, AH Sutawidjaya, LC Nawangsari
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (05), 8772-8784, 2020
How the Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) process can be adopted for the organization business?
LC Nawangsari, AH Sutawidjaya
1st International Conference on Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship, and …, 2019
The effect of compensation and work loads towards intension of turnover with work satisfaction as a variable mediation in clinic employees of PT Nayaka Era Husada Branch of Bekasi
TD Agustine, LC Nawangsari
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 5 (7 …, 2020
The effect of green recruitment, green training on employee performance in pt tru using organization citizenship for environment as mediation variable
SA Sinaga, LC Nawangsari
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science 1 (2), 204-216, 2019
The effect of green human resource management on organization citizenship behaviour for environment (OCBE) and its implications on employee performance at Pt Andalan Bakti Niaga
A Saputro, LC Nawangsari
European Journal of Business and Management Research 6 (1), 174-181, 2021
Organizational citizenship behavior while mediating self-efficacy, servant leadership and organization culture on employee performance
LA Pratiwi, LC Nawangsari
European Journal of Business and Management Research 6 (1), 225-231, 2021
Motivation and the millennial generation
A Setiyani, A Sutawijaya, LC Nawangsari, S Riyanto, E Endri
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 13 (6), 1124-1136, 2020
Talent management in mediating competencies and motivation to improve employee’s engagement
LC Nawangsari, AH Sutawidjaya
Eleftherios Thalassinos, 2019
The influence of green performance appraisal and green compensation to improve employee performance through OCBE
F Ardiza, LC Nawangsari, AH Sutawidjaya
International Review of Management and Marketing 11 (4), 13, 2021
The influence of green transformational leadership and motivation to sustainable corporate performance with organizational citizenship behavior for the environment as a …
D Widisatria, LC Nawangsari
European Journal of Business and Management Research 6 (3), 118-123, 2021
What is the impact of industry 4.0 to green supply chain
AH Sutawijaya, LC Nawangsari
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 8 (1), 207-213, 2020
The impact of human resources practices affecting organization citizenship behaviour with mediating job satisfaction in University
LC Nawangsari, AH Sutawidjaya
3rd annual international seminar on transformative education and educational …, 2018
The effect of compensation and work discipline on employee performance through work motivation (Case study: Secretariat of DPRD DKI Jakarta Province)
B Butarbutar, LC Nawangsari
Dinasti International Journal of Education Management and Social Science 3 …, 2022
The effect of green human resources management on sustainability business companies (case study on employee claim department PT. Prudential Life Assurance)
ET Wulandari, LC Nawangsari
European Journal of Business and Management Research 6 (1), 238-242, 2021
The Influence of Work Motivation, Organizational Culture, and Work Environment on the Work Discipline of Employees PT Inti Karya Persada Tehnik
FF Purwanta, LC Nawangsari
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 8 (12), 86-92, 2018
Pengaruh green human resource management terhadap sustainability business: Pendekatan Konsep
ND Purnama, LC Nawangsari
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Peningkatan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi 1 (1), 032-039, 2019
The effect of human capital, structural capital, relational capital and innovative behavior in organizational performance of PT. PLN (Persero) Company, Bekasi
OT Pangidoan, LC Nawangsari
Linguistics and Culture Review 6 (S1), 773-796, 2022
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Articles 1–20