Hilwan Y. Teruna
Hilwan Y. Teruna
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Standarisasi Bahan Obat Alam
A Saifuddin, V Rahayu, HY Teruna
Graha Ilmu: Yogyakarta, 2011
Potential of bacteriocins produced by probiotic bacteria isolated from tiger shrimp and prawns as antibacterial to Vibrio, Pseudomonas, and Aeromonas species on fish
F Feliatra, ZA Muchlisin, HY Teruna, WR Utamy, N Nursyirwani, ...
F1000Research 7, 2018
New Fluorinated Chalcone and Pyrazolines Analogues: Synthesis, Docking and Molecular Dynamic Studies as Anticancer Agents
J Jasril, I Ikhtiaruddin, A Zamri, HY Teruna, N Frimayanti
Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (TJPS) 41 (3), 2017
Total Fenolik, Flavonoid Serta Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak n-Heksana, Diklorometan dan Metanol Amaranthus spinosus L EM5-Bawang Putih
Y Arif, C Jose, HY Teruna
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam …, 2014
Microwave Assisted Synthesis and Evaluation of Toxicity and Antioxidant Activity of Pyrazoline Derivatives
J Jasril, HY Teruna, A Aisyah, N Nurlaili, R Hendra
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 19 (3), 2019
Antibacterial activity in secondary metabolite extracts of heterotrophic bacteria against Vibrio alginolyticus, Aeromonas hydrophila, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
J Setiaji, F Feliatra, HY Teruna, I Lukistyowati, I Suharman, ZA Muchlisin, ...
F1000Research 9, 2020
Synthesis and in silico studies of a benzenesulfonyl curcumin analogue as a new anti dengue virus type 2 (DEN2) NS2B/NS3
A Zamri, HY Teruna, EN Rahmawati, N Frimayanti, I Ikhtiarudin
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 30 (2), 84-90, 2019
Molecular characterization, biological activity, and in silico study of 2-(3, 4-dimethoxyphenyl)-3-(4-fluorophenyl)-6-methoxy-4H-chromen-4-one as a novel selective COX-2 inhibitor
K Rullah, MFFM Aluwi, BM Yamin, MS Baharuddin, NH Ismail, HY Teruna, ...
Journal of Molecular Structure 1081, 51-61, 2015
Microwave-assisted synthesis, molecular docking study and in vitro evaluation of halogen substituted flavonols against P388 murine leukemia cells
I Ikhtiarudin, N Frimayanti, HY Teruna, A Zamri
Applied Science and Technology 1 (1), 375-381, 2017
Comparison of extraction techniques for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil
ETME Silalahi, S Anita, HY Teruna
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1819 (1), 012061, 2021
Cytotoxicity and antiplasmodial properties of different hylocereus polyrhizus peel extracts
R Hendra, R Khodijah, R Putri, R Amalia, Y Haryani, HY Teruna, ...
Medical science monitor basic research 27, e931118-1, 2021
Free Radical Scavenging, Anti‐Infectious, and Toxicity Activities from Stenochlaena palustris (Burm.f.) Bedd. Extracts
R Hendra, R Khodijah, M Almurdani, Y Haryani, AS Nugraha, ...
Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2022 (1), 5729217, 2022
Uji toksisitas ekstrak kulit batang pulai basung (Alstonia spatulata BL) dengan metode brine shrimp lethality test
H Fadhli, HY Teruna, C Jose
J. Ind. Che. Acta Vol 3, 1, 2012
A Zamri, HY Teruna, S Wulansari, N Herfindo, N Frimayanti
Molbank 2019, M1088, 2019
Antidiabetic constituents from Helminthostachys zeylanica (L) hook (Ophioglossaceae)
F El Ridhasya, N Rahim, M Almurdani, R Hendra, HY Teruna
Pharmacognosy Journal 12 (2), 2020
The influences of power variations on selectivity of synthesis reaction of 2’-hydroxychalcone analogue under microwave irradiation
A Zamri, HY Teruna, I Ikhtiarudin
Molekul 11 (2), 299-307, 2016
5-(4-Fluorophenyl)-3-(naphthalen-1-yl)-1-phenyl-4, 5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole
J Jasril, A Zamri, I Ikhtiarudin, HY Teruna
Molbank 2016 (2), M891, 2016
Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Toksisitas Ekstrak Akar Tanaman Amaranthus spinosus’
M Almurdani, C Jose, HY Teruna
J. Ind. Che. Acta Vol 4, 1, 2013
Alkaloids from the stem bark of Orophea hexandra (Annonaceae).
HY Teruna, PG Waterman
Synthesis and molecular docking study of 1-(3-chloropropyl)-3, 5-bis ((E)-4-methoxybenzylidene) piperidin-4-one as dengue virus type 2 (DEN2) NS2B/NS3 protease inhibitor candidate
R Habibi, N Herfindo, R Hendra, HY Teruna, A Zamri
Pharmacol. Clin. Pharm. Res 5, 14-22, 2020
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Articles 1–20