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Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) dalam Pengolahan Air Bersih di Desa Sukajadi
FA Syuhada, AN Pulungan, A Sutiani, HI Nasution, JL Sihombing, ...
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN 2 (1), 1-10, 2021
Production of activated carbon from natural sources for water purification
RAF Lubis, HI Nasution, M Zubir
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science and Technology 3 (2), 67-73, 2020
Differences in Learning Models of Problem Based Learning and NHT Cooperative Type with Card Media Assistance to Student Learning Outcomes and Activities in Naming Chemical …
SR Hasibuan, M Damanik, HI Nasution
Journal of Transformative Education and Educational Leadership 1 (1), 18-22, 2019
The Mixture Of Water Hyacinth Plant And Chitosan Bentonite As A Modified Absorbent For Pb (II) Removal In Liquid Waste
M Zubir, Z Muchtar, HI Nasution, RA Syahputra, WWW Brata
Pollution Research 39 (2), 245-250, 2020
Analisis kandungan logam berat Besi (Fe) dan Seng (Zn) pada air sumur gali disekitar Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah
HI Nasution
Jurnal Saintika 12 (2), 165-169, 2012
Electroplating Method on Copper (Cu) Substrate with Silver (Ag) Coating Applied
R Selly, S Rahmah, HI Nasution, RA Syahputra, M Zubir
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science and Technology 3 (2), 38-41, 2020
Analisis logam berat Pb dan Cd dalam air sumur di sekitar lokasi pembuangan sampah akhir
HI Nasution, S Silaban
Jurnal ITEKIMA 1 (1), 17-24, 2017
Pembuatan etanol dari rumput gajah (Pennisetum purpureum schumach) menggunakan metode hidrolisis asam dan fermentasi Saccharomyces cerevsiae
P Hasibuan
UNIMED, 2016
Stability analysis of the corona virus (Covid-19) dynamics SEIR model in Indonesia
LP Sinaga, H Nasution, D Kartika
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1819 (1), 012043, 2021
Karakterisasi uji kekuatan tarik (tensile strength) film plastik biodegradable dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit dengan penguat zink oksida dan gliserol
A Mandasari, MF Safitri, ER Perangin-angin, D Sunarwati, WD Safitri, ...
EINSTEIN (e-Journal) 5 (2), 2017
Bio-sorbent and activated carbon adsorption comparative study of Jatropha curcas leaves in reducing free fatty acid (Ffa) and peroxide value (pv) to improving of used cooking …
HI Nasution, M Damanik, S Rahmah, WWW Brata, R Efendi, M Zubir
Pollut. Res. 40, 1-7, 2021
Isolationand Characterization of Nanocrystal from Corncob Waste Using H2SO4 Hydrolysis Method (RESEARCH NOTE)
H Harahap, R Nawansyah, H Nasution, T Taslim, I Iriany
International Journal of Engineering 31 (4), 533-537, 2018
Effect of pressing temperature on the mechanical properties of waste styrofoam filled sawdust composite
H Nasution, H Harahap, R Riani, AI Pelawi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 309 (1), 012034, 2018
PKM Pengolahan Limbah Peternakan Dan Pertanian Menjadi Pupuk Organik Di Desa Wonosari
AN Pulungan, A Sutiani, JL Sihombing, HI Nasution, R Munzirwan
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN 3 (2), 105-114, 2022
Characterization of Modified Fe-Cu Nanoparticle Activated Carbon Derived of Oil Palm Empty Bunches
M Zubir, Z Muchtar, RA Syahputra, TF Sudarma, HI Nasution, RAF Lubis, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1819 (1), 012020, 2021
Synthesis and Characterization of Activated Carbon from Oil Palm Empty Bunches
SA Sari, R Selly, S Rahmah, HI Nasution, M Zubir, LR Banjarnahor, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1819 (1), 012021, 2021
Formulation of Lip Balm using Combination of Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) and Red Palm Oil (RPO) as Lip Moisturizer
HIN Nasution
Final project, Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2018
Preparation and characterization of jatropha curcas leaves as a biosorbent for Pb (II) and Cd (II) removal in liquid waste
M Zubir, Z Muchtar, HI Nasution
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1460 (1), 012080, 2020
Metal Organic Frameworks of CPL-4 and CPL-5 Synthesis and Characterization under Magnetic Fields
M Zubir, HI Nasution, MS Syafei
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science and Technology 2 (1), 7-11, 2019
The Role of Micropores and Amine Groups in Preferential CO2 Adsorptivity of Porous Zn-Coordination Polymers Comprising Mixed Ligands of Triazole and Amino Triazole
M Zubir, HI Nasution, TF Sudarma
Oriental Journal of Chemistry 35 (1), 2019
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