Tjong Wan Sen
Tjong Wan Sen
President University
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Penggunaan Stacking Classifier Untuk Prediksi Curah Hujan
DD Sidik, TW Sen
IT for Society 4 (1), 2019
The Implementation of Deep Learning Methods in Education to Support Personalized Learning
R Rosalina, TW Sen
Proceeding of International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and …, 2022
The prediction of gold price movement by comparing naive bayes, support vector machine, and K-NN
Y Suryana, TW Sen
JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) 4 (2), 112-120, 2021
Real-Time Detection of Face Masked & Face Shield Using YOLO Algorithm with Pre-Trained Model and Darknet
M Muhaimin, WS Tjong
Indonesian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining 4 (2), 97-107, 2021
Prediction of electrical energy consumption using LSTM algorithm with teacher forcing technique
SR Riady, TW Sen
JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) 4 (1), 90-95, 2021
Assembly instruction with augmented reality on Android application “assembly with AR”
IE Nugraha, TW Sen, RB Wahyu, B Sulistyo
2017 4th International Conference on New Media Studies (CONMEDIA), 32-37, 2017
Voice activity detector for device with small processor and memory
TW Sen
2019 International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Creative …, 2019
Business Intelligence Using N-Beats And Rnn Methods End Influence On Decision Making In The Flexible Packaging Manufacturing
E Wahyudi, TW Sen
JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) 6 (1), 47-50, 2023
Pengembangan mesin 3D printing sebagai alternatif pembangunan rumah yang lebih efisien: Pengembangan mesin 3D printing sebagai alternatif pembangunan rumah yang lebih efisien
NA Sutisna, WS Tjong
Media Teknik Sipil 19 (2), 2021
Robust automatic speech recognition features using complex wavelet packet transform coefficients
TW Sen, BR Trilaksono, AA Arman, R Mandala
Journal of ICT Research and Applications 3 (2), 123-134, 2009
Evaluation of wavelet transform coefficients for robust speech recognition feature vectors
WS Tjong, BR Trilaksono, AA Arman
Proceedings International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2007
Optimization in Time and Score using IID Algorithm for K-Modes Clustering
F Yulianti, TW Sen
Building of Informatics, Technology and Science (BITS) 4 (4), 1705− 1713 …, 2023
Combining Super Resolution Algorithm (Gaussian Denoising and Kernel Blurring) and Compare with Camera Super Resolution
M Ghofur, TW Sen
JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) 4 (2), 107-111, 2021
License Plate Localization for Low Computation Resources Systems Using Raw Image Input and Artificial Neural Network
TW Sen, S Suakanto, AM Siregar
Jurnal Telematika 15 (1), 39-44, 2020
Pemanfaatan Sistem Distribusi dalam Berbagi Paket Pulsa untuk Short Message Service (SMS)
SR Riady, TW Sen
Jurnal Sains Indonesia 1 (2), 51-58, 2020
Frekuensi Dominan Dalam Vokal Bahasa Indonesia
TW Sen
IT for Society 1 (2), 2016
Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Swadaya Masyarakat untuk Pengentasan Stunting Di Puskesmas Lemahabang
R Ginanjar, TW Sen, F Rachel
ACADEMICS IN ACTION Journal of Community Empowerment 6 (1), 2024
On the Use of SNMP as a Protocol for Healthcare Asset Management in the Operation and Maintenance Cycle
S Suakanto, TA Nugroho, E Nuryatno, TW Sen, AZ Hafizhah
2023 10th International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS), 1-6, 2023
Pendampingan Masyarakat Kota Dalam Memanfaatkan Lahan Tidur Di Kawasan Industri Jababeka Ditinjau Dari Aspek Teknologi dan Agrobisnis
R Adji, TW Sen
ACADEMICS IN ACTION Journal of Community Empowerment 5 (1), 29-40, 2023
Aplikasi Mobile Untuk Menekan Biaya Penjualan Produk Pertanian Lokal
WS Tjong
Jurnal Nusantara Aplikasi Manajemen Bisnis 8 (1), 78-89, 2023
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Articles 1–20