Bayu Rahmat Setiadi
Bayu Rahmat Setiadi
Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Email yang diverifikasi di uny.ac.id
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Perbedaan pengaturan tempat duduk siswa pada pembelajaran saintifik di SMK
BR Setiadi, SD Ramdani
VANOS Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Education 1 (1), 2016
ICT-based learning media development
D Ratnawati, A Wijayanti, W Widodo, BR Setiadi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1446 (1), 012038, 2020
Eksplorasi sub-sub sektor industri kreatif di pusat-pusat keramaian kabupaten kulon progo
P Roniwijaya, S Priyanto, BR Setiadi
Pemanfaatan social web environment dalam menciptakan student-centered learning dan peningkatan keterampilan siswa pada pembelajaran
NW Abdulmajid
The development of mechanical drawing job-sheet for vocational high school instructional
A Nuryanto, NS Rahayu, BR Setiadi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1446 (1), 012013, 2020
The abilities of vocational high school students in reading of orthogonal projection drawing
J Puspito, YP Putra, D Kurniawan, BR Setiadi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1700 (1), 012007, 2020
Development e-learning to improve student activity with technological pedagogical and content knowledge
S Setuju, BR Setiadi, D Ratnawati, A Widowati, A Wijayanti, AB Johan, ...
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE) 7 (2.5), 100-103, 2018
Improving elementary students' mathematical reasoning abilities through sociohumanistic-based learning
R Hidayat, W Wahyudin, J Jailani, BR Setiadi
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8 (4), 1457-1469, 2020
Modernisasi bengkel laboratorium kejuruan abad 21
A Ghufron, S Suwarna, S Sunarto, S Andayani, BR Setiadi, KI Ismara
Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, 2019
Techno-pest control berbasis IoT untuk proteksi tanaman padi
D Ratnawati, BR Setiadi
Jurnal Dinamika Vokasional Teknik Mesin 4 (2), 129-133, 2019
Preparing engineering students for entrepreneurial creative industires
BR Setiadi, S Suparmin
Global Journal of Engineering Education 20, 127-131, 2018
Kajian Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis Material Komposit Dengan Matrik Alsimg Diperkuat Dengan Serbuk Sic
B Setiadi, S Sulardjaka
Jurnal Teknik Mesin 2 (4), 480-487, 2014
Temperature distribution in bio stove using saw dust: An integrated project-based learning
W Wagiran, M Mujiyono, BR Setiadi, YE Wibowo, F Surahmanto, ...
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology 8 (1), 127-140, 2023
Rearranging laboratory design towards good vocational school governance
KI Ismara, BR Setiadi, AW Khurniawan, D Supriadi
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 11 (12), 301-305, 2019
The development of arithmetic gamification using digital dice
S Widodo, P Rahayu, N Adjie, SA Widodo, BR Setiadi
Int. J. Eng. Technol 7 (3.2), 751-755, 2018
Upgrading manual turning machine towards IoT-based manufacturing
S Sutopo, BR Setiadi, M Hanzla
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan 26 (2), 155-161, 2020
Mobile pocketbook of the 4Cs skills-oriented inform of Quick Response Code
BR Setiadi, ABJ Subagyo, M Nurtanto, HN Sugiyono
Enhancing of Student Collaboration in Thinking, Pairing, and Sharing on Energy Conversion Learning
S Sutopo, BR Setiadi, M Nurtanto, S Purnomo, NA Handoyono, AB Johan
International Journal of Higher Education 9 (4), 199-199, 2020
Enhancing of Student Involvement and Collaboration through Think-Pair-Share Model on Energy Conversion Learning.
BR Setiadi, M Nurtanto, S Purnomo, NA Handoyono, AB Johan
International Journal of Higher Education 9 (4), 199-205, 2020
Indonesian Vocational Education Workplace Development
KI Ismara, BR Setiadi, IH Kuncoro
Int J Psychosoc Rehabil 24 (9), 167-176, 2020
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